MYD10A2 Product File Specification Version: V 6.0.0 Revision: 0 Date: 21 December 2015 Product ID: MYD10 ESDT: MYD10A2 Name: Eight Day Snow Cover - Tile Level: 3 Process ID: MOD_PR10A2 Point of Contact: George Riggs SSAI NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5650 Sudipta Sarkar SSAI NASA, GSFC, Code 619 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-6912 Principal Investigator: Vincent V. Salomonson NASA, GSFC, Code 900 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5634 Associate Investigator: Dorothy K. Hall NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5771 Description: This specification description of the MYD10A2 eight day snow product describes the Collection 5 data product. The eight day snow cover product can be created with two to eight days of input files. Eight day periods are defined by the MODLAND scheme. There are 46 eight day periods in a year. The periods are 1-8, 9-16, 17-24,...361-368. The last period of a year extends into the next year. The product is generated for a tile of the sinusoidal map projection using the daily snow products (MYD10A1) as input. Since the eight days of data may not always be available, the algorithm is designed to run with a minimum of two days of input and with a maximum of eight days of input. The days of input may or may not be consecutive. The product consists of eight global attributes and two SDSs with local attributes. A general description of the global metadata is given. Descriptions of the SDS structures are given along with a listing of the local attributes, dimensions, and content of SDSs. Contents: SDS names: Maximum_Snow_Extent Eight_Day_Snow_Cover Global Metadata: CoreMetadata.0 ArchiveMetadata.0 StructMetadata.0 HDFEOSVersion SCF Algorithm Version Number of input days Days input Eight day period Global Attributes =================================================== Name: Type: Num_Val:Source: Value: CoreMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 TK Variable LocalGranuleID STRING 1 PGE Variable SizeMBECSDataGranule DOUBLE 1 DSS Variable ProductionDateTime DATETIME1 TK Variable DayNightFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable ReprocessingActual STRING 1 PGE Variable LocalVersionID STRING 1 PGE "SCF V6.0.0" ReprocessingPlanned STRING 1 PGE "further update is anticipated" ScienceQualityFlag STRING 1 DP Variable AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 PGE "No automatic quality assessment done in the PGE" AutomaticQualityFlag STRING 1 PGE "Passed" OperationalQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 PGE Variable OperationalQualityFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable ScienceQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 DP Variable QAPercentMissingData INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 QAPercentCloudCover INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 ParameterName STRING 1 PGE "Maximum Snow Extent" VersionID INTEGER 1 MCF Variable ShortName STRING 1 MCF "MYD10A2" InputPointer STRING 16 PGE Variable GRingPointLongitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRingPointLatitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRingPointSequenceNo INTEGER 4 PGE Variable ExclusionGRingFlag STRING 1 PGE "N" RangeEndingDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingTime TIME 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningDate DATE 1 PGE Variable PGEVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable AssociatedSensorShortName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" AssociatedPlatformShortName STRING 1 MCF "Aqua" AssociatedInstrumentShortname STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" **Product Specific Attibutues (PSA)** AdditionalAttributeName.1 STRING 1 PGE QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY ParameterValue.1 INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 AdditionalAttributeName.2 STRING 1 PGE QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY ParameterValue.2 INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 AdditionalAttributeName.3 STRING 1 PGE HORIZONTALTILENUMBER ParameterValue.3 INTEGER 1 PGE 0-35 AdditionalAttributeName.4 STRING 1 PGE VERTICALTILENUMBER ParameterValue.4 INTEGER 1 PGE 0-17 AdditionalAttributeName.5 STRING 1 PGE TileID ParameterValue.5 INTEGER 1 PGE Variable AdditionalAttributeName.6 STRING 1 PGE SNOWCOVERPERCENT ParameterValue.6 INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 End CoreMetadata.0 _________________________________ Name: Type: Num_Val:Source: Value: ArchiveMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 TK CharacteristicBinAngularSize DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable CharacteristicBinSize DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable DataColumns INTEGER 1 PGE Variable DataRows INTEGER 1 PGE Variable GlobalGridColumns INTEGER 1 PGE Variable GlobalGridRows INTEGER 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate STRING 