Version 6.0.0
			        June 27th, 2012


This document specifies the Terra MODIS Level 1A product format (MOD01). The product
will be implemented in an HDF format.

The specification is organized into six sections: Global Metadata, Scan-Level
Metadata, Pixel Quality Data, Scan Data, Discarded Packets, and Engineering Data.
The Global Metadata are intended to satisfy both the ECS requirements for
ingesting, cataloging, and searching data products, and the MODIS mission's need
to track MODIS-specific metadata. The Scan-Level Metadata provide instrument- and
processing-specific information about a particular scan of MODIS data. The Pixel
Quality Data provide information about the availability of instrument fields of
view (IFOVs), along with a reason why an IFOV contains fill data. The Scan Data
include all Level 1A (raw) radiance data.  The Discarded Packets contains data packets
that were determined to be "bad".  This information is retained for reversibility.
The Engineering Data contain all the raw flag, temperature, voltages, currents, etc.
output by the instrument.

1.    Global Metadata

Global Metadata consists of two sections, ECS Granule Metadata and MODIS Level 1A
Specific Granule Metadata.

1.1   ECS Granule Metadata

These metadata elements will be stored using the ECS metadata tools as PVL text
blocks in accordance with ECS guidelines. The ECS Granule Metadata consists of
two sections, ECS Granule Inventory Metadata and ECS Archive Metadata.  The
Inventory fields will be stored in an HDF attribute named CoreMetadata.0. Note that
the data type field listed below is relevant for I/O of these fields only, since
each set of metadata is stored as a single PVL text block. Note also that the
supported data types for ECS metadata are STRING, DOUBLE, DATETIME (CCSDS ASCII
Time Code A) and INTEGER.

1.1.1 ECS Granule Inventory (Core and Product) Metadata

                      ECS Granule Inventory Metadata
Product Metadata Name        |    Data Type      |               Example                      |Note
SHORTNAME                    |    STRING         |  "MOD01"                                   |
VERSIONID                    |    STRING         |  "2"                                       |
PGEVERSION                   |    STRING         |  "2"                                       |
RANGEBEGINNINGDATE           |    STRING         |  "2012-01-01"                              |
                             |  "YYYY-MM-DD"     |                                            |
RANGEBEGINNINGTIME           |    STRING         |  "00:00:00.000000"                         |
                             | "HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS" |                                            |
RANGEENDINGDATE              |    STRING         |  "2012-01-01"                              |
                             |  "YYYY-MM-DD"     |                                            |
RANGEENDINGTIME              |    STRING         |  "00:04:59.000000"                         |
                             | "HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS" |                                            |
DAYNIGHTFLAG                 |    STRING         |  "Day", "Night", "Both", or "NA"           |
ORBITNUMBER.1                |    INTEGER        |  256                                       |  1
EQUATORCROSSINGLONGITUDE.1   |    DOUBLE         |  90.000                                    |  1
EQUATORCROSSINGDATE.1        |    STRING         |  "2012-01-01"			      |  1
                             |  "YYYY-MM-DD"     |                                            |
EQUATORCROSSINGTIME.1        |    STRING         |  "00:04:59.000000"                         |  1
                             | "HH:MM:SS.SSSSSS" |                                            |
EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG.1         |    STRING         |  "N"                                       |  1
GRINGPOINTLATITUDE.1         |    DOUBLE(4)      |  (25., 20., 10., 15.)                      |  1
GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE.1        |    DOUBLE(4)      |  (20., 40., 35., 15.)                      |  1
GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO.1       |    INTEGER(4)     |  (1, 2, 3, 4)                              |  1
ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.1    |    STRING         |  "GRANULENUMBER"                           |
PARAMETERVALUE.1             |    STRING         |  "1"                                       |
PARAMETERVALUE.2             |    STRING         |  "6.0.4"				      |
ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.3    |    STRING         |  "identifier_product_doi"		      |
PARAMETERVALUE.3             |    STRING         |  "10.5067/MODIS/MOD01.006"		      |
ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.4    |    STRING         |  "identifier_product_doi_authority"	      |
PARAMETERVALUE.4             |    STRING         |  ""			      |
PRODUCTIONDATETIME           |    STRING         |  "2012-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z"             |  2
                             |    CCSDS ASCII    |                                            |
                             |    Time Code A    |                                            |
REPROCESSINGACTUAL           |    STRING         |  "processed once"                          |
REPROCESSINGPLANNED          |    STRING         |  "further update anticipated"	      |
LOCALVERSIONID		     |	  STRING	 |  "6.0.0"				      |
INPUTPOINTER                 |    STRING(3)      |  "UR:10:DsShESDTUR:UR:15:DsShSciServerUR:13:[GSF:DSSDSRV]:21:SC:MOD000.001:1012627"   |
                             |                   |  "UR:10:DsShESDTUR:UR:15:DsShSciServerUR:13:[GSF:DSSDSRV]:21:SC:MOD000.001:1007398"   |
                             |                   |  "ENG_DATA_LIST_TERRA.coeff.6.0.15"        |
LOCALGRANULEID               |    STRING         |  "MOD01.A2012001.0000.006.2012001190647.hdf"|
ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME.1|    STRING         |  "Terra"                                   |
ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTNAME.1   |    STRING         |  "MODIS"                                   |
ASSOCIATEDSENSORNAME.1       |    STRING(4)      |  "VNIR","SWIR", "MIR" "TIR"                |

Note:  1.  This geographic metadata field will contain fill values when the Level 1A
           process writes a granule; the MODIS Geolocation process (MOD_PR03) will
	   update this geographic metadata field with actual values after it has
	   processed a granule.
       2.  This item will be filled in by DSS

