HDF-EOS V2 MODIS L2G-lite Land Surface Reflectance File Specification Revision 2.0 (10/15/2013) Product ID(s): MOD09 L2G 1DY 1KM AND 500M (MOD09GA) Description: The MODIS 1km and 500m Resolution Level-2G (L2G) Land Surface Reflectance file contains the restructured Level-2 (L2) Land Surface Reflectance data (observations) which intersects a geographic area, a tile, in the MODIS Land global Level-3 (L3) grid. The global L3 grid is divided into a number of tiles, areas with a nominal size of 1100 km by 1100 km (10 deg. by 10 deg.). The data is stored at a nominal grid resolutions of 1km and 500m. The 1km and 500m observations are stored in a nested hierarchy of grid cells with the four finer resolution 500m observations stored in the grid cell location corresponding to the coarser 1km resolution cells containing data from the same orbit. A single 1km observation consist of the 1km reflectance state QA data, spacecraft viewing angles, spacecraft range, solar viewing angles, geolocation QA flags and the orbit and granule pointer fields. A single 500m surface reflectance observation consist of the surface reflectance for Bands 1 to 7, the corresponding Quality Assurance (QA) data, and the 500m observation coverage (obscov). The observation coverage field gives a estimate of the intersection between the observation and the grid cell (relative to the observation area). Within each 1km grid cell there can be several corresponding 500m observations and these observations may be from different scans, so there is an observation layer pointer (iobs_res) that specifies which of the 1km observations is associated with each of the four 500m observations. To relate to 250m observations that is stored in a seperate corresponding 250m L2G file (MOD09GQ), there is a 250m scan value (q_scan) that states whether the corresponding 250m observations from the same orbit are available for the 500m observation, and also states whether the 250m observations are from the same or a different scan. The 500m observations (and corresponding 1km observations) are chosen in the following three steps: 1. First, one 500m observation in each orbit for each grid cell is selected by selecting the one with the largest observation coverage. 2. Next, for a 500m grid cell, the 500m observations with the maximum observation coverage for each orbit are selected and sorted in the order of ascending orbit numbers (earliest first). 3. The first layer is then selected using the same compositing criteria as is used in the 8-day surface reflectance product (as of June 2005). The observation with the highest score is pulled up to the first layer and stored. Note that the scoring does not use a maximum observation coverage criteria, it uses: 1) best observation based on a QA score; and 2) then for observations with the same QA score and that are close to the smallest observed blue value, the one with the lowest view zenith angle. The observation coverage is stored with each observation so the end-user can always reorder the observations using whatever criteria they want, once they read them in. This new format reduces the number of 1km and 500m L2G files from five files to one file per day for each tile. The mapping between the original L2G files and this new L2G file is: MOD09GST - all SDSs MODPT1KD - no SDSs MODMGGAD - all SDSs MOD09GHK - all SDSs except orb_cov) MODPTHKM - only the obscov and iobs_res SDSs There are two ways to which the observation data can be stored in a L2G grid file, full and compact. The actual method is specified by the L2GStorageFormat1km and L2GStorageFormat500m metadata values. In both methods, the first layer of observations is stored in a 2 dimensional array. In the full method, all of the values are stored in a 3 dimensional array with the slowest varying dimension specifying the observation layer. This is an inefficient storage method because typically a large number of cells are empty. For the compact method, the additional observation values are stored in a single dimensional array, with the dimension corresponding to the number of additional observations since the beginning of the file. Essentially, the additional observations are run-length encoded with each observation stored sequentially for each cell. In addition, the a run-time parameter may specify that only the first layer be stored, in which case the additional arrays are not stored. Points of Contact: Robert Wolfe NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 619 Greenbelt, MD 20771 Principal Investigator: Eric Vermote NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 619 Greenbelt, MD 20771 =========================================================================== Generic Constructs ECS Metadata Strings: Notes: "FR" is an abbreviation for "FREE_RANGE". "D/T" is an abbreviation for "DATE/TIME" (A) implies that multiple values are stored within a single array. A value of "Variable" indicates that this value will vary according to the granule being processed. "M" means class M. CoreMetadata.0 This string will contain the following PVL fields: # of Field Name Data Value Value Type s GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass SHORTNAME STRING 1 "MOD09GA" VERSIONID STRING 1 Variable END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass GROUP = ECSDataGranule REPROCESSINGPLANNED STRING 1 "further update is anticipated" REPROCESSINGACTUAL STRING 1 "reprocessed" LOCALGRANULEID STRING 1 