MODIS/Terra daily intermediate L4 500m FPAR,LAI (MOD15A1H)

Document Revision: 10.11.2013

PGE Version  : 6.0.4
PGE Release  : 10.17.2012 

Product ID(s): MOD15A1H MODIS/Terra L4 Daily Intermediate


   MODIS Level 4 500M Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation
   (FPAR), and Leaf Area Index (LAI).  This MOD15A1H daily algorithm
   produces a set of 1 to 8 candidate FPAR,LAI products, tiled using
   the Integerized Sinuoidal grid, which are then composited once 
   per 8-days by the main MOD_PR15 compositing algorithm.  All FPAR 
   and LAI data is stored in HDFEOS v.2.1.x files, as separate grid 
   fields within the MOD_Grid_MOD15 grid object.  Note that the LAI
   product range of {0..100} should be interpreted biophysically as
   ranging from {0...10.0}, with one digit of implied precision.
   The HDFEOS file format produced by MOD15A1H (PGE 33) 
   (the set of {1..8} daily intermediates) and the final 8-day composite 
   produced by the MODPR15A2H (PGE 34) are identical, with the
   exception that the MODPR15A2H 8-day composite includes a set of
   PSA's not relevant to the daily intermediate product.

Notes On Significant Changes for SCF v2.4.6 and up:
   -- In collection 6 we are using new C6 500m L2G lite inputs instead of 1km MODAGAGG
   -- In collection 6 we are using 500m dynamic MCDLCHKM land cover classes instead of MOD12Q1
   -- In version 5.0.3 and up we are using new 8-biome MOD12Q1 landcover
   -- In version 5.0.0 and up we have moved the AlgorithmPackage* metadat into the PCF file
   -- In version 5.0.0 we have fixed all metadata issues as reported by LDOPE. We have also updated
      all lookup tables. We are introducing weights when calculating average LAI over distribution of solutions.
      Additionally we have added two new SDSs to the product:
          FparStdDev_1km and LaiStdDev_1km
      They track the FPAR and LAI standard deviation for pixels produced
      by the main (R-T) method.
   -- There is a new FparLai_QC bit layout based on the changes recommended by LDOPE:
	0,0  MODLAND_QC bits
	     '0' =  Good Quality (main algorithm with or without saturation)
	     '1' =  Other Quality (back-up algorithm or fill values)

	     '0' = Terra
	     '1' = Aqua
	     '0' = Detectors apparently fine for up to 50% of channels 1,2
	     '1' = Dead detectors caused >50% adjacent detector retrieval

	3,4  CLOUDSTATE (this inherited from Aggregate_QC bits {0,1} cloud state)
	     '00' = 0 Significant clouds NOT present (clear)
	     '01' = 1 Significant clouds WERE present
	     '10' = 2 Mixed cloud present on pixel
	     '11' = 3 Cloud state not defined,assumed clear

	5,7  SCF_QC (3-bit, (range '000'..100') 5 level Confidence Quality score. 
	     '000' = 0, Main (RT) method used, best result possible (no saturation)
	     '001' = 1, Main (RT) method used with saturation. Good,very usable
	     '010' = 2, Main (RT) method failed due to bad geometry, empirical algorithm used
	     '011' = 3, Main (RT) method failed due to problems other than geometry, empirical algorithm used
	     '100' = 4, Pixel not produced at all, value coudn't be retrieved (possible reasons: bad L1B data, unusable MODAGAGG data)
   -- In version 4.1.0 we have introduced biome dependent uncertainties
      We can also handle varying length interval on NDVI.
      Additional updates to all lookup tables 
   -- In version 4.0.5 we have updated lookup tables for the backup method 
   -- In version 4.0.4 we used the bit 7 in FparExtra_QC to pass info to MOD15A2 on the
      biome of th epixel. It is set to 0 if the biome is outside <1,4> interval, and it
      is set to 1, if the biome is inside the <1,4> interval. This is then used in 
      MOD15A2H (pge34) to eliminate unreasonably high values when saturation occurs
      at these biomes
   -- In version 4.0.0 - we went back to 3-bit SCF QA and changed the QA fields around.
      For details see the description of the QA gridfields later in this

