MYD10C2 Climate Modeling Grid (CMG) Product File Specification Version: 6.0.0 Revision: 0 Date: 21 December 2015 Product ID: MYD10 Process: MOD_PR10C2 ESDT: MYD10C2 Product name: MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG Product Level: 3 Point of Contact: George Riggs SSAI NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5650 Principal Investigator: Vincent V. Salomonson NASA, GSFC, Code 900 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5631 Associate Investigator: Dorothy K. Hall NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5771 Description: Specification description of the MYD10C2 Climate Modeling Grid (CMG) eight-day snow product at 0.05Deg resolution. A general description of the ECS global metadata is given. Descriptions of the SDSs are given along with a listing of the ECS global attributes (metadata), global attributes, local attributes, dimensions, and content of the SDSs. The level 3 CMG snow cover product is archived in HDF-EOS format and consists of 4 global attributes and 4 SDSs with local attributes. The CMG is in the HDF-EOS geographic projection with a cell resolution of 0.05 degrees (approximately 5.55 km). Contents: SDS names: Eight_Day_CMG_Snow_Cover Eight_Day_CMG_Clear_Index Eight_Day_CMG_Cloud_Obscured Snow_Spatial_QA Global Metadata: CoreMetadata.0 ArchiveMetadata.0 StructMetadata.0 HDFEOSVersion Name: Type: Num_Val:Source: Value: CoreMetadata.0 PVL-STRING TK LocalGranuleID STRING 1 PGE Variable SizeMBECSDataGranule DOUBLE 1 DSS Variable ProductionDateTime DATETIME1 TK Variable DayNightFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable ReprocessingActual STRING 1 PGE Variable LocalVersionID STRING 1 PGE "SCF V6.0.0" ReprocessingPlanned STRING 1 PGE Variable ScienceQualityFlag STRING 1 DP "Not Investigated" AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 PGE "No automatic quality assessment done in the PGE." AutomaticQualityFlag STRING 1 PGE "Passed" OperationalQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 DAAC Variable OperationalQualityFlag STRING 1 DAAC Variable ScienceQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 DP "See for the Science QA status of this product." QAPercentMissingData INTEGER 1 PGE 0-100 QAPercentCloudCover INTEGER 1 PGE 0-100 ParameterName STRING 1 PGE "Eight Day Global Snow Cover VersionID INTEGER 1 MCF Variable ShortName STRING 1 MCF "MYD10C2" InputPointer STRING 461 PGE Variable EastBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE (180.000000) WestBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE (-180.000000) SouthBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE (-90.00000) NorthBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE (90.000000) ZoneIdentifier STRING 1 PGE "Other Grid System" " RangeEndingDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingTime TIME 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningTime TIME 1 PGE Variable PGEVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable AssociatedSensorShortName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" AssociatedPlatformShortName STRING 1 MCF "Aqua" AssociatedInstrumentShortname STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" ** Product Specific Attributes (PSAs) ** AdditionalAttributeName.1 STRING 1 PGE QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY ParameterValue.1 STRING 1 PGE 0-100 AdditionalAttributeName.2 STRING 1 PGE QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY ParameterValue.2 STRING 1 PGE 0-100 AdditionalAttributeName.3 STRING 1 PGE SNOWCOVERPERCENT ParameterValue.3 STRING 1 PGE 0-100 End CoreMetadata.0 _________________________________ Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: ArchiveMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 TK Variable AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate STRING 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode STRING 1 PGE "OPL" AlgorithmPackageName STRING 1 PGE "MOD_PR10C2" AlgorithmPackageVersion STRING 1 PGE "V6.0.0" LongName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG" InstrumentName STRING 1 MCF "Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer" PlatformShortName STRING 1 MCF "Aqua" GlobalGridColumns INTEGER 1 PGE 7200 GlobalGridRows INTEGER 1 PGE 3600 ProcessingCenter STRING 1 MCF "MODAPS" ProcessingDateTime DATETIME 1 PGE Variable SPSOParameters STRING 1 PGE "none" DESCRevision STRING 1 MCF Variable ProcesssingEnvironment STRING 1 PGE Variable End ArchiveMetadata.0 _________________________________ StructMetadata.0 DFNT_CHAR8 32000 GROUP=SwathStructure END_GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=GRID_1 GridName="MOD_CMG_Snow_5km" XDim=7200 YDim=3600 UpperLeftPointMtrs=(-180000000.000000,90000000.000000) LowerRightMtrs=(180000000.000000,-90000000.000000) Projection=GCTP_GEO GridOrigin=HDFE_GD_UL GROUP=Dimension END_GROUP=Dimension GROUP=DataField OBJECT=DataField_1 DataFieldName="Eight_Day_CMG_Snow_Cover" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=9 END_OBJECT=DataField_1 OBJECT=DataField_2 DataFieldName="Eight_Day_CMG_Clear_Index" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=9 END_OBJECT=DataField_2 OBJECT=DataField_3 DataFieldName="Eight_Day_CMG_Cloud_Obscured" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=9 END_OBJECT=DataField_3 OBJECT=DataField_4 DataFieldName="Snow_Spatial_QA" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=9 END_OBJECT=DataField_4 END_GROUP=DataField GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=GRID_1 END_GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=PointStructure END_GROUP=PointStructure END Other Global Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val:Source: Value: HDFEOSVersion DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE Variable End Other Global Attributes -------------------------- =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Eight_Day_CMG_Snow_Cover Description: This SDS provides an eight day global view of snow cover extent at 0.05 x 0.05 degree resolution. Data given is the percentage of snow-covered land based on the total amount of land that could be in the CMG cell. This value is based on the counts of pixels binned into the CMG cell from the 8-day snow product (MYD10A2). Number Type: DFNT_UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(Xdim, Ydim) SDS attributes: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "Eight day snow cover extent, 5km" units DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "none" format DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "I3" coordsys DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "latitude, longitude" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0, 100 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 Mask_Value DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 254 Night_Value DFNT_UINT8 1 PGE 111 Water_mask_land_threshold (%) DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE 12.00000 Antarctica_snow_note DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "Antarctica deliberately mapped as snow" Key DFNT_CHAR8 1 PGE "0-100=percent of snow in a cell, 107=lake ice, 111=night, 237=inland water, 239=ocean, 250=cloud obscured water, 253=data not mapped, 255=fill" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Eight_Day_CMG_Clear_Index Description: Data is the percentage of land observed (clear sky view of the surface) in a CMG cell based on the total amount of land that could be in the CMG cell. An ancillary data file of the amount of land in a CMG cell, as determined from the land/water mask, was created and used for the base of this percentage. If all the land area in a cell was observable the data value would be 100. The percentage of snow in a cell is related to this value in that this value indicates how much confidence may be associated with the amount of snow reported for the cell. Number Type: DFNT_UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(Xdim, Ydim) SDS Metadata: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "Clear index for the eight day snow map" units DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "none" format DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "I3" coordsys DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "latitude, longitude" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0, 100 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 Mask_Value DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 254 Water_mask_land_threshold (%) DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE 12.00000 Antarctica_Clear_index_note DFNT_CHAR8 1 PGE "Antarctica deliberately mapped as snow. Clear index set to 100." Key DFNT_CHAR8 1 PGE "0-100=clear index value, 107=lake ice, 237=inland water, 239=ocean, 250=cloud obscured water, 253=data not mapped, 255=fill" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Eight_Day_CMG_Cloud_Obscured Description: This SDS provides a daily global view of the amount of cloud obscuration observed in a cell for the period. Data given is the percentage of cloud-covered land based on the amount of land that could be in the CMG cell. Number Type: DFNT_UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(Xdim, Ydim) SDS attributes: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "Cloud obscuration percentage for the eight day snow map" units DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "none" format DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "I3" coordsys DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "latitude, longitude" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0, 100 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 Mask_value DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 254 Not_processed_value DFNT_UINT8 1 PGE 252 Night_value DFNT_UINT8 1 PGE 111 Water_mask_land_threshold (% DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE 12.00000 Antarctica_cloud_note DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "Antarctica deliberately mapped as snow. Cloud set to 252." Key DFNT_CHAR8 1 PGE "0-100=percent of cloud in cell, 107=lake ice, 111=night, 237=inland water, 239=ocean, 250=cloud obscured water, 253=data not mapped, 255=fill" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Snow_Spatial_QA Description: Data given indicates the quality of the result in each cell of the CMG. QA values describe input data binned into each 0.05 degree cell: Number Type: DFNT_UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(Xdim, Ydim) SDS Metadata: Name: Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "Snow cover per cell QA" units DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "none" format DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "I3" coordsys DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "latitude, longitude" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0, 3 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 Mask_value DFNT_UINT8 1 PGE 254 Water_mask_land_threshold (%) DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE 12.00000 Antarctica_QA_note DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "Antarctica deliberately mapped as snow. QA value set to 1." key DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE "0=good quality, 1=other quality, 237=inland water, 239=ocean, 252=Antarctica mask, 253=data not mapped, 255=fill" ===============================================================================