Variable DAYNIGHTFLAG STRING 1 Variable PRODUCTIONDATETIME D/T 1 Variable LOCALVERSIONID STRING 1 Variable SIZEMBECSDATAGRANULE DOUBLE 1 Variable END_GROUP = ECSDataGranule GROUP = PGEVersionClass PGEVERSION STRING 1 Variable END_GROUP = PGEVersionClass GROUP = InputGranule INPUTPOINTER STRING FR (A) Variable END_GROUP = InputGranule GROUP = RangeDateTime RANGEBEGINNINGDATE DATE 1 Variable RANGEBEGINNINGTIME TIME 1 Variable RANGEENDINGDATE DATE 1 Variable RANGEENDINGTIME TIME 1 Variable END_GROUP = RangeDateTime GROUP = GRing EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG STRING 1 "N" END_GROUP = GRing GROUP = GRingPoint GRINGPOINTLATITUDE DOUBLE 4 (A) Variable GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE DOUBLE 4 (A) Variable GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO INTEGER 4 (A) Variable END_GROUP = GRingPoint GROUP = ZoneIdentifierClass ZONEIDENTIFIER STRING 1 "0" END_GROUP = ZoneIdentifierClass GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain ** number of containers is equal to "NumberofOrbits" ** ORBITNUMBER INTEGER 1 Variable EQUATORCROSSINGLONGITUDE DOUBLE 1 Variable EQUATORCROSSINGDATE DATE 1 Variable EQUATORCROSSINGTIME TIME 1 Variable END_GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain GROUP = MeasuredParameter PARAMETERNAME STRING FR (A) "MOD09G" GROUP = QAFLAGS AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG STRING 1 Variable AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION STRING 1 Variable SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG STRING 1 Variable SCIENCEQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION STRING 1 Variable END_GROUP = QAFlags GROUP = QAStats QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA INTEGER 1 Variable QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA INTEGER 1 Variable QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA INTEGER 1 Variable END_GROUP = QAStats END_GROUP = MeasuredParameter GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME STRING 1 "Terra/Aqua" ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME STRING 1 "MODIS" ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME STRING 1 "MODIS" END_GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor GROUP = AdditionalAttributes ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME STRING FR (A) Variable PARAMETERVALUE STRING FR (A) Variable ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.1 = "QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.2 = "QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.3 = "QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDCLOUD" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.4 = "QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.5 = "HORIZONTALTILENUMBER" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.6 = "VERTICALTILENUMBER" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.7 = "TileID" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.8 = "PROCESSVERSION" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.9 = "QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND1" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.10 = "QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND2" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.11 = "QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND3" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.12 = "QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND4" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.13 = "QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND5" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.14 = "QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND6" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.15 = "QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND7" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.16 = "RESOLUTIONBANDS1AND2" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.17 = "identifier_product_doi" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.18 = "identifier_product_doi_authority" END_GROUP = AdditionalAttributes END_GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA ArchiveMetadata.0 This string will contain the following PVL fields: # of Field Name Data Value Value Type s GROUP = ARCHIVEMETADATA GROUP = BoundingRectangle WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE DOUBLE 1 Variable NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE DOUBLE 1 Variable EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE DOUBLE 1 Variable SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE DOUBLE 1 Variable END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle GEOANYABNORMAL STRING 1 Variable GEOESTMAXRMSERROR DOUBLE 1 Variable LONGNAME STRING 1 "MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L2G Global 1km and 500m SIN Grid" SPSOPARAMETERS STRING 1 "2015" PROCESSINGCENTER STRING 1 "MODAPS" NUMBEROFOVERLAPGRANULES INTEGER 1 Variable NUMBEROFINPUTGRANULES INTEGER 1 Variable NUMBEROFGRANULES INTEGER 1 Variable GRANULENUMBERARRAY INTEGER FR(A) Variable GRANULEPOINTERARRAY INTEGER FR(A) Variable ORBITNUMBERARRAY INTEGER FR(A) Variable NUMBEROFORBITS INTEGER 1 Variable GRANULEBEGINNINGDATETIME STRING "NumberofGranules" Variable GRANULEENDINGDATETIME STRING "NumberofGranules" Variable GRANULEDAYNIGHTFLAG STRING "NumberofGranules" Variable GRANULEDAYOFYEAR INTEGER "NumberofGranules" Variable GRANULEBEGINNINGDATETIMEARRAY