MYD13C1 Product File Specification Version: V6.0.0 Revision: 1.1.0 Date: 13 January 2005 ESDT: MYD13C1 Product name: MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG Product level: 3 PGE: 27 Point of Contact: Andree Jacobson Senior Application Systems Analyst MODIS Land Team Terrestrial Biophysics and Remote Sensing Group (TBRS) 1200 E. South Campus Drive, 429 Shantz Bldg. #38, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0038, USA Office 520-626-2086; Fax 520-621-1797 Andree@Ag.Arizona.EDU Principal Investigator: Alfredo Huete Terrestrial Biophysics and Remote Sensing Group (TBRS) 1200 E South Campus Drive, Room 429, Shantz Bldg. #38, Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Office 520 621 3228; Fax 520 621 5401 Description: This is the file specification for the 16 day MODIS VI CMG Product. The output product have datafields for the NDVI, EVI, VI QA, reflectance data, angular information, and spatial statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and number of used input pixels at the 0.05 degree CMG resolution. The prodcut is produced with the MOD13A2 (1km) product as input. Nominally each input consists of 286 tiles which are reprojected into the geographic projection and spatially averaged and QA filtered. This version of the algorithm works for both Terra (MOD) and Aqua (MYD) processing, with suitable changes in the pcf files. Descriptions of metadata attributes and SDSs are given. Contents: SDSs always produced: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days EVI CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days VI Quality CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days red reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NIR reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days blue reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days MIR reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days Avg sun zen angle CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI std dev CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days EVI std dev CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days #1km pix used CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days #1km pix +-30deg VZ CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days pixel reliability ECS Metadata: CoreMetadata.0 ArchiveMetadata.0 StructMetadata.0 Notes: (A) implies that multiple values are stored within a single array. A value of "Variable" indicates that this value will vary according to the granule being processed. "M" mean class M. Name: Data Type: # values: Source: Value: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CoreMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 SDPTK Variable LOCALGRANULEID STRING 1 PGE Variable SIZEMBECSDATAGRANULE FLOAT 1 DSS Variable PRODUCTIONDATETIME DATETIME 1 PGE Variable DAYNIGHTFLAG STRING 1 PGE Variable REPROCESSINGPLANNED STRING 1 PGE "further update is anticipated" REPROCESSINGACTUAL STRING 1 PGE "processed once" LOCALVERSIONID STRING 1 PGE Variable SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG STRING 1 PGE "Not Investigated" SCIENCEQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION STRING 1 PGE "See for the product Science Quality status" AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG STRING 1 PGE "Pass" AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION STRING 1 PGE "No automatic quality assessment is performed in the PGE" OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAG STRING 1 PGE "being investigated" OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION STRING 1 PGE Variable QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA INTEGER 1 PGE Variable QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA INTEGER 1 PGE Variable QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER INTEGER 1 PGE Variable QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA INTEGER 1 PGE Variable PARAMETERNAME STRING 1 PGE Variable VERSIONID STRING 1 MCF "6" SHORTNAME STRING 1 MCF "MOD13C1" INPUTPOINTER STRING < 460 PGE Variable (A) WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE DOUBLE 1 PGE -180.0 NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE DOUBLE 1 PGE 90.0 EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE DOUBLE 1 PGE 180.0 SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE DOUBLE 1 PGE -90.0 RANGEBEGINNINGDATE DATE 1 PGE Variable RANGEBEGINNINGTIME TIME 1 PGE Variable RANGEENDINGDATE DATE 1 PGE Variable RANGEENDINGTIME TIME 1 PGE Variable PGEVERSION STRING 1 PGE "6.0.0" or Variable ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME STRING 1 MCF "Aqua" ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" **Product Specific Attributes (PSA)** ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.1 M 1 PGE QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY PARAMETERVALUE.1 STRING 1 PGE Variable ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.2 M 1 PGE QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY PARAMETERVALUE.2 STRING 1 PGE Variable ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.3 M 1 PGE QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDCLOUD PARAMETERVALUE.3 STRING 1 PGE Variable ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.4 M 1 PGE QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER PARAMETERVALUE.4 STRING 1 PGE Variable ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.5 M 1 PGE NDVICMG16DAYQCLASSPERCENTAGE PARAMETERVALUE.5 STRING 1 PGE Variable ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.6 M 1 PGE EVICMG16DAYQCLASSPERCENTAGE PARAMETERVALUE.6 STRING 1 PGE Variable Name: Data Type: # values: Source: Value: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ArchiveMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 SDPTK Variable SPSOPARAMETERS STRING 4 MCF "2749", "4334", "2749a", "4334a" ALGORITHMPACKAGEACCEPTANCEDATE STRING 1 PGE "2004-10-01" (or Variable) ALGORITHMPACKAGEMATURITYCODE STRING 1 PGE "Normal" (or Variable) ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME STRING 1 PGE "MOD_PR13C1" (or Variable) ALGORITHMPACKAGEVERSION STRING 1 PGE "6" (or Variable) INSTRUMENTNAME STRING 1 MCF "Moderate-Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer" LONGNAME STRING 1 MCF "MODIS/Aqua Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG" PROCESSINGCENTER STRING 1 MCF "MODAPS" SEAPROCESSED STRING 1 PGE Variable DESCRrevision STRING 1 PGE Variable CHARACTERISTICBINANGULARSIZE DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable CHARACTERISTICBINSIZE DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable DATACOLUMNS INTEGER 1 PGE Variable DATAROWS INTEGER 1 PGE Variable GLOBALGRIDCOLUMNS INTEGER 1 PGE Variable GLOBALGRIDROWS INTEGER 1 PGE Variable NUMBEROFDAYS INTEGER 1 PGE Variable DAYSPROCESSED STRING 16 PGE Variable GEOANYABNORMAL STRING 1 PGE Variable