1 PGE "01 2005" AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode STRING 1 PGE "OPL" AlgorithmPackageName STRING 1 PGE "MOD10A2 Eight-day maximum snow extent" AlgorithmPackageVersion STRING 1 PGE "SCF 6.0.0" LongName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS/Aqua Snow Cover 8-Day L3 Global 500m SIN Grid" InstrumentName STRING 1 MCF "Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer" PlatformShortName STRING 1 MCF "Aqua" LocalInputGranuleID STRING 16 PGE Variable ProcessingCenter STRING 1 MCF "MODAPS" ProcessingDateTime DATETIME1 PGE Variable SPSOParameters STRING 1 PGE "none" NorthBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable SouthBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable EastBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable WestBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable ProcessingEnvironment STRING 1 PGE Variable DESCRrevision STRING 1 MCF Variable End ArchiveMetadata.0 _________________________________ StructMetadata.0 DFNT_CHAR 1 TK Variable GROUP=SwathStructure END_GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=GRID_1 GridName="MOD_Grid_Snow_500m" XDim=2400 YDim=2400 UpperLeftPointMtrs=(calculated, calculated) LowerRightMtrs=(calculated, calculated) Projection=GCTP_SNSOID ProjParams=(6371007.181000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) SphereCode=-1 GridOrigin=HDFE_GD_UL GROUP=Dimension END_GROUP=Dimension GROUP=DataField OBJECT=DataField_1 DataFieldName="Maximum_Snow_Extent" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=9 END_OBJECT=DataField_1 OBJECT=DataField_2 DataFieldName="Eight_Day_Snow_Cover" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=9 END_OBJECT=DataField_2 END_GROUP=DataField GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=GRID_1 END_GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=PointStructure END_GROUP=PointStructure END End StructMetadta.0 ----------------------------------- SCF Algorithm Version DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE Variable HDFEOSVersion DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE Variable Number of input days DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE Variable Days input DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE Variable Eight day period DFNT_CHAR 1 PGE Variable ============================================================================ SDS Definition SDS Name: Maximum_Snow_Extent Description: If a cell was identified as snow-covered on any of the eight days of the period it is identified as snow-covered for the period. Data conversions: None. Number Type: HDF-UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: "Data Rows", "Data Columns" Dimension Names: Dimension0: Data Rows Dimension1: Data Columns SDS Local Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: HDF Predefined Attributes by Reserved Label name____ long_name DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Maximum snow extent over the 8-day period" units DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "none" coordsys DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "cartesian" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0,254 _FillValue DFNT_UINT8 1 PGE 255 Custom Attributes____ Cell_area (km^2) DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE Variable Max_snow_area (km^2) DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE Variable Key DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "0=missing data, 1=no decision, 11=night, 25=no snow, 37=lake, 39=ocean, 50=cloud, 100=lake ice, 200=snow, 254=detector saturated, 255=fill" ============================================================================ SDS Definition SDS Name: Eight_Day_Snow_Cover Description: Occurrence of snow in a grid cell on each of the eight days of the period is given in this SDS as a bit flag. Days are sequential across the byte; i.e. bit 0 == day 1, bit 1 == day 2, etc. The bit is on if snow was identified. The bit is off if otherwise. Data conversions: None. Number Type: DFNT_UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: "Data Rows", "Data Columns" Dimension Names: Dimension0: Data Rows Dimension1: Data Columns SDS Local Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: HDF Predefined Attributes by Reserved Label name____ long_name DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Eight day snow cover chronobyte" units DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "bit" coordsys DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "cartesian" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0,255 _FillValue DFNT_UINT8 1 PGE 0 Custom Attributes____ Key DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Snow occurrence in chronological order. Day in period ordered as 87654321 corresponds to bit order of 76543210. Bit value of 1 means snow was observed. Bit value of 0 means snow was not observed." ============================================================================