STRING FR(A) Variable GRANULEENDINGDATETIMEARRAY STRING FR(A) Variable GRANULEDAYNIGHTFLAGARRAY STRING FR(A) Variable NADIRDATARESOLUTION1KM STRING 1 Variable CHARACTERISTICBINANGULARSIZE1KM DOUBLE 1 Variable CHARACTERISTICBINSIZE1KM DOUBLE 1 Variable DATACOLUMNS1KM INTEGER 1 Variable DATAROWS1KM INTEGER 1 Variable GLOBALGRIDCOLUMNS1KM INTEGER 1 Variable GLOBALGRIDROWS1KM INTEGER 1 Variable MAXIMUMOBSERVATIONS1KM INTEGER 1 Variable ADDITIONALLAYERS1KM INTEGER 1 Variable TOTALOBSERVATIONS1KM INTEGER 1 Variable TOTALADDITIONALOBSERVATIONS1KM INTEGER 1 Variable COVERAGECALCULATIONMETHOD STRING 1 Variable FIRSTLAYERSELECTIONCRITERIA STRING 1 Variable L2GSTORAGEFORMAT1KM STRING 1 Variable QUALITYCLASSPERCENTAGE500MBAND3 INTEGER 16 Variable QUALITYCLASSPERCENTAGE500MBAND4 INTEGER 16 Variable QUALITYCLASSPERCENTAGE500MBAND5 INTEGER 16 Variable QUALITYCLASSPERCENTAGE500MBAND6 INTEGER 16 Variable QUALITYCLASSPERCENTAGE500MBAND7 INTEGER 16 Variable PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT STRING 1 Variable DESCRREVISION STRING 1 Variable SYSTEMFILENAME STRING FR (A) Variable NADIRDATARESOLUTION500M STRING 1 Variable CHARACTERISTICBINANGULARSIZE500M DOUBLE 1 Variable CHARACTERISTICBINSIZE500M DOUBLE 1 Variable DATACOLUMNS500M INTEGER 1 Variable DATAROWS500M INTEGER 1 Variable GLOBALGRIDCOLUMNS500M INTEGER 1 Variable GLOBALGRIDROWS500M INTEGER 1 Variable MAXIMUMOBSERVATIONS500M INTEGER 1 Variable ADDITIONALLAYERS500M INTEGER 1 Variable TOTALOBSERVATIONS500M INTEGER 1 Variable TOTALADDITIONALOBSERVATIONS500M INTEGER 1 Variable PERCENTPROCESSED INTEGER 1 Variable PERCENTLAND INTEGER 1 Variable PERCENTLANDSEAMASKCLASS INTEGER 8 Variable PERCENTCLOUDY INTEGER 1 Variable PERCENTSHADOW INTEGER 1 Variable PERCENTLOWSUN INTEGER 1 Variable RANKING STRING 1 Variable KEEPALL STRING 1 Variable COVERAGEMINIMUM DOUBLE 1 Variable MAXOUTPUTRES STRING 1 Variable DEEPOCEANFLAG STRING 1 Variable L2GSTORAGEFORMAT500M STRING 1 Variable QUALITYCLASSPERCENTAGE500MBAND1 INTEGER 16 Variable QUALITYCLASSPERCENTAGE500MBAND2 INTEGER 16 Variable CLOUDOPTION STRING 1 Variable ****************************************************************** * 1. The field "L2GStorageFormat1km" and "L2GStorageFormat500m * is either "full", "compact" or "one layer only". * 2. The field "CoverageCalculationMethod" is either * "area" or "volume". * 3. The field "FirstLayerSelectionCriteria" is either * "nearest neighbor" or "maximum observation coverage". ****************************************************************** END_GROUP = ARCHIVEMETADATA StructuralMetadata.0 This string will be populated automatically by HDF-EOS. Grid Structure: MODIS_Grid_1km_2D Dimensions: Dimension Name Value YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D "DataRows1km" XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D "DataColumns1km" Corner Locations: Corner Values UpperLeftPointMtrs (Variable, Variable) LowerRightPointMtrs (Variable, Variable) Geographic Grid Projection Parameters: Supported Grids: Integerized Sinusoidal (GCTP_ISINUS) Sinusoidal (GCTP_SNSOID) Interrupted Goodes Homolosine (GCTP_GOOD) Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (GCTP_LAMAZ) Projection gridID = GCTP_ISINUS ProjParam[0] 6371007.181 ProjParam[1 to 7] 0.0 ProjParam[8] 86400 ProjParam[9] 0.0 ProjParam[10] 1.0 ProjParam[11 to 12] 0.0 Spherecode -1 GridOrigin HDFE_GD_UL Projection gridID = GCTP_SNSOID ProjParam[0] 6371007.181 ProjParam[1 to 12] 0.0 Spherecode -1 GridOrigin HDFE_GD_UL Projection gridID = GCTP_GOOD ProjParam[0 to 12] 0.0 Spherecode 19 GridOrigin HDFE_GD_UL Projection gridID = GCTP_LAMAZ ProjParam[0] 6371228.0 ProjParam[1 to 5] 0.0 ProjParam[6] Variable ProjParam[7 to 12] 0.0 Spherecode 19 GridOrigin HDFE_GD_UL Grid Structure: MODIS_Grid_500m_2D Dimensions: Dimension Name Value YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D "DataRows500m" XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D "DataColumns500m" Corner Locations: (same as MODIS_Grid_1km_2D) Geographic Grid Projection Parameters: (same as MODIS_Grid_1km_2D) Grid Structure: MODIS_Grid_1km_3D Dimensions: Dimension Name Value Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D "AdditionalLayers1km" YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D "DataRows1km" XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D "DataColumns1km" Corner Locations: (same as MODIS_Grid_1km_2D) Geographic Grid Projection Parameters: (same as MODIS_Grid_1km_2D) Grid Structure: MODIS_Grid_500m_3D Dimensions: Dimension Name Value Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D "AdditionalLayers500m" YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D "DataRows500m" XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D "DataColumns500m" Corner Locations: (same as MODIS_Grid_1km_2D) Geographic Grid Projection Parameters: (same as MODIS_Grid_1km_2D) =========================================================================== Additional global attributes: Data Name Type maximum_observations_1km INT8 total_additional_observations_1km INT32 l2g_storage_format_1km STRING maximum_observations_500m INT8 total_additional_observations_500m INT32 l2g_storage_format_500m STRING NumberLandWater1km INT32 NumberLandWater500m INT32 identifier_product_doi STRING identifier_product_doi_authority STRING =========================================================================== DataFields: The following datafields are always in this file: num_observations_1km