GEOESTMAXRMSERROR DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable QAPERCENTPOORQCMG16DAYNDVI INTEGER 16 PGE Variable QAPERCENTPOORQCMG16DAYEVI INTEGER 16 PGE Variable NDVICMG16DAYQCLASSPERCENTAGE INTEGER 1 PGE Variable EVICMG16DAYQCLASSPERCENTAGE INTEGER 1 PGE Variable PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT STRING 1 PGE Variable PERCENTLAND INTEGER 1 PGE Variable SNOWICEPROCESSED STRING 1 PGE Variable Name: Data Type: # values: Source: Value: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ StructuralMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 SDPTK Variable StructMetadata.0: GROUP=SwathStructure END_GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=GRID_1 GridName="MODIS_Grid_16Day_VI_CMG" XDim=7200 YDim=3600 UpperLeftPointMtrs=(-180000000.000000 90000000.000000 LowerRightMtrs=(180000000.000000 -90000000.000000 GridOrigin=HDFE_GD_UL Projection=GCTP_GEO GROUP=Dimension END_GROUP=Dimension GROUP=DataField OBJECT=DataField_1 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_1 OBJECT=DataField_2 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days EVI" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_2 OBJECT=DataField_3 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days VI Quality" DataType=DFNT_UINT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_3 OBJECT=DataField_4 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days red reflectance" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_4 OBJECT=DataField_5 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NIR reflectance" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_5 OBJECT=DataField_6 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days blue reflectance" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_6 OBJECT=DataField_7 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days MIR reflectance" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_7 OBJECT=DataField_8 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days Avg sun zen angle" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_8 OBJECT=DataField_9 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI std dev" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_9 OBJECT=DataField_10 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days EVI std dev" DataType=DFNT_INT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_10 OBJECT=DataField_11 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days #1km pix used" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_11 OBJECT=DataField_12 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days #1km pix +-30deg VZ" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_12 OBJECT=DataField_13 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days pixel reliability" DataType=DFNT_INT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_13 END_GROUP=DataField GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=GRID_1 END_GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=PointStructure END_GROUP=PointStructure END Global HDF Attributes Name: Data Type: # values: Source: Value: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HDFEOSVersion STRING 1 SDPTK Variable End Global Metadata ================================================================================================ SDS Definitions: Note: All data stored within DataFields that contain the HDF attributes "scale_factor" and "add_offset" are scaled according to the following data conversion: file data = (parameter * scale_factor) + add_offset parameter = (file data - add_offset) / scale_factor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_1 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI Description: Spatially complete data with cloud filtered and gap filled NDVI values Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (3600, 7200) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_1 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI" units STRING string length PGE "NDVI" valid_range INT16 2 PGE -2000, 10000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -3000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_2 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days EVI Description: Spatially complete data with cloud filtered and gap filled EVI values Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_2 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days EVI" units STRING string length PGE "EVI" valid_range INT16 2 PGE -2000, 10000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -3000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_3 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days VI Quality Description: Quality Assurance data for both VI layers defined above. The 16 bit unsigned integer has been divided into 9 separate QA fields that are defined below: Bit: Description: 0-1 NDVI quality 00 NDVI produced, good quality; 01 NDVI produced, but check QA 10 (pixel not produced due to cloud effects) pixel produced but most likely cloudy 11 pixel not produced due to other reasons than clouds 2-5 VI usefulness Four bit range where 0 is highest quality, 14 quality too low to be useful, 15 not useful for any other reason (used for fills). The value is calculated from other QA fields according to the contribution table below. Parameter Condition Contribution ------------------------------------------------------------ Aerosol Quantity Aerosol level: High 3 Aerosol level: Climatology 2 Aerosol level: Average 1 Adjacent Cloud If detected 2 BRDF Correction If not performed 1 Mixed Clouds If detected 3 Geospatial Quality <=25% contribution 3 <=50% contribution 2 <=75% contribution 1 View Zenith Pixels <50% with +-30deg 2 <100% with +-30deg 1 6-7 aerosol quantity: climatology (00), low (01), average (10), high (11) 8 Adjacent cloud detected; yes (1) or no (0) 9 yes (1) no (0) atmosphere BRDF correction performed 10 mixed clouds yes (1) no (0)mixed clouds 11-12 land/water flag 00 ocean; 01 coast; 10 wetland; 11 land 13-14 Geospatial quality (Percent contribution) 00 : 25% or less of the finer resolution data contribued to this CMG pixel 01 : 50% or less of the finer resolution data contribued to this CMG pixel 10 : 75% or less of the finer resolution data contribued to this CMG pixel 11 : 100% or less of the finer resolution data contribued to this CMG pixel 15 composite method for NDVI 0 BRDF model based nadir equivalent VI (Currently not used) 1 CVMVC (constraint view angle maximum value VI) Data Type: UINT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_3 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days VI Quality" units STRING string length PGE "bit field" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 65534 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE 65535 Legend STRING 1553 PGE *Legend similar to above* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_4 