1.1.2 ECS Granule Archive Metadata

                      ECS Granule Archive Metadata
Product Metadata Name        |    Data Type      |               Example                      |Note
DESCREVISION		     |	  STRING	 |  "6.0"				      |
PRODUCTIONHISTORY	     |	  STRING	 |  "PGE01:6.0.15"			      |
LONGNAME		     |	  STRING	 |  "MODIS/Terra Raw Radiances in Counts 5-min L1A Swath"
PROCESSINGENVIRONMENT	     |	  STRING	 | "Linux moddev-c32 2.6.18-274.3.1.el5PAE #1 SMP Tue Sep 6 20:56:05 EDT 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux"
EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE	     |	  DOUBLE	 |  -180.0				      | 1
NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE	     |	  DOUBLE	 |  -90.0				      | 1
SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE	     |	  DOUBLE	 |  90.0				      | 1
WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE	     |	  DOUBLE	 |  180.0				      | 1
Note:  1.  This geographic metadata field will contain the shown default values when the Level
	   1A process writes a granule; the MODIS Geolocation process (MOD_PR03) will
	   update this geographic metadata field with actual values after it has
	   processed a granule.

1.2   MODIS Level 1A Specific Granule Metadata

                        Level 1A Specific Granule Metadata
Metadata Description             | Data Type |          Example          | Note
Number of Scans                  | int32     | 100                       |
Number of Day mode scans         | int32     | 45                        |
Number of Night mode scans       | int32     | 55                        |
Max Total Frames                 | int32     | 1450                      | 1
Max Earth Frames                 | int32     | 1354                      | 1
Max SD Frames                    | int32     | 30                        | 1
Max SRCA Frames                  | int32     | 40                        | 1
Max BB Frames                    | int32     | 50                        | 1
Max SV Frames                    | int32     | 30                        | 1
Scan Types in product            | char(10)  | Day, Night, Mixed, Other  |
Incomplete Scans                 | int32     | 14                        |
Missing Packets                  | int32     | 205                       |
Packets with bad CRC             | int32     | 2                         |
Discarded packets                | int32     | 76                        |
identifier_product_doi		 | char(24)  | "10.5067/MODIS/MOD01.006" |
identifier_product_doi_authority | char(18)  | ""	 |

Note:  1.  For the frame-related metadata fields (Max Earth Frames, Max BB Frames,
           etc.), "frames" refers to 1km resolution frames. For 250m data, multiply
           the number by 4; for 500m data, multiply the number by 2.

2.    Scan-Level Metadata

The data referenced in this section provide information about each scan of MODIS
data. All scan-level metadata are contained in Science Data Sets (SDSs) within the
HDF product. The value nscans shown in the dimensions column is the number of scans
that the product can contain at a maximum. This value will be the same as the scans
dimension of the SDSs in the Instrument Data section and will be configurable to
allow the adjustment of granule size. This value is NOT necessarily the same as the
MODIS Level 1A Specific Granule Metadata 'Number of Scans' field.

                               Scan Level Metadata
SDS Name                       |  Format   |  Dimensions  |  Values                   | _FillValue | Note
Scan number (in granule)       |  int16    | (nscans)     |                           |	0	   |
Frame count array:             |  int16    | (nscans, 6)  |                           |		   | 1
  Total Frames in scan         | element 1 |              |                           |		   |
  Earth Frames in scan         | element 2 |              |                           |		   |
  SD Frames in scan            | element 3 |              |                           |		   |
  SRCA Frames in scan          | element 4 |              |                           |		   |
  BB Frames in scan            | element 5 |              |                           |		   |
  SV Frames in scan            | element 6 |              |                           |		   |
Scan Type                      |  char     | (nscans, 10) |  Day, Night, Other        |		   |
SD start time                  |  float64  | (nscans)     |  TAI time in seconds      |	-2E9	   |
                               |           |              |    since 00:00:00 1/1/93  |		   |
SRCA start time                |  float64  | (nscans)     |  TAI time in seconds      |	-2E9	   |
                               |           |              |    since 00:00:00 1/1/93  |		   |
BB start time                  |  float64  | (nscans)     |  TAI time in seconds      |	-2E9	   |
                               |           |              |    since 00:00:00 1/1/93  |		   |
SV start time                  |  float64  | (nscans)     |  TAI time in seconds      |	-2E9	   |
                               |           |              |    since 00:00:00 1/1/93  |		   |
EV start time                  |  float64  | (nscans)     |  TAI time in seconds      |	-2E9	   |
                               |           |              |    since 00:00:00 1/1/93  |		   |
SRCA calibration mode          |  int16    | (nscans)     |  0  (radiometric)         |	-1	   |
                               |           |              |  1  (spatial)             |		   |
                               |           |              |  2  (spectral)            |		   |
Packet scan count              |  int16    | (nscans)     |  range 0 - 7              |	-1	   |
CCSDS Application Identifiers  |  int16    | (nscans, 3)  |  range 64 - 127           |	-1	   |  2
Packet expedited data flag     |  int16    | (nscans)     |  0  (Normal)              |	-1	   |
                               |           |              |  1  (Expedited)           |		   |
Mirror side                    |  int16    | (nscans)     |  0 or 1                   |	-1	   |
Scan quality array             |  int32    | (nscans, 4)  |                           |		   |
  Scan data presence           | element 1 |              |  0  (no valid data in     |		   |
                               |           |              |      scan)                |		   |
                               |           |              |  1  (some valid data in   |		   |
                               |           |              |      scan)                |		   |
  Missing Packets in scan      | element 2 |              |                           |		   |
  Packets with bad CRC in scan | element 3 |              |                           |		   |
  Discarded Packets in scan    | element 4 |              |                           |		   |

Note:  1.  The value in each of the "Frames in scan" refers to the highest numbered frame
           that was encountered, not how many frames were encountered.  As an example,
           the scan may contain only 2 Earth Frames.  If the first Earth Frame was Frame
           number 5 and the second Earth Frame was Frame number 300, then the "Earth
           Frames in scan" value would be 300 (not 2).