state_1km_1 SensorZenith_1 SensorAzimuth_1 Range_1 SolarZenith_1 SolarAzimuth_1 gflags_1 orbit_pnt_1 granule_pnt_1 num_observations_500m sur_refl_b03_1 sur_refl_b04_1 sur_refl_b05_1 sur_refl_b06_1 sur_refl_b07_1 QC_500m_1 obscov_500m_1 iobs_res_1 q_scan_1 The following datafields are only present if the L2G MOD09GHK inputs contains the 500m band 1 and 2 data fields: "500m Surface Reflectance Band 1" and "500m Surface Reflectance Band 2". sur_refl_b01_1 sur_refl_b02_1 If the "L2GStorageFormat1km" metadata value is "full", the following datafields are also present: state_1km_f SensorZenith_f SensorAzimuth_f Range_f SolarZenith_f SolarAzimuth_f gflags_f orbit_pnt_f granule_pnt_f If the "L2GStorageFormat500m" metadata value is "full", the following datafields are also present: sur_refl_b03_f sur_refl_b04_f sur_refl_b05_f sur_refl_b06_f sur_refl_b07_f QC_500m_f obscov_500m_f iobs_res_f q_scan_f and if the L2 MOD09 inputs contains the 500m band 1 and 2 data fields: sur_refl_b01_f sur_refl_b02_f If the "L2GStorageFormat1km" metadata value is "compact", the following datafields are also present: state_1km_c SensorZenith_c SensorAzimuth_c Range_c SolarZenith_c SolarAzimuth_c gflags_c orbit_pnt_c granule_pnt_c nadd_obs_row_1km If "L2GStorageFormat500m" metadata value is "compact", the following datafields are also present: sur_refl_b03_c sur_refl_b04_c sur_refl_b05_c sur_refl_b06_c sur_refl_b07_c QC_500m_c obscov_500m_c iobs_res_c q_scan_c nadd_obs_row_500m and if the L2 MOD09 inputs contains the 500m band 1 and 2 data fields: sur_refl_b01_c sur_refl_b02_c Each datafield has at least the following 4 attributes: long_name (STRING) units (STRING) valid_range (agrees with data type of SDS) _FillValue (agrees with data type of SDS) Some datafields also contain the following 5 attributes: add_offset (float64) add_offset_err (float64) calibrated_nt (int32) scale_factor (float64) scale_factor_err (float64) Nadir Data Resolution (STRING - either "500m" or "1km") QA index (STRING) =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type num_observations_1km INT8 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" Description: The number of 1km observations per pixel contained within this L2G file. In addition, if the value is less than zero, it means that intersections were not computed for this cell. If it is -1, it is part of the fill region of the grid. If it is -2, it is in the area identified as 'non-production' in the Land Production Mask. HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 22 "Number of observations" units STRING 4 "none" valid_range INT8 2 0, 127 _FillValue INT8 1 -1 =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type state_1km_1 UINT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" state_1km_f UINT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MOD_Grid_L2g_3D", "XDim:MOD_Grid_L2g_3D" state_1km_c UINT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: 1km Reflectance Data State QA "state_1km_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "state_1km_f" and "state_1km_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "state_1km_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "state_1km_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". Note: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 15) to the LSB (bit 0). Bit(s) Description 15 internal snow mask; snow (1) or no snow (0) 14 BRDF correction performed; yes (1) or no (0) 13 Pixel is adjacent to cloud; yes (1) or no (0) 12 MOD35 snow/ice flag; yes(1) or no(0) 11 internal fire algorithm flag; fire (1) or no fire (0) 10 internal cloud algorithm flag; cloud (1) or no cloud (0) 8-9 cirrus detected; none (00), small (01), average (10), high (11) 6-7 aerosol quantity; climatology (00), low (01) average (10), high (11) 3-5 land/water flag; class definitions: 000 -- shallow ocean 001 -- land 010 -- ocean coastlines and land shorelines 011 -- shallow inland water 100 -- ephemeral water 101 -- deep inland water 110 -- continental/moderate ocean 111 -- deep ocean 2 cloud shadow; yes (1) or no (0) 0-1 cloud state; clear (00), cloudy (01), mixed (10), not set, assumed clear (11) Note that all bit flags in this SDS can be applied to the respective 500m and 250m reflectance data. Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 58 Variable units STRING 9 "bit field" valid_range UINT16 2 0, 57335 _FillValue UINT16 1 65535 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 3 "1km" QA index STRING 1500 Variable Note: The attribute "long_name" is "1km Reflectance Data State QA - first layer" for "state_1km_1", "1km Reflectance Data State QA - additional layers, full" for "state_1km_f", or "1km Reflectance Data State QA - additional layers, compact" for "state_1km_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type SensorZenith_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" SensorZenith_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D" SensorZenith_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: Zenith angle to sensor. "SensorZenith_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "SensorZenith_f" and "SensorZenith_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "SensorZenith_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "SensorZenith_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 42 Variable units STRING 6 "degree" valid_range INT16 2 0, 18000 _FillValue INT16 1 -32767 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Sensor