MODIS MOD17 L4 Tile 500M Gridded PRODUCT: PSN (First-of-Year Initialization, daily)

Revision 6.0.2 Fri June 14 5:01:00 EST 2013 Sudipta Sarkar
Revision 5.2.3
Revised:  Sat Apr 01 15:01:00 MST 2006 Petr Votava
Revised:  Thu Mar 23 11:10:00 MST 2006 Maosheng Zhao
Revised:  Thu Feb 17 15:20:00 MST 2006 Maosheng Zhao
Revised:  Thu Oct 06 15:26:00 MST 2005 Maosheng Zhao
Revised:  Mon Jun 20 17:26:00 MST 2005 Maosheng Zhao
Revised:  Wed Feb 16 23:55:00 PST 2005, _PV_
Revised:  Wed Oct 30 17:18:06 MST 2002, JMG Lupine Logic, Inc.
Revised:  Wed Oct 23 11:11:11 PST 2002
Revised:  Wed Nov 29 14:17:19 MST 2000
Revised:  Fri Mar 10 10:30:02 MST 2000
Revised:  Wed Jun 17 13:50:23 MDT 1998
Original: Fri Mar  6 10:53:20 MST 1998

Product Identifier: MOD_PR17A1 PSN 500m gridded DAILY intermediate 
                    temporary product


    The MOD_PR17A0.exe (PGE 36) annually produces new initialized
    MODIS AM-1 Level 4 500m daily temporary intermediate Photosynthesis data 
    product. This product tile is used in the following ways by each 
    of the MOD17 suite of PGEs:
    PGE              Action Performed On MOD17A1 Daily Intermediate Files
      MOD_PR17A0     Writes fresh, zero'ed out copy of MOD17A1
      MOD_PR17A1     Reads, writes (updates) existing MOD17A1
      MOD_PR17A2     Reads, writes (resets 1) SDS in existing MOD17A1      
      MOD_PR17A3     Reads, writes (resets 1) SDS in existing MOD17A1
    This daily intermediate "updatable" product is NOT ARCHIVED but 
    DOES need to  remain "resident" on the production disk/tape system as 
    a temporary intermediate" for the duration of a given processing year. 

    The update and reset schedule for each HFDEOS gridfield in this file 
    is shown below:

    Measure                 Units         Updated       Reset To Zero
    Gpp_Daily_500m          (kg/m^2 units)  daily        every 8-days
    Gpp_Rm_500m             (kg/m^2 units)  daily        annually
    AnnMax_LeafMass_500m    (kg/m^2 units)  daily        annually
    AnnSum_Mr_500m          unitless        daily        annually
    PsnNetSum_8day_500m     (kg/m^2 units)  daily        annually


    --The data type of the AnnSum_Mr_500m has been changed from uint16 to
      int32 to avoid overflows (v.4.1.0,v4.2.0 and higher...)
    --Units have been changed to reflect their true scaling as kg/m^2/day
    --The scale factor for the AnnSum_Mr_500m gridfield has been changed to
    --The old N_Yd_Committed [1200x1200] 2D int16 gridfield is now obsolete 
      and has been deprecated. Its function is taken over by the 
      ndays_completed[366] global file attribute.

    --The ORBITNUMBER and EQUATORCROSSINGTIME,DATE metadata fields have been

    --MOD_PR17A2 (PGE 37) is the MODIS Terra Level 4 1KM 8-day ARCHIVED
    Photosyntheis data product. The PGE 36 MOD17A1 daily algorithm updates 
    the cumulative (intermediate) tiled products, adding the current data
    day's PSN measure to each pixel in each given tile.  At the conclusion
    of each 8-day period (indicated via a PGE 37 production rule), 
    the MOD17A2 PGE 37 application takes the PSN values accumulated over 
    the 8-day period, and simply writes these (tiles) out as the official 
    archived 8-day composite" PSN product, MODIS Parameter 3716.    