       2.  This field can contain up to 3 separate CCSDS Application Process Identifiers
           (APIDs).  Normally there will only be 1 in which case, the other 2 will contain
           fill values.  (i.e. 64,-1,-1)  If there is more than 1 the next dimension will
           contain the second APID and the last dimension will contain the third APID.
           (i.e. 64,87,-1 or 64,87,127)

3.    Pixel Quality Data

A number of instrument field of view (IFOV) quality flags will be kept.  For night mode
scans, the information for the "Earth sector Pixel quality" SDS will be repeated for the
last dimension to be consistent with day mode scans.  For each of the SDSs shown below, an
array element can have the following values:
	Good Pixel	                         0
	Pixel is from missing packet	         1
	Pixel is from packet with bad CRC	 2
	Pixel is from packet that was discarded	 4

                             Level 1A Pixel Data Quality
SDS Name                      |  Format  |     Dimensions       | _FillValue
SD sector Pixel quality       |  int16   |  (nscans, 64, 2)     |	1
SRCA sector Pixel quality     |  int16   |  (nscans, 64, 2)     |	1
BB sector Pixel quality       |  int16   |  (nscans, 64, 2)     |	1
SV sector Pixel quality       |  int16   |  (nscans, 64, 2)     |	1
Earth sector Pixel quality    |  int16   |  (nscans, 1354, 2)   |	1

4.    Scan Data

These fields will be stored as separate HDF Scientific Data Sets (SDSs) as shown
below with the specified dimensions. Each of these SDSs has an HDF _FillValue of -1.
The "Current/Prior S/C Ancill" and "Command Parameters" SDSs will also be stored as
Vdata to permit product portability (see below).  The "Current / Prior S/C Ancill"
SDS will be copied into two Vdatas named "Current S/C Ancillary Data" and "Prior S/C
Ancillary Data".  The "Command Parameters" SDS will be copied to a Vdata named
"Command Parameters".

Detector Order Convention for Detector Dependent Data:
The "SBRS" detector order convention refers to the numbering of detectors on each
focal plane assembly as defined by the manufacturer. In this convention, the numbering
of detectors is opposite in direction from the satellite track direction. The "product"
detector order convention is the reverse of the SBRS convention. The product order was
defined to allow consecutive scans to be laid down on an image with the last detector of
one scan abutting the first detector of the next scan. The following table includes the
detector ordering convention implied for those data items in this product that have a
dimension that is detector dependent.

                                 Scan Data
Description              |    SDS Name       | Format |  Dimensions           | Order
                        Solar Diffuser Sector Data
Bands 1 and 2            | SD_250m           | int16  | (nscans*40, 2, 256)   | Product
Bands 3 through 7        | SD_500m           | int16  | (nscans*20, 5, 128)   | Product
Bands 8 through 19       | SD_1km_day        | int16  | (nscans*10, 14, 64)   | Product
Bands 20 through 36      | SD_1km_night      | int16  | (nscans*10, 17, 64)   | Product
                              SRCA Sector Data
Bands 1 and 2            | SRCA_250m         | int16  | (nscans*40, 2, 256)   | Product
Bands 3 through 7        | SRCA_500m         | int16  | (nscans*20, 5, 128)   | Product
Bands 8 through 19       | SRCA_1km_day      | int16  | (nscans*10, 14, 64)   | Product
Bands 20 through 36      | SRCA_1km_night    | int16  | (nscans*10, 17, 64)   | Product
                           Blackbody Sector Data
Bands 1 and 2            | BB_250m           | int16  | (nscans*40, 2, 256)   | Product
Bands 3 through 7        | BB_500m           | int16  | (nscans*20, 5, 128)   | Product
Bands 8 through 19       | BB_1km_day        | int16  | (nscans*10, 14, 64)   | Product
Bands 20 through 36      | BB_1km_night      | int16  | (nscans*10, 17, 64)   | Product
                           Space View Sector Data
Bands 1 and 2            | SV_250m           | int16  | (nscans*40, 2, 256)   | Product
Bands 3 through 7        | SV_500m           | int16  | (nscans*20, 5, 128)   | Product
Bands 8 through 19       | SV_1km_day        | int16  | (nscans*10, 14, 64)   | Product
Bands 20 through 36      | SV_1km_night      | int16  | (nscans*10, 17, 64)   | Product
                             Earth Sector Data
Bands 1 and 2            | EV_250m           | int16  | (nscans*40, 2, 5600)  | Product
Bands 3 through 7        | EV_500m           | int16  | (nscans*20, 5, 2800)  | Product
Bands 8 through 19       | EV_1km_day        | int16  | (nscans*10, 14, 1354) | Product
Bands 20 through 36      | EV_1km_night      | int16  | (nscans*10, 17, 1354) | Product
                           Engineering/Memory Data
FPA/AEM Config           | fpa_aem_config    | int8   | (nscans, 10)          | N/A
Science State            | science_state     | int8   | (nscans)              | N/A
Science Abnormal         | science_abnormal  | int8   | (nscans)              | N/A
PV & PC DCR offset       | fpa_dcr_offset    | int8   | (nscans, 550)         | SBRS
Earth Encoder Times      | raw_mir_enc       | int16  | (nscans, 78)          | N/A
View Sector Definitions  | raw_vs_def        | int16  | (nscans, 40)          | N/A
View Sector Actuals      | raw_vs_act        | int16  | (nscans, 24)          | N/A
Eng Data                 | raw_sci_eng       | int8   | (nscans, 224)         | N/A
Current/Prior HK Tlmy    | raw_hk_telem      | int8   | (nscans, 128)         | N/A
Current/Prior S/C Ancill | raw_sc_ancil      | int16  | (nscans, 64)          | N/A
Command Parameters       | raw_param         | int8   | (nscans, 40)          | N/A
PV Gains                 | raw_pv_gains      | int8   | (nscans, 550)         | SBRS