zenith - first layer" for "SensorZenith_1", "Sensor zenith - additional layers, full" for "SensorZenith_f", or "Sensor zenith - additional layers, compact" for "SensorZenith_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type SensorAzimuth_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" SensorAzimuth_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D" SensorAzimuth_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: Azimuth angle to sensor. "SensorAzimuth_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "SensorAzimuth_f" and "SensorAzimuth_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "SensorAzimuth_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "SensorAzimuth_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 43 Variable units STRING 6 "degree" valid_range INT16 2 -18000, 18000 _FillValue INT16 1 -32767 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Sensor azimuth - first layer" for "SensorAzimuth_1", "Sensor azimuth - additional layers, full" for "SensorAzimuth_f", or "Sensor azimuth - additional layers, compact" for "SensorAzimuth_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type Range_1 UINT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" Range_f UINT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D" Range_c UINT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: Distance to sensor. "Range_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "Range_f" and "Range_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "Range_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "Range_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 34 Variable units STRING 6 "meters" valid_range UINT16 2 27000, 65535 _FillValue UINT16 1 0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.04 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Range - first layer" for "Range_1", "Range - additional layers, full" for "Range_f", or "Range - additional layers, compact" for "Range_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type SolarZenith_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" SolarZenith_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D" SolarZenith_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: Zenith angle to sun. "SolarZenith_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "SolarZenith_f" and "SolarZenith_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "SolarZenith_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "SolarZenith_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 41 Variable units STRING 6 "degree" valid_range INT16 2 0, 18000 _FillValue INT16 1 -32767 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Solar zenith - first layer" for "SolarZenith_1", "Solar zenith - additional layers, full" for "SolarZenith_f", or "Solar zenith - additional layers, compact" for "SolarZenith_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type SolarAzimuth_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" SolarAzimuth_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D" SolarAzimuth_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: Azimuth angle to sun. "SolarAzimuth_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "SolarAzimuth_f" and "SolarAzimuth_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "SolarAzimuth_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "SolarAzimuth_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 42 Variable units STRING 6 "degree" valid_range INT16 2 -18000, 18000 _FillValue INT16 1 -32767 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Solar azimuth - first layer" for "SolarAzimuth_1", "Solar azimuth - additional layers, full" for "SolarAzimuth_f", or "Solar azimuth - additional layers, compact" for "SolarAzimuth_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type gflags_1 UINT8 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" gflags_f UINT8 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D" gflags_c UINT8 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: Geolocation flags. Bit(s) Description 0-2 fill (zero) 3 sensor range validity flag; valid (0) or invalid (1) 4 digital elevation model quality flag; valid (0) or missing/inferior (1) 5 terrain data validity flag; valid (0) or invalid (1) 6 ellipsoid intersection flag; valid intersection (0) or no intersection (1) 7 input data flag; valid (0), invalid (1) "gflags_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "gflags_f" and "gflags_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "gflags_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "gflags_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 46 Variable units STRING 6 "bit field" valid_range UINT8 2 0, 248 _FillValue UINT8 1 255 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Geolocation flags - first layer" for "gflags_1", "Geolocation flags - additional layers, full" for "gflags_f", or "Geolocation flags - additional layers, compact" for "gflags_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type orbit_pnt_1 INT8 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" orbit_pnt_f INT8 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D" orbit_pnt_c INT8 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: Pointer to the orbit information for each 1km observation. This value is zero relative, with zero (0) refering to the first orbit in the "OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain" HDF