   --Several changes have been made to the Quality Control image layout:
     a) the algorithm path is now (2) bits, with 0=Empirical,1=R-T main
     b) a new dead-detector bit has been added to FparLai_QC
     c) a simplified land/sea classifier has been added to FparExtra_QC
        in place of the little-used VIS channel 1 MODLAND bits.
     d) this code now produces optional 5K BROWSE PRODUCTS as stand alone
        HDFEOS files, where all ECS metadata is carried through, but the
        LOCALGRANULEID is adjusted to the short name "MOD15A1C" following
        MODLAND conventions, and the CHARACTERISTICBINSIZE is adjusted
        to reflect the new 5km pixel size, with the DATAROWS and
        DATACOLUMN metadata fields changed to reflect the new 240x240
     e) we now carry through a set of additional fill values to help
        users identify various non-terrestrial pixels better. The 
        _Fillvalue and auxillary fill values are defined as:
         255 = _Fillvalue: we assign this value when:
             * the MODAGAGG surf reflectance for channel VIS,NIR
               was assigned its _Fillvalue, or
             * land cover pixel itself was assigned _Fillvalue 255, or 254.

         Fill Value                = 255
         Water                     = 254
         Barren/Sparse Vegetation  = 253
         Snow/Ice                  = 252
         Permanent Wetlands        = 251
         Urban/Built-up            = 250
         Unclassified              = 249

   --Note that for v.2.4.1 and higher, we now include the QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER 
     ECS metadata field in the QA_STATS stanza.
   --As of v.2.4.1, the two QA fields have undergone a major revision
     relative to how they've been defined in the past. A single
     MODLAND bits QC flag indicates the quality for BOTH the
     Fpar_500m and Lai_500m output variables.
   --as of v.2.4.6 and higher, we have slightly reconfigured the bitfield
     layout of the FparExtra_QC word.
   --Remember that this PGE33 file spec applies equally to PGE34, the
     actual 8-day composite product archived by NASA.


   We currently version-stamp our source code, ancillary files and product files
   with an identical version and release-timedate stamp, called UM_VERSION.
   Users may extract this version stamp from any product or ancillary file
   using a command like this: 

               ncdump -h MOD15A1_ANC_RI8.HDF | grep UM_VERSION.
   The latest certified codeset carries this version stamp as a global file
   attribute in the product files, ancillary files, and within the executable:
    "UM_VERSION = "U.MONTANA MODIS PGE33 Vers 5.0.4 Rev 11 Release 01.17.2005 00:40"

   An additional build certification stamp is placed in the product tiles, to help
   provide verification for the LUTs required. This global file attribute
   is named after the ESDT and called: MOD15A1_ANC_BUILD_CERT

Point of Contact:

   Petr Votava (Software Development and Maintenance)

   Nikolay Shabanov (Science)

Principal Investigator(s):
   Ranga Myneni
   Department of Geography
   675 Commonwealth Avenue
   Boston University
   Boston, MA 02215
   Voice: (617) 353-5742
   Fax  : (617) 353-8399

Generic Constructs

ECS Metadata Strings:

      1. "FR" is an abbreviation for "FREE_RANGE".
      2. "D/T" is an abbreviation for "DATE/TIME"
      3. (A) means that multiple values are stored within a single array.
      4. A value of "Variable" indicates that this value will vary
         according to the granule being processed.
      5. "M" means class M.
      6. (C) means that multiple values are stored as class members.