Note: raw_mir_enc is actually an unsigned integer, stored in a signed type by mistake,
and retained in that form for reasons of backwards compatibility. The conversion from
the unsigned value to the signed value is done as if it the signed type was a 16-bit 2's
complement type, even if that's not actually the case on the machine where MOD_PR01.exe
is run. An offset of (int32)0x10000 should therefore be added to negative values of
raw_mir_enc, to portably retrieve the true value.

5.    Discarded Packets

When the Level 1A process finds a packet that contains CCSDS or MODIS header
information that is inconsistent with expected conditions, the Level 1A process
will correct invalid packet lengths based upon the packet type (if valid), and
place that packet into this Vdata (or at least the first 645 bytes of the packet
- the rest of the record is filled with zeros). The largest valid packet has a
length of 635 plus a 7 byte header, for a total of 642 bytes. The people who
know why a packet buffer length of 645 and a vdata record length of 650 were
chosen no longer work on this project.
The number of packets in the Vdata will depend upon the number of "bad" packets

Discarded Packets
discarded_packets         int8 (order 650)

6.    Engineering Data

All decommutated engineering data are contained in Vdata structures within the HDF
files. The name of the Vdata is followed by a list of fields in the Vdata. The names
of the Vdata fields are taken verbatim from the MODIS Command, Telemetry, Science
and Engineering Description provided by Hughes, Santa Barbara Remote Sensing (SBRS)
(CDRL 305).  The only exception to this is when 2 or more fields in the same Vdata
have the same name.  In each of these cases the name of the field has "_x" attached
to the end of it (where "x" is an integer).  As an example, there are two "SS_FR_SPARE"
fields in "Telemetry Major Cycle 4A of 7".  They have been renamed "SS_FR_SPARE_1" and
"SS_FR_SPARE_2".  Each Vdata will contain number of scan records.  The data for the
Telemetry Vdatas is extracted from the current part of the Current/Prior HK Tlmy data
found in the Engineering Group 2 Packet 1 data.  The data for the Engineering Vdatas
is extracted from the Eng data found in the Engineering Group 1 Packet 1 data.  Each
Vdata contains a "LAST_VALID_SCAN" field.  This field denotes what scan the information
was taken from.  This will let the user know if the data that is in the record is stale
or not.  This could happen if the scan contained missing engineering packets.  A
"LAST_VALID_SCAN" value of 65535 for a record, signifies that an engineering packet with
that information has not yet been received for this granule.  As an example, if the
"LAST_VALID_SCAN" in the "Telemetry Major Cycle 1 of 7" record is 65535 for scan 3, then
there have been no engineering packets with major cycle 1 data before scan 3.  All of
the fields in this record will be set to 0.

