VNP02MOD - VIIRS/NPP Moderate Resolution 6-Min L1B Swath 750m

Shortname: VNP02MOD
Platform: Suomi-NPP
Instrument: VIIRS
Processing Level: Level-1B
Data Format: netCDF4/HDF5
Spatial Resolution: 750 m
Temporal Resolution: 6 minute
ArchiveSets: 5200
Collection: NPP and JPSS1 VIIRS data 2.0 (ArchiveSet 5200)
PGE Number: PGE502
File Naming Convention:


  • ESDT Earth Science Data Type or Shortname
  • A Stands for Acquisition
  • YYYYDDD Data acquisition year and Day-of-year per the Julian Calendar
  • HHMM Acquisition Hour and Minute
  • CCC Version ID of the data collection
  • YYYYDDDHHMMSS Processing year, Day-of-year, UTC time (hour, minutes, seconds)
  • Format File format suffix, which in the above case represents netCDF4/HDF5
Citation: Lin, G., Wolfe, R.E., Zhang, P., Dellomo, J.J., & Tan, B. (2022) Ten Years of VIIRS On-Orbit Geolocation Calibration and Performance. In *Remote Sensing*, 14, 4212.

Lin, G., Wolfe, R. E., Dellomo, J. J., Tan, B., & Zhang, P. (2020). SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS on-orbit geolocation trending and improvements. In *Earth Observing Systems XXV* (Vol. 11501, pp. 215-225). SPIE.

Wolfe, R.E., Lin, G., Nishihama, M., Tewari, K.P., Tilton, J.C., & Isaacman, A.R. (2013) Suomi NPP VIIRS prelaunch and on-orbit geometric calibration and characterization. *J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.* 118, 11508-11521.

Wolfe, R.E., Lin, G., Nishihama, M. Tewari, K.P., & Montano, E. (2013) NPP VIIRS Early On-Orbit Geometric Performance. In *Proceedings of the Earth Observing Systems XVII*, San Diego, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, Volume 8510, p. 851013.
Keywords: SNPP VIIRS, L1B, Moderate resolution, M-bands, Calibrated Radiances