    This string will contain the following PVL fields:

        Field Name                        Data      of   Value
                                          Type    Values

    GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass
        SHORTNAME                         STRING     1   "MOD15A1H"
        VERSIONID                         INTEGER    1   6
    END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass

    GROUP = ECSDataGranule        
        REPROCESSINGPLANNED               STRING     1   "further update is anticipated"
        REPROCESSINGACTUAL                STRING     1   Variable
        LOCALGRANULEID                    STRING     1   Variable
        DAYNIGHTFLAG                      STRING     1   "Day"
        PRODUCTIONDATETIME                D/T        1   Variable
        LOCALVERSIONID                    STRING     1   Variable
    END_GROUP = ECSDataGranule

    GROUP = PGEVersionClass
        PGEVERSION                        STRING     1   Variable
    END_GROUP = PGEVersionClass

    GROUP = InputGranule
        INPUTPOINTER                      STRING   FR(A) Variable
    END_GROUP = InputGranule

    GROUP = RangeDateTime
        RANGEBEGINNINGDATE                DATE       1   Variable
        RANGEBEGINNINGTIME                TIME       1   Variable
        RANGEENDINGDATE                   DATE       1   Variable
        RANGEENDINGTIME                   TIME       1   Variable
    END_GROUP = RangeDateTime

    GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer
      GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer
        GROUP = GPolygon
          GROUP = GRing
              EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG          STRING     1   "N"
          END_GROUP = GRing

          GROUP = GRingPoint
              GRINGPOINTLATITUDE          DOUBLE   4(A)  Variable
              GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE         DOUBLE   4(A)  Variable
              GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO        INTEGER  4(A)  Variable
          END_GROUP = GRingPoint
        END_GROUP = GPolygon
      END_GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer
    END_GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer

    GROUP = MeasuredParameter
        PARAMETERNAME                     STRING     1   "MOD15A1H"

        GROUP = QAFlags
            AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG          STRING     1    "Pass"
                                          STRING     1    "No automatic quality assessment is performed in the PGE"
            SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG            STRING     1    Variable
                                          STRING     1    "See 
							   for the product Science Quality status"									             
        END_GROUP = QAFlags

        GROUP = QAStats
            QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA      INTEGER    1   Variable
            QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA           INTEGER    1   Variable
            QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA       INTEGER    1   Variable
            QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER            INTEGER    1   Variable
        END_GROUP = QAStats
    ENDGROUP = MeasuredParameter

    GROUP = AdditionalAttributes
        PARAMETERVALUE                   STRING   FR(C) Variable


        * Other SCF defined PSA attributes:


    END_GROUP = AdditionalAttributes

    GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor
        ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME                STRING     1   "Terra/Aqua"
        ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME                  STRING     1   "MODIS"
    END_GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor



    This string will contain the following PVL fields:

        Field Name                        Data      of   Value
                                          Type     Values

    GROUP = BoundingRectangle
        NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE           DOUBLE     1   Variable
        SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE           DOUBLE     1   Variable
        EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE            DOUBLE     1   Variable
        WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE            DOUBLE     1   Variable
    END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle

    ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME                  STRING     1   "MODPR_15A1H"
    ALGORITHMPACKAGEVERSION               STRING     1   "6"
    GEOANYABNORMAL                        STRING     1   "True/False"
    GEOESTMAXRMSERROR                     DOUBLE     1   Variable
    LONGNAME                              STRING     1   "MODIS/Terra Leaf Area Index/FPAR Daily L4 Global 500m SIN Grid" 					
    PROCESSINGCENTER                      STRING     1   "MODAPS"
    PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT                 STRING     1   "set by uname"
    DESCRREVISION                         STRING     1   Variable
    SYSTEMFILENAME                        STRING     1   Variable
    NUMBEROFGRANULES                      INTEGER    1   Variable
    GRANULEDAYNIGHTFLAG                   STRING   FR(A) Variable
    GRANULEBEGINNINGDATETIME              D/T      FR(A) Variable
    GRANULEENDINGDATETIME                 D/T      FR(A) Variable
    NUMBEROFORBITS                        INTEGER    1   Variable
    CHARACTERISTICBINSIZE                 DOUBLE     1   Variable
    DATACOLUMNS                           INTEGER    1   Variable
    DATAROWS                              INTEGER    1   Variable
    GLOBALGRIDCOLUMNS                     INTEGER    1   Variable
    GLOBALGRIDROWS                        INTEGER    1   Variable
    NADIRDATARESOLUTION                   STRING     1   "500m"
    SPSOPARAMETERS			  STRING     2   "5367,2680"


    This string will be populated automatically by HDF-EOS.

Grid Structure: MOD_Grid_MOD15A1

    Data Fields:
	Fpar_500m, Lai_500m, FparLai_QC, FparExtra_QC, FparStdDev_500m, LaiStdDev_500m

    Private Global File Attributes:
    	Attribute Name		Attribute Type	 Maximum Length
    	UM_VERSION			  char8 (max 80 bytes)
        MOD15A1_ANC_BUILD_CERT            char8 (max 128 bytes)
	ENGINEERING_DATA		  char8 (max 32 Kbytes)


	Dimension       Dimension Name              Value
	Dimension_0     YDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1         "DataRows"
	Dimension_1     XDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1         "DataColumns"

    Corner Locations:

        Corner                Values

        UpperLeftPointMtrs    (Variable, Variable)

        LowerRightPointMtrs   (Variable, Variable)

    Geographic Grid Projection Parameters:

        Sinusoidal Projection
            Projection            GCTP_SNSOID
            ProjParam[0]          6371007.181
            ProjParam[1 to 7]     0.0
            ProjParam[8]          0.0
            ProjParam[9]          0.0
            ProjParam[10]         0.0
            ProjParam[11 to 12]   0.0
            Spherecode            -1
            GridOrigin            HDFE_CENTER


Description of HDFEOS Gridfields

Data Field_1

	Data Field Name: Fpar_500m

	Description: Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR), 500m resolution

    Type: HDF-uint8


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns
	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      34      "MOD15A1H MODIS/Terra  Gridded 500m FPAR (daily intermediate)"
        units            STRING      8       "Percent"
        valid_range      UINT8       2       0   100
        _FillValue       UINT8       1       255 (see other fill-value definitions below)
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.01
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       21     


       255 = _Fillvalue: we assign this value when:
             * the MOD09GA surf reflectance for channel VIS,NIR
               was assigned its _Fillvalue, or 
             * land cover pixel itself was assigned _Fillvalue 255, or 254.
       254 = land cover assigned as perennial salt or inland fresh Water
       253 = land cover assigned as barren,sparse veg (rock,tundra,desert)
       252 = land cover assigned as perennial snow,ice.
       251 = land cover assigned as "permanent" wetlands/inundated marshland
       250 = land cover assigned as urban/built-up
       249 = land cover assigned as "unclassified" or (not able to determine)

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):
          Fpar_500m     = scale_factor * (file data - add_offset)
          file data    = (Fpar_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset

Data Field_2

	Data Field Name: Lai_500m

	Description: Leaf Area Index (LAI),
                     one sided (m^2 plant per m^2 of ground), at 500m resolution

    Type: HDF-uint8


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns
	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      55     "MOD15A1H MODIS/Terra  Gridded 500m Leaf Area Index LAI(daily intermediate)"
        units            STRING      8       "m^2/m^2"
        valid_range      UINT8       2       0 100
        _FillValue       UINT8       1       255 (see other fill-value definitions below)
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.10
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       21     


       255 = _Fillvalue: we assign this value when:
             * the MOD09GA surf reflectance for channel VIS,NIR
               was assigned its _Fillvalue, or 
             * land cover pixel itself was assigned _Fillvalue 255, or 254.
       254 = land cover assigned as perennial salt or inland fresh Water
       253 = land cover assigned as barren,sparse veg (rock,tundra,desert)
       252 = land cover assigned as perennial snow,ice.
       251 = land cover assigned as "permanent" wetlands/inundated marshland
       250 = land cover assigned as urban/built-up
       249 = land cover assigned as "unclassified" or (not able to determine)?