Telemetry Major Cycle All Part 1
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SS_CP1553_MAJCYC          uint16
SS_CP_CMD_ECHO            uint16
SS_CP_LOG_EVENT           uint16
SS_CP_MODE                uint16
SS_CP_MODECHG_GO          uint16
SS_CP_SPARE               uint16
SS_CP_VALTLM_COL          uint16
SS_CP_VALTLM_FMT          uint16
SS_DR_NAD_STEP            uint16
SS_DR_SPARE               uint16
SS_DR_SVD_STEP            uint16
CS_FR_BBRADTAB            uint16
SS_FR_LOG_EVENT           uint16
IR_PS1_INPUT_CUR          uint16
IR_PS2_INPUT_CUR          uint16
TA_RC_LWIR_CFPA           uint16
TA_RC_SMIR_CFPA           uint16
SR_SA_APX_PERIOD          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle All Part 2
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
CR_SM_MIR_HOME_A          uint16
CR_SM_MIR_HOME_B          uint16
CS_SM_MIR_STEP            uint16
CR_SR_GRAT_CH_A           uint16
CR_SR_GRAT_CH_B           uint16
CR_SR_GRAT_FH_A           uint16
CR_SR_GRAT_FH_B           uint16
CR_SR_IR_SRC_OFF          uint16
CR_SR_SISHTR_OFF          uint16
CS_FR_GAINTAB             uint16
CR_SR_SLIT_HOMEA          uint16
CR_SR_SLIT_HOMEB          uint16
CR_SR_WHL_HOMEA           uint16
CR_SR_WHL_HOMEB           uint16
CS_SR_GRAT_STEP           uint16
CS_SR_SLIT_STEP           uint16
CS_SR_SRCWH_STEP          uint16
CS_SR_LAMPS               uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle All Part 3
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SS_CP_LAST_EVENT          uint16
SS_FR_LAST_EVENT          uint16
SS_CP_TC1_DAYS            uint16
SS_CP_TC2_MILLIS          uint16
SS_CP_TC3_MILLIS          uint16
SS_CP_TC4_MICROS          uint16
CS_FR_OFFSETTAB           uint16
SS_CP_MACRO_ID            uint16
SS_CP_MACRO_ON            uint16
SS_DR_SDD_STEP            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 0 of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
CR_BB_A_PWR_ON            uint16
CR_BB_B_PWR_ON            uint16
SS_BB_DCYCLE              uint16
CS_BB_TEMP_SET            uint16
IR_BB_HTRA_CURH           uint16
IR_BB_HTRB_CURH           uint16
TP_BB_TEMP01H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP02H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP03H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP04H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP05H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP06H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP07H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP08H             uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 1 of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_BB_TEMP09H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP10H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP11H             uint16
TP_BB_TEMP12H             uint16
CR_CE_A_ON                uint16
CR_CE_B_ON                uint16
CR_CPA_EEP_WRE_M          uint16
CR_CPB_EEP_WRE_M          uint16
CR_CP_A_ON_M              uint16
CR_CP_B_ON_M              uint16
CR_CP_SET_TMF_A           uint16
CS_CP_SPARE               uint16
SS_CP_IMOK_ON             uint16
SS_CP_SPARE_1             uint16
SS_CP_SPARE_2             uint16
SS_CP_RESET_SRC           uint16
SS_CP_SCAN_EST            uint16
SS_CP_LOG_STATE           uint16
SS_FR_LOG_STATE           uint16
SS_FR_SCIABNORM           uint16
CS_FR_SCI_QLKSET          uint16
CS_FR_ENG_QLKSET          uint16
SS_CP_STATUS_04           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 2 of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SS_CP_STATUS_05           uint16
SS_CP_STATUS_06           uint16
SS_CP_STATUS_07           uint16
SS_CP_STATUS_08           uint16
SS_CP_STATUS_09           uint16
SS_CP_UART_RESET          uint16
SS_CP_UART_HUNT           uint16
SS_CP_UART_SYNC           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 3A of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SS_CP_UART_NORM           uint16
SS_CP_SPARE               uint16
SS_CP_TMF_GONE            uint16
CR_DR_DRV_ON              uint16
CR_DR_FS_ENABL_M          uint16
CR_DR_FS_SW_CLSD          uint16
CR_DR_NAD_CLSD            uint16
CR_DR_NAD_FS_ON           uint16
CR_DR_NAD_OPEN            uint16
CR_DR_PRI_FS_SEL          uint16
CR_DR_SDD_CLSD            uint16
CR_DR_SDD_DRV_A           uint16
CR_DR_SDD_OPEN            uint16
CR_DR_SDFS_DRVON          uint16
CR_DR_SPARE               uint16
CR_DR_SDS_OPEN            uint16
CR_DR_SVD_CLSD            uint16
CR_DR_SVD_FS_ON           uint16
CR_DR_SVD_OPEN            uint16
CR_DR_UNLACH_AON          uint16
CR_DR_UNLACH_BON          uint16
CS_DR_SVD_AT_OG           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 3B of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_DR_NAD_FS              uint16
TP_DR_SPARE               uint16
TP_DR_SVD_FS              uint16
CR_FI_A_ON                uint16
CR_FI_PORT_A_ON           uint16
CR_FI_A_RESET             uint16
CR_FI_B_ON                uint16
CR_FI_PORT_B_ON           uint16
CR_FI_B_RESET             uint16
CR_FO_BLK1_ON             uint16
CR_FO_SPARE_1             uint16
CR_FO_BLK2_ON             uint16
CR_FO_SPARE_2             uint16
CR_FO_BLK3_ON             uint16
CR_FO_SPARE_3             uint16
CR_FO_BLK4_ON             uint16
CS_FR_SCI_NORMAL          uint16
SR_FO_BLK1_MODE           uint16
SR_FO_BLK2_MODE           uint16
SR_FO_BLK3_MODE           uint16
SR_FO_BLK4_MODE           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 3C of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
CR_FRA_EEP_WRE            uint16
CR_FRB_EEP_WRE            uint16
CR_FR_A_ON                uint16
CR_FR_A_RESET             uint16
CR_FR_B_ON                uint16
CR_FR_B_RESET             uint16
CS_FR_DAY_RATE            uint16
CS_FR_DELAY_BB            uint16
CS_FR_DELAY_EA            uint16
CS_FR_DELAY_SD            uint16
CS_FR_DELAY_SP            uint16
CS_FR_DELAY_SR            uint16
CR_SR_LAMPS_LOW           uint16
SR_FR_A_MODELONG          uint16
SR_FR_B_MODELONG          uint16
SS_FR_SPARE               uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 4A of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SS_FR_SPARE_1             uint16
SS_FR_PKT_TYPE            uint16
SS_FR_RESET_SRC           uint16
SS_FR_SPARE_2             uint16
CS_PC_3132_SRISE          uint16
CS_PC_3132_SFALL          uint16
CS_PC_3334_SRISE          uint16
CS_PC_3334_SFALL          uint16
CS_PC_3536_SRISE          uint16
CS_PC_3536_SFALL          uint16
CR_PCLWA_ECAL_ON          uint16
CR_PCLWB_ECAL_ON          uint16
CR_PCLW_A_ON              uint16
CR_PCLW_B_ON              uint16
CR_PS1SHDN_ENA_M          uint16
CR_PS2SHDN_ENA_M          uint16
CR_PVLWA_CSUB_ON          uint16
CR_PVLWA_ECAL_ON          uint16
CR_PVLWB_CSUB_ON          uint16