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days red reflectance Description: QA filtered and spatially averaged red reflectance data Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_4 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days red reflectance" units STRING string length PGE "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 10000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_5 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NIR reflectance Description: QA filtered and spatially averaged NIR reflectance data Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_5 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NIR reflectance" units STRING string length PGE "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 10000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_6 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days blue reflectance Description: QA filtered and spatially averaged blue reflectance data Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_6 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days blue reflectance" units STRING string length PGE "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 10000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_7 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days MIR reflectance Description: QA filtered and spatially averaged MIR reflectance data Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_7 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days MIR reflectance" units STRING string length PGE "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 10000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_8 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days Avg sun zen angle Description: QA filtered and spatially averaged sun zenith angle data Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_8 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days Avg sun zen angle" units STRING string length PGE "degrees" valid_range INT16 2 PGE -9000, 9000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -10000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 100.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_9 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI std dev Description: Standard deviation computed from input NDVI pixels that passed QA filtering Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_9 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI std dev" units STRING string length PGE "NDVI" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 10000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -3000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_10 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days EVI std dev Description: Standard deviation computed from input EVI pixels that passed QA filtering Data Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_10 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days EVI std dev" units STRING string length PGE "EVI" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 10000 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -3000 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_11 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days #1km pix used Description: The number of 1km input pixels that passed the QA filter and were used for calculation of the resulting CMG pixel. Will be set to 0 if no pixels were used. This is also true for pixels in boreal darkness. The layer is complete and was constructed by referring to the ancillary input landwater mask. Data Type: UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_11 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days #1km pix used" units STRING string length PGE "Pixels" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 36 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE 255 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 1.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_12 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days #1km pix +-30deg VZ Description: The number of 1km input pixels that passed the QA filter and had a view zenith angle less than +/-30 degrees in the input data. This number will always be less than or equal to the number defined in SDS #11 above. Data Type: UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_12 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days #1km pix +-30deg VZ" units STRING string length PGE "Pixels" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 36 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE 255 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 1.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDS Definition: DataField_13 Name: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days pixel reliability Description: The CMG pixel realiability is a ranking scheme that summarizes all QA info indicating how reliable the pixel is: -1 : No data, FILL value 0 : Ideal data, use with confidence 1 : Good data, but with one or more problems of aerosol, shadow, viewing geomtery, etc.. 2 : Possible snow/ice cover (only set if requested in the PCF). The algorithm uses a threshold technique based on the input QA snow/ ice flag. If 10% or more of contributing input pixels to a CMG pixel have the snow/ice flag set, it will be marked as snow/ice. In case the PCF flag is set to NO, no information regarding snow/ice cover will be present in the output. There is a metadata attribute in the output file, "SNOWICEFLAGGED", that indicates whether or not snow/ice was flagged at processing time. 3 : Cloud covered data Theoretically there should be no cloudy data in this product. The algorithm completely filters all cloudy data and fill the gaps using historic MODIS time series data set. However, when no historic data is available (<0.002% of all pixels, collection 4 icorrectly marked data), the VI layers will display a fill calculated from cloudy values and this will be indicated in the pixel reliability. 4 : No real data, estimaetd from historic time series(*) (*) The historic time series used to fill the gaps is a compilation of a consistent year average from all the MODIS data to this date. This historic data set is only used when actual data is missing or cloudy for the composite periods being processed. Data Type: INT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" DataField_13 HDF Attributes: Attribute: Data Type: Number of Values: Source: Value: long_name STRING string length PGE "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days pixel reliability" units STRING string length PGE "rank" valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0, 4 _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 1.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 PGE 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------