EOS inventory metadata group. "orbit_pnt_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "orbit_pnt_f" and "orbit_pnt_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "orbit_pnt_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "orbit_pnt_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 42 Variable units STRING 6 "none" valid_range INT8 2 0, 15 _FillValue INT8 1 -1 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Orbit pointer - first layer" for "orbit_pnt_1", "Orbit pointer - additional layers, full" for "orbit_pnt_f", or "Orbit pointer - additional layers, compact" for "orbit_pnt_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type granule_pnt_1 UINT8 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_2D" granule_pnt_f UINT8 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_1km_3D" granule_pnt_c UINT8 "TotalAdditionalObservations1km" metadata value Description: Pointer to the granule information for each 1km observation. This value is zero relative, with zero (0) refering to the first overlap granule in the "GranulePointerArray" HDF EOS ArchiveMetadata group. "granule_pnt_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "granule_pnt_f" and "granule_pnt_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "orbit_pnt_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "full". "orbit_pnt_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 42 Variable units STRING 6 "none" valid_range UINT8 2 0, 254 _FillValue UINT8 1 255 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Granule pointer - first layer" for "granule_pnt_1", "Granule pointer - additional layers, full" for "granule_pnt_f", or "Granule pointer - additional layers, compact" for "granule_pnt_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type nadd_obs_row_1km INT32 "DataRows1km" metadata value Description: The number of additional observations in each row in the compact storage form of the L2G grid. This field is only stored if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 41 "Number of additional observations per row" units STRING 4 "none" valid_range INT32 2 0, INT32_MAX _FillValue INT32 1 -1 =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type num_observations_500m INT8 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" Description: The number of 500m observations per pixel contained within this L2G file. In addition, if the value is less than zero, it means that intersections were not computed for this cell. If it is -1, it is part of the fill region of the grid. If it is -2, it is in the area identified as 'non-production' in the Land Production Mask. HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 22 "Number of observations" units STRING 4 "none" valid_range INT8 2 0, 127 _FillValue INT8 1 -1 =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b01_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" sur_refl_b01_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" sur_refl_b01_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 1. "sur_refl_b01_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "sur_refl_b01_f" and "sur_refl_b01_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "sur_refl_b01_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "sur_refl_b01_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat1km" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Variable units STRING 11 "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 4 "500m" Note: The attribute "long_name" is "500m Surface Reflectance Band 1 - first layer" for "sur_refl_b01_1", "500m Surface Reflectance Band 1 - additional layers, full" for "sur_refl_b01_f", or "500m Surface Reflectance Band 1 - additional layers, compact" for "sur_refl_b01_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b02_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" sur_refl_b02_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" sur_refl_b02_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 2. "sur_refl_b02_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "sur_refl_b02_f" and "sur_refl_b02_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "sur_refl_b02_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "sur_refl_b02_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Variable units STRING 11 "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 4 "500m" Note: The attribute "long_name" is "500m Surface Reflectance Band 2 - first layer" for "sur_refl_b02_1", "500m Surface Reflectance Band 2 - additional layers, full" for "sur_refl_b02_f", or "500m Surface Reflectance Band 2 - additional layers, compact" for "sur_refl_b02_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b03_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" sur_refl_b03_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" sur_refl_b03_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 3. "sur_refl_b03_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "sur_refl_b03_f" and "sur_refl_b03_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "sur_refl_b03_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "sur_refl_b03_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Variable units STRING 11 "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 4 "500m" Note: The attribute "long_name" is "500m Surface Reflectance Band 3 - first layer" for "sur_refl_b03_1", "500m Surface Reflectance Band 3 - additional layers, full" for "sur_refl_b03_f", or "500m Surface Reflectance Band 3 - additional layers, compact" for "sur_refl_b03_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b04_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" sur_refl_b04_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" sur_refl_b04_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 4. "sur_refl_b04_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "sur_refl_b04_f" and "sur_refl_b04_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "sur_refl_b04_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "sur_refl_b04_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Variable units STRING 11 "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 4 "500m" Note: The attribute "long_name" is "500m Surface Reflectance Band 4 - first layer" for "sur_refl_b04_1", "500m Surface Reflectance Band 4 - additional layers, full" for "sur_refl_b04_f", or "500m Surface Reflectance Band 4 - additional layers, compact" for "sur_refl_b04_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b05_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" sur_refl_b05_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" sur_refl_b05_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 5. "sur_refl_b05_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "sur_refl_b05_f" and "sur_refl_b05_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "sur_refl_b05_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "sur_refl_b05_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Variable units STRING 11 "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 4 "500m" Note: The attribute "long_name" is "500m Surface Reflectance Band 5 - first layer" for "sur_refl_b05_1", "500m Surface Reflectance Band 5 - additional layers, full" for "sur_refl_b05_f", or "500m Surface Reflectance Band 5 - additional layers, compact" for "sur_refl_b05_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b06_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" sur_refl_b06_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" sur_refl_b06_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 6. "sur_refl_b06_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "sur_refl_b06_f" and "sur_refl_b06_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "sur_refl_b06_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "sur_refl_b06_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Variable units STRING 11 "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 4 "500m" Note: The attribute "long_name" is "500m Surface Reflectance Band 6 - first layer" for "sur_refl_b06_1", "500m Surface Reflectance Band 6 - additional layers, full" for "sur_refl_b06_f", or "500m Surface Reflectance Band 6 - additional layers, compact" for "sur_refl_b06_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b07_1 INT16 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" sur_refl_b07_f INT16 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" sur_refl_b07_c INT16 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 7. "sur_refl_b07_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "sur_refl_b07_f" and "sur_refl_b07_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "sur_refl_b07_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "sur_refl_b07_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Variable units STRING 11 "reflectance" valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 4 "500m" Note: The attribute "long_name" is "500m Surface Reflectance Band 7 - first layer" for "sur_refl_b07_1", "500m Surface Reflectance Band 7 - additional layers, full" for "sur_refl_b07_f", or "500m Surface Reflectance Band 7 - additional layers, compact" for "sur_refl_b07_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type QC_500m_1 UINT32 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" QC_500m_f UINT32 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" QC_500m_c UINT32 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance 500m Quality Assurance. Note: Bits are listed from the MSB (bit 31) to the LSB (bit 0). Bit(s) Description 31 adjacency correction performed; yes(1) or no (0) 30 atmospheric correction performed; yes (1) or no (0) 26-29 band 7 data quality, four bit range; 0000 ( 0) -- highest quality 1000 ( 8) -- dead detector; data interpolated in L1B 1001 ( 9) -- solar zenith >= 86 degrees 1010 (10) -- solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 1011 (11) -- missing input 1100 (12) -- internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 1101 (13) -- correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value 1110 (14) -- L1B data faulty 1111 (15) -- not processed due to deep ocean or clouds 22-25 band 6 data quality, four bit range; (SAME AS ABOVE) 18-21 band 5 data quality, four bit range; (SAME AS ABOVE) 14-17 band 4 data quality, four bit range; (SAME AS ABOVE) 10-13 band 3 data quality, four bit range; (SAME AS ABOVE) 6-9 band 2 data quality, four bit range; (SAME AS ABOVE) 2-5 band 1 data quality four bit range; (SAME AS ABOVE) 0-1 MODLAND QA bits; corrected product produced: 00 -- ideal quality all bands, 01 -- less than ideal quality some or all bands; corrected product not produced due to: 10 -- cloud effects all bands, 11 -- other reasons some or all bands may be fill value; Note that a value of (11) overrides a value of (01) "QC_500m_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "QC_500m_f" and "QC_500m_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "QC_500m_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "QC_500m_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 59 Variable units STRING 9 "bit field" valid_range UINT32 2 0, 4294966019 _FillValue UINT32 1 787410671 Nadir Data Resolution STRING 4 "500m" QA index STRING 1800 Variable Note: The attribute "long_name" is "500m Reflectance Band Quality - first layer" for "QC_500m_1", "500m Reflectance Band Quality - additional layers, full" for "QC_500m_f", or "500m Reflectance Band Quality - additional layers, compact" for "QC_500m_c". ========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type obscov_1 INT8 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" obscov_f INT8 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" obscov_c INT8 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: Observation coverage is an estimate of the amount of intersection between observation footprint and grid cell. "obscov_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "obscov_f" and "obscov_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "obscov_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "obscov_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 49 Variable units STRING 7 "percent" valid_range INT8 2 0, 100 _FillValue INT8 1 -1 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "Observation coverage - first layer" for "obscov_1", "Observation coverage - additional layers, full" for "obscov_f", or "Observation coverage - additional layers, compact" for "obscov_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type iobs_res_1 UINT8 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" iobs_res_f UINT8 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" iobs_res_c UINT8 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: Layer number of corresponding observation in the 1km resolution grid. Zero relative. "iobs_res_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "iobs_res_f" and "iobs_res_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "iobs_res_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "iobs_res_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 63 Variable units STRING 7 "none" valid_range UINT8 2 0, 254 _FillValue UINT8 1 255 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "observation number in coarser grid - first layer" for "iobs_res_1", "observation number in coarser grid - additional layers, full" for "iobs_res_f", or "observation number in coarser grid - additional layers, compact" for "iobs_res_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type q_scan_1 UINT8 "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_2D" q_scan_f UINT8 "Additional Layers:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "YDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D", "XDim:MODIS_Grid_500m_3D" q_scan_c UINT8 "TotalAdditionalObservations500m" metadata value Description: The 250m scan value information states whether the corresponding 250m observations from the same orbit are available for the 500m observation, and also states whether the 250m observations are from the same or a different scan. The 250m samples are for each of four quadrents: 0 -- first 250m line (row), first 250m sample (column); 1 -- first 250m line, second 250m sample; 2 -- second 250m line, first 250m sample; 3 -- second 250m line, second 250m sample. The first line/sample is in the upper left (north-west) corner of the image. Note: Bits are numbered from left (MSB) to right (LSB). Bit(s) Description 0 missing observation in quadrent 4 [+0.5 row, +0.5 column]; yes (1) or no (0) 1 missing observation in quadrent 3 [+0.5 row, -0.5 column]; yes (1) or no (0) 2 missing observation in quadrent 2 [-0.5 row, +0.5 column]; yes (1) or no (0) 3 missing observation in quadrent 1 [-0.5 row, -0.5 column]; yes (1) or no (0) 4 scan of observation in quadrent 4 [+0.5 row, +0.5 column]; same (1) or different (0) 5 scan of observation in quadrent 3 [+0.5 row, -0.5 column]; same (1) or different (0) 6 scan of observation in quadrent 2 [-0.5 row, +0.5 column]; same (1) or different (0) 7 scan of observation in quadrent 1 [-0.5 row, -0.5 column]; same (1) or different (0) "q_scan_1" is for storing the first layer of observations and is always stored. "q_scan_f" and "q_scan_c" are for storing the additional layers of observations. "q_scan_f" is for the full format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "full". "q_scan_c" is for the compact format and is stored only if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 56 Variable units STRING 7 "none" valid_range UINT8 2 0, 254 _FillValue UINT8 1 255 Note: The attribute "long_name" is "250m scan value information - first layer" for "q_scan_1", "250m scan value information - additional layers, full" for "q_scan_f", or "250m scan value information - additional layers, compact" for "q_scan_c". =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type nadd_obs_row_500m INT32 "DataRows500m" metadata value Description: The number of additional observations in each row in the compact storage form of the L2G grid. This field is only stored if "L2GStorageFormat500m" is "compact". HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 41 "Number of additional observations per row" units STRING 4 "none" valid_range INT32 2 0, INT32_MAX _FillValue INT32 1 -1 =========================================================================