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):
          Lai_500m      = scale_factor * (file data - add_offset)
          file data    = (Lai_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset

Data Field_3
(NOTE: IMPORTANT CHANGE IN VERSION 5.0.0 and up - Added SENSOR bit and MODLAND_QC is rediced to 1 bit as per request from LDOPE)

  Data Field Name: FparLai_QC
  Description: QC (quality control) flags for BOTH the Fpar_500m and Lai_500m
               biophysical variables.

  0,0  MODLAND_QC bits
       '0' =  Good Quality (main algorithm with or without saturation)
       '1' =  Other Quality (back-up algorithm or fill values)

  1,1 SENSOR
       '0' = Terra
       '1' = Aqua
       '0' = Detectors apparently fine for up to 50% of channels 1,2
       '1' = Dead detectors caused >50% adjacent detector retrieval

  3,4  CLOUDSTATE (this inherited from Aggregate_QC bits {0,1} cloud state)
       '00' = 0 Significant clouds NOT present (clear)
       '01' = 1 Significant clouds WERE present
       '10' = 2 Mixed cloud present on pixel
       '11' = 3 Cloud state not defined,assumed clear

  5,7  SCF_QC (3-bit, (range '000'..100') 5 level Confidence Quality score. 
       '000' = 0, Main (RT) method used, best result possible (no saturation)
       '001' = 1, Main (RT) method used with saturation. Good,very usable
       '010' = 2, Main (RT) method failed due to bad geometry, empirical algorithm used
       '011' = 3, Main (RT) method failed due to problems other than geometry, empirical algorithm used
       '100' = 4, Pixel not produced at all, value coudn't be retrieved (possible reasons: bad L1B data, unusable MODAGAGG data) 

    Type: HDF-uint8


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns

	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      25      "MOD15A1 MODIS/Terra  QC for daily FPAR and LAI"
        units            STRING      14      "class-flag"
        valid_range      UINT8       2       0 254
        _FillValue       UINT8       1       255

Data Field_4
  (NOTE: change in bit 7 in version 4.0.4 and up )

  Data Field Name: FparExtra_QC

  Description: Extra-detail QC (quality control) flags for both
               Fpar_500m and Lai_500m biophysical variables.

       '00' = 0 LAND       AggrQC(3,5)values{001}
       '01' = 1 SHORE      AggrQC(3,5)values{000,010,100}
       '10' = 2 FRESHWATER AggrQC(3,5)values{011,101}
       '11' = 3 OCEAN      AggrQC(3,5)values{110,111}
  2,2  SNOW_ICE (from Aggregate_QC bits)
       '0' = No snow/ice detected
       '1' = Snow/ice were detected
  3,3  AEROSOL
       '0' = No or low atmospheric aerosol levels detected
       '1' = Average or high aerosol levels detected
  4,4  CIRRUS (from Aggregate_QC bits {8,9} )
       '0' = No cirrus detected 
       '1' = Cirrus was detected
       '0' = No clouds
       '1' = Clouds were detected
       '0' = No cloud shadow detected
       '1' = Cloud shadow detected
  7,7  SCF_BIOME_MASK - used to figure out biome interval
	'0' = Biome outside interval <1,4>
	'1' = Biome in interval <1,4> 

    Type: HDF-uint8


		Dimension Name		Value

		YDim			DataRows
		XDim			DataColumns

	HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      41      "MOD15A1H MODIS/Terra  pass-through QC for FPAR and LAI"
        units            STRING      14      "class-flag"
        valid_range      UINT8       2       0 254
        _FillValue       UINT8       1       255

Data Field_5

        Data Field Name: FparStdDev_500m

        Description: Standard deviation of Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation, 500m resolution

    Type: HDF-uint8


                Dimension Name          Value

                YDim                    DataRows
                XDim                    DataColumns

        HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      34      "MOD15A1H MODIS/Terra  Gridded 500m Standard Deviation FPAR"
        units            STRING      8       "Percent"
        valid_range      UINT8       2       0   100
        _FillValue       UINT8       1       255 (see other fill-value definitions below)
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.01
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       21


       255 = _Fillvalue: we assign this value when:
             * the MOD09GA surf reflectance for channel VIS,NIR
               was assigned its _Fillvalue, or
             * land cover pixel itself was assigned _Fillvalue 255, or 254.
       254 = land cover assigned as perennial salt or inland fresh Water
       253 = land cover assigned as barren,sparse veg (rock,tundra,desert)
       252 = land cover assigned as perennial snow,ice.
       251 = land cover assigned as "permanent" wetlands/inundated marshland
       250 = land cover assigned as urban/built-up
       249 = land cover assigned as "unclassified" or (not able to determine)
       248 = no standard deviation available, pixel produced using backup method

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):
          FparStdDev_500m     = scale_factor * (file data - add_offset)
          file data          = (FparStdDev_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset

Data Field_6

        Data Field Name: LaiStdDev_500m

        Description: Standard deviation of Leaf Area Index (LAI),
                     one sided (m^2 plant per m^2 of ground), at 500m resolution

    Type: HDF-uint8


                Dimension Name          Value

                YDim                    DataRows
                XDim                    DataColumns

        HDF Attributes:
                                  Number of
                                  Values or
        Attribute        Data      String    Value
                         Type      Length

        long_name        STRING      55     "MOD15A1H MODIS/Terra  Gridded 500m Standard Deviation Leaf Area Index"
        units            STRING      8       "m^2/m^2"
        valid_range      UINT8       2       0 100
        _FillValue       UINT8       1       255 (see other fill-value definitions below)
        scale_factor     FLOAT64     1       0.10
        add_offset       FLOAT64     1       0.0
        scale_factor_err FLOAT64     1       0.0
        add_offset_err   FLOAT64     1       0.0
        calibrated_nt    INT32       1       21


       255 = _Fillvalue: we assign this value when:
             * the MOD09GA surf reflectance for channel VIS,NIR
               was assigned its _Fillvalue, or
             * land cover pixel itself was assigned _Fillvalue 255, or 254.
       254 = land cover assigned as perennial salt or inland fresh Water
       253 = land cover assigned as barren,sparse veg (rock,tundra,desert)
       252 = land cover assigned as perennial snow,ice.
       251 = land cover assigned as "permanent" wetlands/inundated marshland
       250 = land cover assigned as urban/built-up
       249 = land cover assigned as "unclassified" or (not able to determine)
       248 = no standard deviation available, pixel produced using backup method

Data (HDF NCSA style) conversions (to and from digital to analytical):
          LaiStdDev_500m     = scale_factor * (file data - add_offset)
          file data          = (LaiStdDev_500m / scale_factor) + add_offset

PGE33 Product File Global File Attributes (NOT searchable metadata)

Attribute Name:		UM_VERSION

Description:		Contains current version of the source code, ancillary files
			and product files. This is done to help assure that the executable
                        is run with a compatible ancillary file, and to provide a single
                        comprehensive versioning stamp common to our executables, product
                        files and ancillary files.


Description:		This text attribute contains a development log of various internal
                        session metrics.  The attribute "ENGINEERING_DATA" is created for
                        all runs, but is only populated if the FPAR_PCF_ENG runtime switch
                        is set to "1" in the PCF file. If the FPAR_PCF_ENG switch is set to
                        "0", the contents of the attribute is "(none-available)".
                        It's purpose is to more effectively enable to to perform post-processing
                        quality control at the SCF, when we have access to just the HDFEOS product
                        files and not the original ECS session logs.


