MOD10L2C Product File Specification Version: V6.0.0 Revision: 1 Date: 12 February 2013 ESDT: MOD10L2C Name: Coarse resolution snow cover Level: 2 Process ID: MOD_PR10 Point of Contact: George Riggs SSAI NASA, GSFC, Code 615 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5650 Principal Investigator: Dorothy K. Hall NASA, GSFC, Code 615 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5771 Associate Investigator: George Riggs SSAI NASA, GSFC, Code 615 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-614-5650 Description: Purpose of the MOD10L2C coarse resolution, i.e. 5 km spatial resolution, snow product is to facilitate QA and compilation of daily global images of snow cover by the LDOPE in support of QA operations. Snow cover in MOD10L2C is sampled from the MOD10_L2 fractional snow cover product. The center pixel of a 5 km by 5 km block of pixels in the MOD10_L2 is written into the MOD10L2C fractional snow cover and general QA SDSs. The latitide and longitude SDSs are the same as the latitude and longitude SDSs in MOD10_L2. ECS metadata of CoreMetadata.0, ArchiveMetadata.0 and StructMetadata.0 are included in MOD10L2C. Contents: SDSs; Longitude Latitude Fractional_Snow_Cover_5km Fractional_Snow_Cover_Pixel_QA_5km ECS Metadata Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: CoreMetadata.0 PVL-STRING 1 SDPTK variable LocalGranuleID STRING 1 PGE Variable ProductionDateTime DATETIME 1 TK Variable DayNightFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable ReprocessingActual STRING 1 PGE Variable LocalVersionID STRING 1 PGE Variable ReprocessingPlanned STRING 1 PGE Variable ScienceQualityFlag STRING 1 DP Variable AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 PGE Variable AutomaticQualityFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable ScienceQualityFlagExplanation STRING 1 PGE Variable QAPercentMissingData INTEGER 1 PGE Variable QAPercentCloudCover INTEGER 1 PGE Variable ParameterName STRING 1 PGE "Snow Cover" EquatorCrossingDate DATE 1 PGE Variable EquatorCrossingTime TIME 1 PGE Variable OrbitNumber INTEGER 1 PGE Variable EquatorCrossingLongitude DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable VersionID INTEGER 1 MCF 5 ShortName STRING 1 MCF "MOD10L2C" InputPointer STRING 3 PGE Variable GRingPointLongitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRingPointLatitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRingPointSequenceNo INTEGER 4 PGE Variable ExclusionGRingFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingTime TIME 1 PGE Variable/RangeBeginningDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningTime TIME 1 PGE Variable PGEVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable AncillaryInputPointer STRING M PGE Variable AncillaryInputType STRING M PGE "Geolocation" AssociatedSensorShortName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" AssociatedPlatformShortName STRING 1 MCF "Terra" AssociatedInstrumentShortname STRING 1 MCF "MODIS" **Product Specific Attributes (PSA)** AdditionalAttributeName.1 STRING M PGE QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY ParameterValue.1 STRING 1 PGE Variable AdditionalAttributeName.2 STRING M PGE QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY ParameterValue.2 STRING 1 PGE Variable AdditionalAttributeName.3 STRING M PGE GRANULENUMBER ParameterValue.3 STRING 1 PGE Variable AdditionalAttributeName.4 STRING M PGE SNOWCOVERPERCENT ParameterValue.4 STRING 1 PGE Variable End CoreMetadata.0 _________________________________ ArchiveMetadata.0 STRING 1 PGE variable AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate STRING 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode STRING 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageName STRING 1 PGE Variable AlgorithmPackageVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable LongName STRING 1 MCF "MODIS/Terra MOD10 Coarse Resolution 5km for QA purposes" InstrumentName STRING 1 MCF "Moderate-Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer" LocalInputGranuleID STRING 3 PGE Variable ProcessingCenter STRING 1 PGE "MODAPS" ProcessingEnvironment STRING 1 PGE Variable ProcessingDateTime STRING 1 PGE Variable SPSOParameters STRING 1 PGE "none" EastBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable WestBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable NorthBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable SouthBoundingCoordinate DOUBLE 1 PGE Variable DESCRevision STRING 1 MCF Variable End ArchiveMetadata.0 _________________________________ StructMetadata.0 DFNT_CHAR8 32000 GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=SWATH_1 SwathName="MOD_Swath_Snow_5km" GROUP=Dimension OBJECT=Dimension_1 DimensionName="Coarse_swath_lines_5km" Size=406 END_OBJECT=Dimension_1 OBJECT=Dimension_2 