CR_PVLWB_ECAL_ON          uint16
CR_PVLW_A_ON              uint16
CR_PVLW_B_ON              uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 4B of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
CR_PVLW_S_DELAYH          uint16
CR_PVNIRA_ECALON          uint16
CR_PVNIRB_ECALON          uint16
CR_PVNIR_A_ON             uint16
CR_PVNIR_B_ON             uint16
CR_PVNIR_S_DELYH          uint16
CR_PVSMA_CSUB_ON          uint16
CR_PVSMA_ECAL_ON          uint16
CR_PVSMB_CSUB_ON          uint16
CR_PVSMB_ECAL_ON          uint16
CR_PVSM_A_ON              uint16
CR_PVSM_B_ON              uint16
CR_PVSM_S_DELAYH          uint16
CR_PVVISA_ECALON          uint16
CR_PVVISB_ECALON          uint16
CR_PVVIS_A_ON             uint16
CR_PVVIS_B_ON             uint16
CR_PVVIS_S_DELYH          uint16
CR_PV_A_MEM_RAM           uint16
CR_PV_B_MEM_RAM           uint16
CR_PV_ECAL_ENA_A          uint16
CR_PV_ECAL_ENA_B          uint16
VR_PVLW_VCALH             uint16
CS_FR_PC_DCR_ON           uint16
CS_FR_PV_DCR_ON           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 5A of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVNIR_VCALH            uint16
VR_PVSM_VCALH             uint16
VR_PVVIS_VCALH            uint16
CR_RC_CFPA_T1SET          uint16
CR_RC_CFPA_T3SET          uint16
CR_RC_CSHTR_ON            uint16
CR_RC_CSTLM_ON            uint16
CR_RC_ISHTR_ON            uint16
CR_RC_ISTLM_ON            uint16
CR_RC_LWHTR_ON            uint16
CR_RC_LWTLM_ON            uint16
CR_RC_OSHTR_ON            uint16
CR_RC_OSTLM_ON            uint16
CR_RC_SMHTR_ON            uint16
CR_RC_SMTLM_ON            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 5B of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
CR_SA_A_HI_GAIN           uint16
CR_SA_A_SCAN_ON           uint16
CR_SA_B_HI_GAIN           uint16
CR_SA_B_SCAN_ON           uint16
SR_SA_A_PH_LOCK           uint16
SR_SA_B_PH_LOCK           uint16
CR_SM_SDSM_A_ON           uint16
CR_SM_SDSM_B_ON           uint16
CR_SR_A_ON                uint16
CR_SR_B_ON                uint16
CR_SR_SISFB_RAD           uint16
CR_SR_L_SHDN_ENA          uint16
IR_SR_10WLA_CURH          uint16
IR_SR_10WLB_CURH          uint16
IR_SR_1WLA_CURH           uint16
IR_SR_1WLB_CURH           uint16
TA_SR_IR_SRC_A            uint16
TA_SR_IR_SRC_B            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 6 of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_SR_GRAT_ELEX           uint16
TP_SR_GRAT_MOTOR          uint16
TP_SR_LAMP_RING           uint16
TP_SR_MIR2_DET            uint16
VR_SR_LAMPS_H             uint16
VR_SR_SRC_A_RADH          uint16
VR_SR_SRC_B_RADH          uint16
CR_TG_A_ON                uint16
CR_TG_A_RESET             uint16
CR_TG_B_ON                uint16
CR_TG_B_RESET             uint16
CS_FR_ENC_DELTA           uint16
CS_SR_USE_L10WX1          uint16
CS_SR_USE_L10WX2          uint16
CS_SR_USE_L10WX3          uint16
CS_SR_USE_L1WX1           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 7 of 7
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TA_SR_SRC_A_SIPD          uint16
TA_SR_SRC_B_SIPD          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 0 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_AO_LWIR_LENS           uint16
TP_AO_LWIR_OBJ            uint16
TP_AO_PX_NZ_CORN          uint16
TP_AO_SMIR_LENS           uint16
TP_AO_SMIR_OBJ            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 1 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_AO_VNDICH_HSG          uint16
TP_CE_CAL2                uint16
TP_CP_A_1553              uint16
TP_CP_B_1553              uint16
VR_CP_N11V                uint16
VR_CP_N5V                 uint16
VR_CP_P11V                uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 2 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_CP_P5V                 uint16
TP_DR_NAD                 uint16
TP_DR_SDD                 uint16
TP_DR_SVD                 uint16
TP_FR_A_ENGINE            uint16
TP_FR_B_ENGINE            uint16
TP_ME_CHAS_TOP            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 3 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_MF_CALBKHD_SR          uint16
TP_MF_CVR_OP_SR           uint16
TP_MF_NAD_APT_NX          uint16
TP_MF_NAD_APT_NY          uint16
TP_MF_NX_AOBKHD           uint16
TP_MF_PX_AOBKHD           uint16
TP_MF_SV_PORT             uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 4 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_MF_TOP_BY_KM2          uint16
TP_MF_YZ_CALBKHD          uint16
TP_MF_Z_BKHD_BB           uint16
TA_PC_B31_MUX             uint16
TA_PC_B32_MUX             uint16
TA_PC_B33_MUX             uint16
TA_PC_B34_MUX             uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 5 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TA_PC_B35_MUX             uint16
TA_PC_B36_MUX             uint16
TP_PC_CLAM_MNT            uint16
VR_PC_B31_GND             uint16
VR_PC_B31_RN12V           uint16
VR_PC_B31_RN5V            uint16
VR_PC_B31_RP12V           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 6 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B31_RP5V            uint16
VR_PC_B32_GND             uint16
VR_PC_B32_RN12V           uint16
VR_PC_B32_RN5V            uint16
VR_PC_B32_RP12V           uint16
VR_PC_B32_RP5V            uint16
VR_PC_B33_GND             uint16
VR_PC_B33_RN12V           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 7 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B33_RN5V            uint16
VR_PC_B33_RP12V           uint16
VR_PC_B33_RP5V            uint16
VR_PC_B34_GND             uint16
VR_PC_B34_RN12V           uint16
VR_PC_B34_RN5V            uint16
VR_PC_B34_RP12V           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 8 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B34_RP5V            uint16
VR_PC_B35_GND             uint16
VR_PC_B35_RN12V           uint16
VR_PC_B35_RN5V            uint16
VR_PC_B35_RP12V           uint16
VR_PC_B35_RP5V            uint16
VR_PC_B36_GND             uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 9 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B36_RN12V           uint16
VR_PC_B36_RN5V            uint16
VR_PC_B36_RP12V           uint16
VR_PC_B36_RP5V            uint16
TP_PS1_CVTR_SW            uint16
TP_PS1_DIODE_OUT          uint16
TP_PS1_DWNREG_SW          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 10 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_PS1_PRELOAD            uint16
TP_PS2_CVTR_SW            uint16
TP_PS2_DIODE_OUT          uint16
TP_PS2_DWNREG_SW          uint16
TP_PS2_PRELOAD            uint16
VR_PS1_N15V_A1ME          uint16
VR_PS1_N15V_A2AF          uint16
CS_CP_MODIS_MOD           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 11 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PS1_N15V_A3AS          uint16