--Note that PGE33 now optionally produces a 5km BROWSE (or COARSE) product for each data layer,
  triggered by the .pcf file runtime input, FPAR_PCF_BROWSE, as a stand alone
  HDFEOS file. The adjusted gridfield names are each 240x240 pixels and are named: 

--The BROWSE generation feature is intended for use in MODAPS, and is NOT intended for 
  routine use within the ECS Production System, as the HDF product files generated 
  are currently not registered ESDTs.

--The separate BROWSE COARSE product file, when produced, 
  is named after the PGE33 OUTPUT PRODUCT file as shown below, with the
  addition of a "C" after the shortname ESDT:
   PRODUCT FILE : MOD15A1H.A2004257.h12v04.005.2004257161218.hdf
   BROWSE  FILE : MOD15A1HC.A2004257.h12v04.005.2004257161218.hdf

--The default BROWSE PCF runtime input for ECS, to suppress BROWSE generation, is:

--If for a given tile, the .PCF file contains a runtime input FPAR_PCF_BROWSE that is
  set to a syntactically valid specification string, PGE33 will optionally produce 
  a separate HDFEOS file containing (4) gridfields, one per standard SDS. 
--The valid BROWSE specification string is a comma-delimited list of (3) arguments,
  with the following:

    ew_stride --the systematic skip-factor along the East-West axis
    ns_stride --the systematic skip-factor along the North-South axis
    fileType  --HDFEOS indicates a HDFEOS file should be made, or HDF for simple HDF.

  The BROWSE COARSE file layout is shown here (:
        byte Fpar_5km(YDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1_5km, XDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1_5km) ;
                Fpar_5km:scale_factor = 0.01 ;
                Fpar_5km:scale_factor_err = 0. ;
                Fpar_5km:add_offset = 0. ;
                Fpar_5km:add_offset_err = 0. ;
                Fpar_5km:calibrated_nt = 21 ;
                Fpar_5km:valid_range = 0, 100;
                Fpar_5km:_FillValue = 255 ;
                Fpar_5km:long_name = "MOD15A1C MODIS BROWSE Gridded 5KM FPAR" ;
                Fpar_5km:units = "(Percent)" ;
        byte Lai_5km(YDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1_5km, XDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1_5km) ;
                Lai_5km:scale_factor = 0.1 ;
                Lai_5km:scale_factor_err = 0. ;
                Lai_5km:add_offset = 0. ;
                Lai_5km:add_offset_err = 0. ;
                Lai_5km:calibrated_nt = 21 ;
                Lai_5km:valid_range = 0, 100;
                Lai_5km:_FillValue = 255 ;
                Lai_5km:long_name = "MOD15A1C MODIS BROWSE Gridded 5KM Leaf Area Index LAI" ;
                Lai_5km:units = "(m^2/m^2)" ;
        byte FparLai_5kmQC(YDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1_5km, XDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1_5km) ;
                FparLai_5kmQC:valid_range = 0, 159 ;
                FparLai_5kmQC:_FillValue = 255 ;
                FparLai_5kmQC:long_name = "BROWSE of QC for daily FPAR and LAI" ;
                FparLai_5kmQC:units = "(class-flag)" ;
        byte FparExtra_5kmQC(YDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1_5km, XDim:MOD_Grid_MOD15A1_5km) ;
                FparExtra_5kmQC:valid_range = 0, 191 ;
                FparExtra_5kmQC:_FillValue = 255 ;
                FparExtra_5kmQC:long_name = "BROWSE of MODAGAGG pass-through QC for FPAR and LAI" ;
                FparExtra_5kmQC:units = "(class-flag)" ;

    Global file attributes: "UM_VERSION", char8
    UM_VERSION = "U.MONTANA MODIS PGE33 Vers 5.0.4 Rev 11 Release 01.17.2005 00:40" ;

========================================= EOF ==========================================