MOD29P1N Product File Specification Version: V6.0.0 Revision: 0 Date: 5 Nobember 2004 ESDT: MOD29P1N Name: Daily Gridded Sea Ice Cover Level: 3 Process ID: MOD_PR29A1 Point of Contact: George Riggs SSAI NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5650 Principal Investigator: Vincent V. Salomonson NASA, GSFC, Code 900 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5631 Associate Investigator: Dorothy K. Hall NASA, GSFC, Code 971 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5771 Description: This specification description of the MOD29P1N night gridded sea ice product serves as a guide to the contents of the data product. A listing of the ECS metadata and global attributes is given. Descriptions of the SDS structures are given along with a listing of the local attributes and brief description of the content of the SDS. The sea ice product is archived in HDF-EOS format and consists of six global metadata strings and two SDSs with local attributes. Map projection currently supported is Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area centered on either the North Pole or South Pole. Spatial resolution of the data product is 1 km. (A separate day product is produced.) This night sea ice product is generated from MOD29PGN, the L2G sea ice data product. A scoring algorithm based on solar zenith, distance from nadir and observation coverage in a cell is used to select the most favorable observation of the day. The QA corresponding to the observation selected is also written in the data product. QA data is based on temperature data unless otherwise noted. Contents: SDSs in the product: Ice_Surface_Temperature Ice_Surface_Temperature_Spatial_QA Global Metadata names: HDFEOSVersion StructMetadata.0 MOD29InputGranuleNames SCF Algorithm Version CoreMetadata.0 ArchiveMetadata.0 *Start Global Attributes =================================================== Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Example value: CoreMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 TK Variable LocalGranuleID STRING 1 PGE Variable SizeMBECSDataGranule DOUBLE 1 DSS Variable ProductionDateTime DATETIME1 TK Variable DayNightFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable ReprocessingActual STRING 1 PGE "reprocessed" LocalVersionID STRING 1 PGE "SCF 5.0.0" ReprocessingPlanned STRING 1 PGE "further update is anticipated" ScienceQualityFlag STRING 1 DP Variable AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 PGE Variable AutomaticQualityFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable OperationalQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 PGE Variable OperationalQualityFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable ScienceQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 DP Variable QAPercentMissingData INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 QAPercentCloudCover INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 ParameterName STRING M PGE "Ice_Surface_Temperature" EquatorCrossingDate DATE M PGE Variable EquatorCrossingTime TIME M PGE Variable OrbitNumber INTEGER M PGE Variable EquatorCrossingLongitude DOUBLE M PGE Variable VersionID INTEGER 1 MCF 6 ShortName STRING 1 MCF "MOD29P1N" InputPointer STRING 3 PGE Variable GRingPointLongitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRingPointLatitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRingPointSequenceNo INTEGER 4 PGE Variable ExclusionGRingFlag STRING 1 PGE "N" RangeEndingDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingTime TIME 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningTime TIME 1 PGE Variable PGEVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable AssociatedSensorShortName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" AssociatedPlatformShortName STRING 1 MCF "Terra" AssociatedInstrumentShortName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" **Product Specific Attibutues (PSA)** AdditionalAttributeName.1 STRING 1 PGE QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY ParameterValue.1 INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 AdditionalAttributeName.2 STRING 1 PGE QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY ParameterValue.2 INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 AdditionalAttributeName.3 STRING 1 PGE HORIZONTALTILENUMBER ParameterValue.3 INTEGER 1 PGE Variable AdditionalAttributeName.4 STRING 1 PGE VERTICALTILENUMBER ParameterValue.4 INTEGER 1 PGE Variable AdditionalAttributeName.5 STRING 1 PGE TILEID ParameterValue.5 INTEGER 1 PGE Variable AdditionalAttributeName.6 STRING 1 PGE SEAICEPERCENT ParameterValue.6 INTEGER 1 PGE 0 - 100 **end PSAs** End CoreMetadata.0 _________________________________ Name: Type: Num_Val:Source: Value: ArchiveMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 TK CharacteristicBinAngularSize DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable CharacteristicBinSize DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable GeoAnyAbnormal STRING 1 PGE Variable GeoEstMaxRMSError DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable DataColumns INTEGER 1 PGE Variable DataRows INTEGER 1 PGE Variable GlobalGridColumns INTEGER 1 PGE Variable GlobalGridRows INTEGER 1 PGE Variable NumberOfOverlapGranules INTEGER 1 PGE Variable NumberOfInputGranules INTEGER 1 PGE Variable CoverageCalculationMethod STRING 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate STRING 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode STRING 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageName STRING 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable LongName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS/Terra Sea Ice Extent Daily L3 Global 1km EASE-Grid Day" InstrumentName STRING 1 MCF "Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer" PlatformShortName STRING 1 MCF "Terra" LocalInputGranuleID STRING 1 PGE Variable ProcessingCenter STRING 1 MCF "MODAPS" ProcessingDateTime DATETIME1 PGE Variable SPSOParameters STRING 1 PGE "none" NorthBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable SouthBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable EastBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable WestBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable ProcessingEnvironment STRING 1 PGE Variable DescrRevision STRING 1 MCF Variable End ArchiveMetadata.0 _________________________________ StructMetadata.0 DFNT_CHAR8 32000 GROUP=SwathStructure END_GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=GRID_1 GridName="MOD_Grid_Seaice_1km" XDim=951 YDim=951 UpperLeftPointMtrs=(-1430352.976500,2383921.627500) LowerRightMtrs=(-476784.325500,1430352.976500) Projection=GCTP_LAMAZ ProjParams=(6371228,0,0,0,0,-90000000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) SphereCode=-1 GridOrigin=HDFE_GD_UL GROUP=Dimension END_GROUP=Dimension GROUP=DataField OBJECT=DataField_1 DataFieldName="Ice_Surface_Temperature" DataType=DFNT_UINT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=9 END_OBJECT=DataField_1 OBJECT=DataField_2 DataFieldName="Ice_Surface_Temperature_Spatial_QA" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=9 END_OBJECT=DataField_2 END_GROUP=DataField GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=GRID_1 END_GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=PointStructure END_GROUP=PointStructure END HDFEOSVersion DFNT_CHAR string length PGE Variable MOD29InputGranuleNames DFNT_CHAR string length PGE Variable SCF Algorithm Version DFNT_CHAR string length PGE Variable *End Global Attributes =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Ice_Surface_Temperature Description: Ice surface temperature (K) as determined from the "best" observations from the L2G sea ice data product. Number Type: "DFNT_UINT16" Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (YDim, XDim) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" SDS Local Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: HDF Predefined Attributes by Reserved Label name_____ long_name DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Ice surface temperature for daily tile" units DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "degree_Kelvin" format DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "F4.1" coordsys DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "cartesian" valid_range DFNT_UINT16 2 PGE 21000 - 31320 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT16 1 PGE 7 scale_factor DFNT_FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.01 scale_factor_err DFNT_FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset DFNT_FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err DFNT_FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 calibrated_nt DFNT_INT32 1 PGE 23 Custom Attributes_____ Key DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "0.0=missing, 1.0=no decision, 11.0=night,25.0=land, 37.0=inland water, 39.0=open ocean, 50.0=cloud, 243.0-273.0 expected IST range, 655.35=fill" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Ice_Surface_Temperature_Spatial_QA Description: QA data corresponding to the sea ice temperature observation selected for the day. Number Type: "DFNT-UINT8" Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (YDim, XDim) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" SDS Local Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: HDF Predefined Attributes by Reserved Label name_____ long_name DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Ice surface temperature spatial QA for daily tile" units DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "none" format DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "I3" coordsys DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "cartesian" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0, 255 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 Custom Attributes_____ Key DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "0=good quality, 1=other quality, 253=land mask, 254=ocean mask, 255=fill" ===============================================================================