VR_PS1_N30V_A1ME          uint16
VR_PS1_N8V_A2             uint16
VR_PS1_P15V_A1ME          uint16
VR_PS1_P15V_A2AF          uint16
VR_PS1_P15V_A3AS          uint16
VR_PS1_P30V_A1            uint16
VR_PS1_P5_6V_D1           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 12 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PS1_P88V_A1ME          uint16
VR_PS1_P8V_A2             uint16
VR_PS1_P8V_N1ME           uint16
VR_PS2_N15V_A1ME          uint16
VR_PS2_N15V_A2AF          uint16
VR_PS2_N15V_A3AS          uint16
VR_PS2_N30V_A1ME          uint16
VR_PS2_N8V_A2             uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 13 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PS2_P15V_A1ME          uint16
VR_PS2_P15V_A2AF          uint16
VR_PS2_P15V_A3AS          uint16
VR_PS2_P30V_A1            uint16
VR_PS2_P5_6V_D1           uint16
VR_PS2_P88V_A1ME          uint16
VR_PS2_P8V_A2             uint16
VR_PS2_P8V_N1ME           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 14 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TA_PVLW_PWB4_10           uint16
TA_PVNIR_PWB2_8           uint16
TA_PVNIR_PWB3_9           uint16
TA_PVSM_PWB5_11           uint16
TA_PVSM_PWB6_12           uint16
TA_PVVIS_PWB1_7           uint16
VR_PVLW_P30V              uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 15 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVLW_RN11V             uint16
VR_PVLW_RN5V              uint16
VR_PVLW_RP11V             uint16
VR_PVLW_RP5V              uint16
VR_PVNIR_P30V             uint16
VR_PVNIR_P5VD3_9          uint16
VR_PVNIR_RN11V28          uint16
VR_PVNIR_RN11V39          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 16 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVNIR_RN5V2_8          uint16
VR_PVNIR_RN5V3_9          uint16
VR_PVNIR_RP11V28          uint16
VR_PVNIR_RP11V39          uint16
VR_PVNIR_RP5V2_8          uint16
VR_PVNIR_RP5V3_9          uint16
VR_PVSM_P30V              uint16
VR_PVSM_P5VD6_12          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 17 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVSM_RN11V511          uint16
VR_PVSM_RN11V612          uint16
VR_PVSM_RN5V5_11          uint16
VR_PVSM_RN5V6_12          uint16
VR_PVSM_RP11V511          uint16
VR_PVSM_RP11V612          uint16
VR_PVSM_RP5V5_11          uint16
VR_PVSM_RP5V6_12          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 18 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVVIS_P30V             uint16
VR_PVVIS_RN11V            uint16
VR_PVVIS_RN5V             uint16
VR_PVVIS_RP11V            uint16
VR_PVVIS_RP5V             uint16
TA_RC_CS                  uint16
TA_RC_CS_OG               uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 19 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TA_RC_IS                  uint16
TA_RC_IS_OG               uint16
TA_RC_OS_OG               uint16
TP_RC_SPARE_2             uint16
TP_RC_SPARE               uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 20 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_RC_SPARE               uint16
SA_SPARE_1                uint16
SA_SPARE_2                uint16
TP_SA_A_MTR               uint16
SS_SA_SPARE               uint16
TP_SA_SPARE               uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 21 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_SA_RCT1_MIR            uint16
TP_SA_SPARE               uint16
TP_SA_RCT2_MIR            uint16
SA_SPARE                  uint16
VR_SA_A_MTR_TORQ          uint16
VR_SA_A_RN11V             uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 22 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_SA_A_RP11V             uint16
SA_SPARE                  uint16
VR_SA_B_MTR_TORQ          uint16
VR_SA_B_RN11V             uint16
VR_SA_B_RP11V             uint16
TP_SD_SPARE               uint16
TP_SM_DET_AMP3            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 23 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_SR_MONO_CHAS1          uint16
TP_SR_MONO_CHAS2          uint16
TP_SR_SNOUT               uint16
TP_SS_SPARE               uint16
VR_TC_CSCKT_PV            uint16
VR_TC_ISCKT_PV            uint16
VR_TC_LWCKT_NV            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 24 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_TC_LWCKT_PV            uint16
SS_TC_SPARE_1             uint16
VR_TC_OSCKT_PV            uint16
VR_TC_SMCKT_NV            uint16
VR_TC_SMCKT_PV            uint16
SS_TC_SPARE_2             uint16
VR_TC_VISCKT_NV           uint16
VR_TC_VISCKT_PV           uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 25 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TP_TE_FOLD_MIR            uint16
TP_TE_PRI_MIR             uint16
TP_TE_SEC_MIR             uint16
TP_TM_ANLG_CKT            uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT1_1          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT1_2          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 26 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT1_3          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT2_1          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT2_2          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT3_1          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT4_1          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 27 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT5_1          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT5_2          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT5_3          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT6_1          uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT6_3          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 28 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACT7_1          uint16
VR_TM_REF_BB_1            uint16
VR_TM_REF_BB_2            uint16
VR_TM_REF_BB_3            uint16
VR_TM_REF_PRT1            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 29 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_TM_REF_PSV1            uint16
VR_TM_REF_PSV2            uint16
VR_TM_REF_PSV3            uint16
VR_TM_REF_PSV4            uint16
VR_TM_REF_PSV5            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 30 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_TM_REF_ACTGND          uint16
TA_AO_VIS_FPA             uint16
TA_AO_NIR_FPA             uint16
VR_RC_LW_FPA_HTR          uint16
VR_RC_SM_FPA_HTR          uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 31 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_TM_REF_PRT2            uint16
VR_TM_REF_PSV6            uint16
VR_TM_REF_PSV7            uint16
VR_TM_REF_PSV8            uint16