    NOTE that the same temporal accumulation scheme is used to produce the
    annual Net Primary Productivity (NPP) product, where the annual NPP
    product is generated based on cumulative values of the current year's 
    daily intermediate terms (Gpp_Rm_1KM, AnnMax_LeafMass_1KM, and 
    AnnSum_Mr_1KM) terms.  The annual NPP product is calculated by
    PGE 38, producing ESDT MOD17A3, which is MODIS parameter 2703.
    NOTE that in C6 the 1KM datasets for MOD17A1, MOD17A2 and MOD17A3 have
    been replaced by 500m equivalents that are called MOD17A1H, MOD17A2H and
    MOD17A3H respectively. These changes were made for C6 at LDOPE. 


   We currently version-stamp our source code, ancillary files and product files
   with an identical version and release-timedate stamp, called UM_VERSION.
   Users may extract this version stamp from any product or ancillary file
   using a command like this: 

               ncdump -h MOD17_ANC_RI10.hdf | grep UM_VERSION.
   The latest certified codeset carries this version stamp as a global file
   attribute in the product files, ancillary files, and within the executable:
     UM_VERSION = 
      "U.MONTANA MODIS PGE36 Vers 5.3.0 Rev 13 Release 09.21.2009 16:58"

Point of Contact:
   Petr Votava (software development)
Principal Investigator(s):
   Steven W. Running
   NTSG Lab, School of Forestry
   University of Montana
   Missoula,MT 59812
   Email: swr@ntsg.umt.edu
   Voice: (406) 243-6311
   Fax  : (406) 243-4510
   WWW  : www.forestry.umt.edu/ntsg


A note on MOD_PR17A1 and MOD_PR17 (PSN/NPP) 500m Level 4, Version 5.0.1 HDFEOS
  ALGORITHM, ESDT, and FILE designations:

PROCESS IDs   Status       Description                       PGE    ESDT
MOD_PR17A0   temporary    500m annual initialization          PGE 36 MOD17A1H
MOD_PR17A1   temporary    500m intermediate terms GPP-RM etc  PGE 36 MOD17A1H
MOD_PR17A2   archived     8-day composite PSN at 500m         PGE 37 MOD17A2H
MOD_PR17A3   archived     Annual NPP at 500m                  PGE 38 MOD17A3H

Generic Constructs

ECS Metadata Strings:

      1. "FR" is an abbreviation for "FREE_RANGE".
      2. "D/T" is an abbreviation for "DATE/TIME"
      3. (A) means that multiple values are stored within a single array.
      4. A value of "Variable" indicates that this value will vary
         according to the granule being processed.
      5. "M" means class M.
      6. (C) means that multiple values are stored as class members.

    This string will contain the following PVL fields:

        Field Name                        Data      of   Value
                                          Type    Values

    GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass
        SHORTNAME                         STRING     1   "MOD17A1H"
        VERSIONID                         INTEGER    1   6
    END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass

    GROUP = ECSDataGranule
        SIZEMBECSDATAGRANULE              DOUBLE     1   Variable
        REPROCESSINGPLANNED               STRING     1   "further update is anticipated"
        REPROCESSINGACTUAL                STRING     1   "reprocessed"
        LOCALGRANULEID                    STRING     1   Variable
        DAYNIGHTFLAG                      STRING     1   Variable
        PRODUCTIONDATETIME                D/T        1   Variable
        LOCALVERSIONID                    STRING     1   Variable
    END_GROUP = ECSDataGranule

    GROUP = PGEVersionClass
        PGEVERSION                        STRING     1   "6.0.2"
    END_GROUP = PGEVersionClass

    GROUP = InputGranule
        INPUTPOINTER                      STRING   FR(A) Variable
    END_GROUP = InputGranule

    GROUP = RangeDateTime
        RANGEBEGINNINGDATE                DATE       1   Variable
        RANGEBEGINNINGTIME                TIME       1   Variable
        RANGEENDINGDATE                   DATE       1   Variable
        RANGEENDINGTIME                   TIME       1   Variable
    END_GROUP = RangeDateTime

    GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer
      GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer
        GROUP = GPolygon
          GROUP = GRing
              EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG          STRING     1   "N"
          END_GROUP = GRing

          GROUP = GRingPoint
              GRINGPOINTLATITUDE          DOUBLE   4(A)  Variable
              GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE         DOUBLE   4(A)  Variable
              GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO        INTEGER  4(A)  Variable
          END_GROUP = GRingPoint
        END_GROUP = GPolygon
      END_GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer
    END_GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer

    GROUP = MeasuredParameter
        PARAMETERNAME                     STRING     1   "MOD_PR17A1"

        GROUP = QAFlags
            AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG          STRING     1    "Pass"
                                          STRING     1    "No automatic quality assessment is performed in the PGE"            
            SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG            STRING     1    Variable
                                          STRING     1    "See http://landweb.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/QA_WWW/qaFlagPage.cgi?sat=terra
                                                           for the product Science Quality status"
        END_GROUP = QAFlags

        GROUP = QAStats
            QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA      INTEGER    1   Variable
            QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA           INTEGER    1   Variable
            QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA       INTEGER    1   Variable
            QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER            INTEGER    1   Variable
        END_GROUP = QAStats
    ENDGROUP = MeasuredParameter

    GROUP = AdditionalAttributes
        PARAMETERVALUE                   STRING   FR(C) Variable

        * Other SCF defined PSA attributes:

    END_GROUP = AdditionalAttributes

    GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor
        ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME                STRING     1   "Terra/Aqua"
        ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME                  STRING     1   "MODIS"
    END_GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor



    This string will contain the following PVL fields:

        Field Name                        Data      of   Value
                                          Type     Values

    GROUP = BoundingRectangle
        NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE           DOUBLE     1   Variable
        SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE           DOUBLE     1   Variable
        EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE            DOUBLE     1   Variable
        WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE            DOUBLE     1   Variable
    END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle

    ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME                  STRING     1   "MOD_PR17A1"
    ALGORITHMPACKAGEVERSION               STRING     1   "6"
    PROCESSINGDATETIME                    STRING     1   Variable
    GEOANYABNORMAL                        STRING     1   Variable
    GEOESTMAXRMSERROR                     DOUBLE     1   Variable
    LONGNAME                              STRING     1
           "MODIS/Terra Net Photosynthesis Daily Intermediate L4 Global 500m SIN Grid"

    PROCESSINGCENTER                      STRING     1   "MODAPS"
    PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT                 STRING     1   "set by uname"
    DESCRREVISION                         STRING     1   Variable
    LOCALINPUTGRANULEID                   STRING   FR(A) Variable
    NUMBEROFGRANULES                      INTEGER    1   Variable
    GRANULEDAYNIGHTFLAG                   STRING   FR(A) Variable
    CHARACTERISTICBINSIZE                 DOUBLE     1   Variable
    DATACOLUMNS                           INTEGER    1   Variable
    DATAROWS                              INTEGER    1   Variable
    GLOBALGRIDCOLUMNS                     INTEGER    1   Variable
    GLOBALGRIDROWS                        INTEGER    1   Variable
    NADIRDATARESOLUTION                   STRING     1   "500m"
    SPSOPARAMETERS			  STRING     2   "3716"


    This string will be populated automatically by HDF-EOS.

