WATVP_D3_VIIRS_SNPP - VIIRS/SNPP Level-3 Daily Mean Water Vapor Global 0.5x0.5 Degree Grid
The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) NASA Level-3 (L3) daily water vapor product is an aggregation dataset derived from the SNPP VIIRS L2 Water Vapor product. “D3” refers to a daily-produced L3 product, which is processed to generate a global 0.5°by 0.5°gridded daily mean data separated by day and night. It contains the following six Science Data Sets (SDS) that each carry a common set of statistical variables for each grid cell:
- day_atmosphere_water_vapor_content_nucaps_bg (NUCAPS1 retrieval)
- day_atmosphere_water_vapor_content_viirs_nucaps (VIIRS + NUCAPS retrieval)
- day_atmosphere_water_vapor_content_viirs_only (VIIRS-only retrieval)
- night_atmosphere_water_vapor_content_nucaps_bg (NUCAPS retrieval)
- night_atmosphere_water_vapor_content_viirs_nucaps (VIIRS + NUCAPS retrieval)
- night_atmosphere_water_vapor_content_viirs_only (VIIRS-only retrieval)
Each SDS above includes the following statistical variables: mean, n_points, standard_deviation, sum, and sum_squares. The temporal range for this SNPP VIIRS L3 daily product, in Network Common Data Form (netCDF), starts from March 1, 2012 (Julian day – 061). Version-1 defines the current collection for the water vapor suite that is available from the LAADS DAAC.
Consult the SNPP VIIR Water Vapor product user guide and Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for additional information regarding the water vapor product suite, its algorithm, global attributes, data field attributes, SDS names and descriptions, quality flags, etc.
- NUCAPS: NOAA Unique CrIS ATMS processing System: A NOAA-developed system that produces: (1) spectrally and spatially thinned radiances, (2) retrieved products such as profiles of temperature, moisture, trace gases and cloud-cleared radiances, and (3) global validation products such as radiosonde matchups and gridded radiances and profiles.
- Search for Product Files
- Data Archive
- VIIRS/Suomi-NPP Water Vapor Products Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
- Suomi-NPP VIIRS WATVP Products V001 – User Guide
Shortname: | WATVP_D3_VIIRS_SNPP |
Platform: | Suomi-NPP |
Instrument: | VIIRS |
Processing Level: | Level-3 |
File Size (MB): | ~35 MB |
Data Format: | netCDF4 |
Spatial Resolution: | 0.5d |
Temporal Resolution: | daily |
Spatial Coverage: | Global |
ArchiveSets: | 5110 |
Collection: | NPP VIIRS collection 1.0 (ArchiveSet 5110) |
Production Frequency: | One file per day |
Data Authors: | Dr. E. Eva Borbas (PI), Dr. Zhenglong Li, and Dr. W. Paul Menzel |
Dataset Originator/Creator: | VIIRS Atmosphere Science Team/Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
PGE Number: | NONE |
File Naming Convention: | Syntax: ESDT.AYYYYDDD.CCC.YYYYDDDHHMMSS.Format
Citation: | Please cite the use of this data set in a publication using the following citation. Author (PI), et al., 2019. Product name as given on product web site. NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA: [DOI link]. For example: Borbas, E.E., et al, 2019, VIIRS/SNPP Level-3 Daily Mean Water Vapor Products. NASA MODIS Adaptive Processing System, Goddard Space Flight Center, USA: https://dx.doi.org/10.5067/VIIRS/WATVP_D3_VIIRS_SNPP.001 |
Keywords: | VIIRS, L3 Grid, Daily aggregation, 0.5 deg., Total Precipitable Water Vapor, NUCAPS |