DimensionName="Coarse_swath_pixels_5km" Size=271 END_OBJECT=Dimension_2 END_GROUP=Dimension GROUP=DimensionMap END_GROUP=DimensionMap GROUP=IndexDimensionMap END_GROUP=IndexDimensionMap GROUP=GeoField OBJECT=GeoField_1 GeoFieldName="Longitude" DataType=DFNT_FLOAT32 DimList=("Coarse_swath_lines_5km","Coarse_swath_pixels_5km") END_OBJECT=GeoField_1 OBJECT=GeoField_2 GeoFieldName="Latitude" DataType=DFNT_FLOAT32 DimList=("Coarse_swath_lines_5km","Coarse_swath_pixels_5km") END_OBJECT=GeoField_2 END_GROUP=GeoField GROUP=DataField OBJECT=DataField_1 DataFieldName="Fractional_Snow_Cover_5km" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("Coarse_swath_lines_5km","Coarse_swath_pixels_5km") END_OBJECT=DataField_1 OBJECT=DataField_2 DataFieldName="Fractional_Snow_Cover_Pixel_QA_5km" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("Coarse_swath_lines_5km","Coarse_swath_pixels_5km") END_OBJECT=DataField_2 END_GROUP=DataField GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=SWATH_1 END_GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=GridStructure END_GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=PointStructure END_GROUP=PointStructure END Global Metadata: HDFEOSVersion DFNT_CHAR string lenght PGE variable =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Longitude Description: Longitude SDS copied from the Longitude SDS in MOD10_L2. Number Type: "DFNT_FLOAT32" Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(YDim, XDim) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" SDS Local Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: HDF Predefined Attributes by Reserved Label____ long_name DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Coarse 5 km resolution longitude" units DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "degrees" valid_range DFNT_FLOAT32 2 PGE -180.000,180.000 _FillValue DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE -999.000 Custom Attributes____ source DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "MOD03 geolocation product; data read from center pixel in 5 km box" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Latitude Description: Latitude SDS copied from the Latitude SDS in MOD10_L2. Number Type: "DFNT_FLOAT32" Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(YDim, XDim) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" SDS Local Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: HDF Predefined Attributes by Reserved Label____ long_name DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Coarse 5 km resolution latitude" units DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "degrees" valid_range DFNT_FLOAT32 2 PGE -90.000, 90.000 _FillValue DFNT_FLOAT32 1 PGE -999.000 Custom Attributes____ source DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "MOD03 geolocation product; data read from center pixel in 5 km box" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Fractional_Snow_Cover_5km Description: Snow cover data sampled at 5 km resolution from the fractional snow cover SDS in MOD10_L2 at 500 m resolution. Number Type: "DFNT_UINT8" Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(YDim, XDim) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" SDS Local Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: HDF Predefined Attributes by Reserved Label____ long_name DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Coarse resolution (5km) snow cover" units DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "none" coordsys DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "cartesian" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0,254 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 Custom Attributes____ Key: DFNT_CHAR8 string length PGE "0-100=fractional snow, 200=missing data, 201=no decision, 211=night, 237=inland water, 239=ocean, 250=cloud, 254=detector saturated, 255=fill" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Fractional_Snow_Cover_Pixel_QA_5km Description: Fractional snow cover pixel QA data sampled at 5 km resolution from the fractional snow cover pixel QA SDS in MOD10_L2 at 500 m resolution. Number Type: "DFNT_UINT8" Rank: 2 Dimension sizes:(YDim, XDim) Dimension Names: Dimension0: "YDim" Dimension1: "XDim" SDS Local Attributes: Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: HDF Predefined Attributes by Reserved Label____ long_name DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "Coarse resolution (5km) snow cover spatial QA" units DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "none" coordsys DFNT_CHAR string length PGE "cartesian" valid_range DFNT_UINT8 2 PGE 0,254 _FillValue DFNT_UNIT8 1 PGE 255 Custom Attributes____ Key: DFNT_CHAR8 string length PGE "0=best, 1=good, 2=ok, 3=poor, 254=no retrieval" ===============================================================================