Global (SCF internal) File Attributes

    char UM_VERSION
    int32 ndays_completed[366]

Grid Structure: MOD_Grid_MOD17A1

    Data Fields:


	Dimension       Dimension Name              Value
	Dimension_0     YDim:MOD_Grid_MOD17A1H       "DataRows"
	Dimension_1     XDim:MOD_Grid_MOD17A1H       "DataColumns"

    Corner Locations:

        Corner                Values

        UpperLeftPointMtrs    (Variable, Variable)

        LowerRightPointMtrs   (Variable, Variable)

    Geographic Grid Projection Parameters:

	 Sinusoidal Projection
            Projection            GCTP_SNSOID
            ProjParam[0]          6371007.181
            ProjParam[1 to 7]     0.0
            ProjParam[8]          0.0
            ProjParam[9]          0.0
            ProjParam[10]         0.0
            ProjParam[11 to 12]   0.0
            Spherecode            -1
            GridOrigin            HDFE_CENTER

        Integrized Sinusoidal Projection
            Projection        GCTP_ISINUS
            ProjParam[0]          6371007.181
            ProjParam[1 to 7]     0.0
            ProjParam[8]          21600
            ProjParam[9]          0.0
            ProjParam[10]         1.0
            ProjParam[11 to 12]   0.0
            Spherecode            -1
            GridOrigin            HDFE_GD_UL


Data Field_1

	Data Field Name: Gpp_Daily_500m

	Description: Daily cumulative gross primary productivity,
        (e.g.Photosynthesis), in kg C/m^2, at 500m resolution 

    Type: HDF-int16


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns
	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      14      "GPP_DAILY_500M"
        units            STRING      8       "kg_C_m^2"
        valid_range      INT16       2       0  30000
        _FillValue       INT16       1       32767
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.0001
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       22

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):
        Gpp_daily_500m     = scale_factor * (Digital_form - add_offset)
        Digital_Form = (Gpp_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset

Data Field_2

	Data Field Name: Gpp_Rm_500m

	Description: Daily Photosynthesis (GPP) Minus Maintenance 
	             Respiration (RM), in kg C/m^2 at 500m resolution.

    Type: HDF-int16


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns
	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      14      "GPP_RM_500M"
        units            STRING      8       "kg_C_m^2"
        valid_range      INT16       2       0  30000
        _FillValue       INT16       1       32767
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.0001
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       22

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):
          Gpp_Rm_500m     = scale_factor * (Digital_form - add_offset)
          Digital_Form = (Gpp_Rm_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset

Data Field_3

	Data Field Name: AnnMax_LeafMass_500m

	Description: Leaf mass accumulated over an annual period,
	             at 500m resolution, in kg C/m^2 units.

    Type: HDF-int16


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns
	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      14      "ANNMAX_LEAFMASS_500M"
        units            STRING      8       "kg_C_m^2"
        valid_range      INT16       2       0  2000
        _FillValue       INT16       1       32767
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.0001
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       22

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):
          AnnMax_LeafMass_500m = scale_factor * (Digital_form - add_offset)
          Digital_Form = (AnnMax_LeafMass_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset

Data Field_4

	Data Field Name: AnnSum_Mr_500m

	Description: Sum of maintenance respiration term, accumulated over an 
	             annual period, at 500m resolution, in kg/m^2 units.

    Type: HDF-int32


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns
	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      14      "ANNSUM_MR_500M"
        units            STRING      8       "kg m^2"
        valid_range      INT32       2       0,200001
        _FillValue       INT16       1       200000
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.01
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       24

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):

          AnnMax_Sum_Mr_500m = scale_factor * (Digital_form - add_offset)
          Digital_Form = (AnnMax_Sum_Mr_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset

Data Field_5
	Data Field Name: PsnNetSum8day_500m

	Description: 8-day accumulation of Daily Photosynthesis (GPP) Minus Maintenance 
	             Respiration (RM), in kg C/m^2 at 500m resolution.

    Type: HDF-int16


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns
	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      14      "PSN_NET_SUM_8DAY_500M"
        units            STRING      8       "kg_C_m^2"
        valid_range      INT16       2       0  32760
        _FillValue       INT16       1       32767
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.0001
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       22

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):
          PsnNetSum8day_500m     = scale_factor * (Digital_form - add_offset)
          Digital_Form = (PsnNetSum8day_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset
