VNP10 Product File Specification Version: V1.0.0 Revision: 0 Date: 22 January 2019 ESDT: VNP10 Product name: Snow Cover Product Level: 2 PGE: 507 Point of Contact: George Riggs SSAI NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5650 Principal Investigator: Dorothy K. Hall NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5771 Co-Investigator: George Riggs SSAI NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5650 Description: This data set reports the location of snow cover using radiance data acquired by the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on board the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite. Snow cover is identified using the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) and a series of quality control screens. Snow covered land typically has a very high reflectance in visible bands and very low reflectance in the shortwave infrared. The Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) reveals the magnitude of this difference, with values greater than 0 typically indicating the presence of at least some snow. The algorithm for this data set calculates NDSI using VIIRS image bands I1 (0.64 µm, visible red) and I3 (1.61 µm, shortwave near-infrared) and then applies a series of data screens designed to alleviate likely errors and flag uncertain snow detections. The data product and algorithm are described in the VIIRS Snow Cover Data Product User Guide. The user should refer to that document for detailed description of the product, how to interpret the product and attributes (metadata). Other information may be found at SDSs produced: Algorithm_bit_flags_QA Basic_QA NDSI NDSI_Snow_Cover latitude longitude Contents: Global Metadata: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: AlgorithmType STRING 1 STIG "OPS" AlgorithmVersion STRING 1 STIG Variable Conventions STRING 1 STIG Variable DayNightFlag STRING 1 STIG "Day" EastBoundingCoord FLOAT 1 STIG Variable WestBoundingCoord FLOAT 1 STIG Variable NorthBoundingCoord FLOAT 1 STIG Variable SouthBoundingCoord FLOAT 1 STIG Variable GRingPointLongitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRingPointLatitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable RangeEndingDate STRING 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingTime STRING 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningDate STRING 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningTime STRING 1 PGE Variable StartTime STRING 1 PGE Variable EndTime STRING 1 PGE Variable InputPointer STRING 3 PGE Variable InstrumentShortname STRING 1 PGE "VIIRS" LocalGranuleID STRING 1 PGE Variable LongName STRING 1 STIG "VIIRS/NPP Snow Cover 6-Min L2 Swath 375m" PGEVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable PGE_EndTime STRING 1 PGE Variable PGE_Name STRING 1 PGE "PGE507" PGE_StartTime STRING 1 PGE Variable ProcessCenter STRING 1 STIG "LandSIPS" ProcessingEnvironment STRING 1 PGE Variable QAPercentBestQuality STRING 1 PGE Variable QAPercentCloudCover STRING 1 PGE Variable QAPercentGoodQuality STRING 1 PGE Variable QAPercentOtherQuality STRING 1 PGE Variable QAPercentPoorQuality STRING 1 PGE Variable SatelliteInstrument STRING 1 PGE "NPP_OPS" ShortName STRING 1 MCF "VNP10" VersionID STRING 1 PGE Variable cdm_data_type STRING 1 PGE "swath" creator_email STRING 1 PGE "" creator_name STRING 1 PGE "VIIRS Land SIPS Processing Group" creator_url STRING 1 PGE "" identifier_product_doi STRING 1 PGE "10.5067/VIIRS/VNP10.001" identifier_product_doi_authority STRING 1 PGE "" institution STRING 1 PGE "NASA Goddard Space Flight Center" keywords_vocabulary STRING 1 PGE "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords" license STRING 1 PGE "" naming_authority STRING 1 PGE "gov.nasa.gsfc.VIIRSland" processing_level STRING 1 PGE "Level 2" project STRING 1 PGE "VIIRS Land SIPS Snow Cover Project" publisher_email STRING 1 PGE "" publisher_name STRING 1 PGE "LAADS" publisher_url STRING 1 PGE "" stdname_vocabulary STRING 1 PGE "NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention" title STRING 1 STIG "VIIRS Snow Cover Data" =============================================================================== SDS Name: latitude Description: Latitude data Number Type: DFNT_FLOAT32 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(6496,6400) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "number_of_lines" Dimension1: "number_of_pixels" SDS Attributes: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name STRING 1 PGE "Latitude data" units STRING 1 PGE "degrees_north" valid_range DFNT_FLOAT32 2 PGE -90.00000, 90.0000 _FillValue DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE -999.0000 =============================================================================== SDS Name: longitude Description: Longitude data Number Type: DFNT_FLOAT32 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(6496,6400) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "number_of_lines" Dimension1: "number_of_pixels" SDS Attributes: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name STRING 1 PGE "Longitude data" units STRING 1 PGE "degrees_east" valid_range DFNT_FLOAT32 2 PGE -180.00000, 180.0000 _FillValue DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE -999.0000 =============================================================================== SDS Name: NDSI_Snow_Cover Description: Snow cover by NDSI Number Type: DFNT_UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(6496,6400) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "number_of_lines" Dimension1: "number_of_pixels" SDS Attributes: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "Snow cover by NDSI" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0,100 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 coordinates STRING 1 PGE "latitude longitude" mask_meanings STRING 1 PGE "201=no decision, 211=night, 237=lake, 239=ocean, 250=cloud, 251=missing data, 253=bowtie trim, 254=L1B fill" mask_values DFNT_UINT8 9 PGE 201, 211, 237, 239, 250, 251, 253, 254 =============================================================================== SDS Name: NDSI Description: NDSI for land/inland water pixels Number Type: DFNT_FLOAT32 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(6496,6400) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "number_of_lines" Dimension1: "number_of_pixels" SDS Attributes: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "NDSI for land/inland water pixels" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE -1000,1000 scale_factor DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE 0.001 _FillValue DFNT_INT16 1 PGE 32767 coordinates STRING 1 PGE "latitude longitude" mask_meanings STRING 1 PGE "21100=night, 23900=ocean, 25100=L1B_missing, 25200=L1B_unusable, 25300=bowtie_trim, 25400=L1B_fill" mask_values DFNT_UINT8 9 PGE 21100, 23900, 25100, 25200, 25300, 25400 =============================================================================== SDS Name: Algorithm_bit_flags_QA Description: Algorithm bit flags Number Type: DFNT_UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(6496,6400) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "number_of_lines" Dimension1: "number_of_pixels" SDS Attributes: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "Algorithm bit flags" comment STRING string length PGE "Bit flags are set for select conditions detected by data screens in the algorithm, multiple flags may be set for a pixel.Default is all bits off" valid_range DFNT_UING8 2 PGE 0,255 coordinates STRING 1 PGE "latitude longitude" flag_masks STRING 1 PGE "1b, 2b, 4b, 8b, 16b, 32b, 64b, 128b" flag_meanings STRING 1 PGE "inland_water_flag low_visible_screen low_NDSI_screen combined_surface_temperature_and_height_screen/flag spare high_SWIR_screen/flag spare solar_zenith_flag" =============================================================================== SDS Name: Basic_QA Description: Basic QA value Number Type: DFNT_UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(6496,6400) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "number_of_lines" Dimension1: "number_of_pixels" SDS Attributes: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "Basic QA value" _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 coordinates STRING 1 PGE "latitude longitude" key STRING 1 PGE "0=good, 1=poor, 2=bad, 3=other" mask_meanings STRING 1 PGE "211=night 239=ocean 250=cloud 252=no_decision 253=bowtie_trim" mask_values DFNT_UINT8 7 PGE 211, 239, 250, 252, 253 valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0,3 ===============================================================================