Telemetry Major Cycle 32 of 63
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
IR_SA_A_ECDR_LED          uint16
IR_SA_B_ECDR_LED          uint16
VR_SA_A_ECDR_MON          uint16
VR_SA_B_ECDR_MON          uint16

Current S/C Ancillary Data
PACKET_HEADER             uint8 (order 6)
TIME_STAMP                uint8 (order 8)
FLAG_BYTE                 uint8
TIME_CONVERSION           int32
S/C_POSITION_X            int32
S/C_POSITION_Y            int32
S/C_POSITION_Z            int32
S/C_VELOCITY_X            int32
S/C_VELOCITY_Y            int32
S/C_VELOCITY_Z            int32
RESERVED_RATE_YAW         int8
ATTITUDE_RATE_YAW         int16
SOLAR_POSITION_X          int8
SOLAR_POSITION_Y          int8
SOLAR_POSITION_Z          int8
MOON_POSITION_X           int8
MOON_POSITION_Y           int8
MOON_POSITION_Z           int8

Prior S/C Ancillary Data
PACKET_HEADER             uint8 (order 6)
TIME_STAMP                uint8 (order 8)
FLAG_BYTE                 uint8
TIME_CONVERSION           int32
S/C_POSITION_X            int32
S/C_POSITION_Y            int32
S/C_POSITION_Z            int32
S/C_VELOCITY_X            int32
S/C_VELOCITY_Y            int32
S/C_VELOCITY_Z            int32
RESERVED_RATE_YAW         int8
ATTITUDE_RATE_YAW         int16
SOLAR_POSITION_X          int8
SOLAR_POSITION_Y          int8
SOLAR_POSITION_Z          int8
MOON_POSITION_X           int8
MOON_POSITION_Y           int8
MOON_POSITION_Z           int8

Command Parameters
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SET_BB_HTR_TEMP           uint16
SET_CP_OPER_MODE          uint16
SET_FR_RATE               uint16
SET_FR_SCI_APID           uint16
SET_SR_L10WX1             uint16
SET_FR_PKT_TYPE           uint16
SET_PVVIS_VCAL            uint16
SET_PVNIR_VCAL            uint16
SET_PVSM_VCAL             uint16
SET_PVLW_VCAL             uint16
SET_PVVIS_ITWK_V          uint16
SET_PVNIR_ITWK_V          uint16
SET_PVSM_ITWK_V           uint16
SET_PVLW_ITWK_V           uint16
SET_PVSM_VDET_V           uint16
SET_PVLW_VDET_V           uint16
SET_FR_ENG_APID           uint16
SET_SR_L10WX2             uint16
ENABLE_CP_IMOK            uint16
SET_FR_BBRADTAB           uint16
SET_FR_OFFSETTAB          uint16
SET_FR_GAINTAB            uint16
TEST_FR_BBRAD             uint16
SET_FR_SCI_QLK            uint16
SET_FR_SR_DELAY           uint16
SET_FR_BB_DELAY           uint16
SET_CP_TMF_BUS            uint16
OPEN_DR_UL_LOCK           uint16
SET_FR_SD_DELAY           uint16
SET_FR_SP_DELAY           uint16
SET_PV_MEM                uint16
SET_FR_ENG_QLK            uint16
CP_SPARE                  uint16
SET_SR_3L10W              uint16
SET_FR_ENC_DELTA          uint16
SET_PVSMIR_ECAL           uint16
SET_PVLW_ECAL             uint16
TEST_FR_PCOFFSET          uint16
TEST_FR_PVOFFSET          uint16
TEST_FR_PVGAIN            uint16
SET_PVVIS_NSTEP           uint16
SET_PVNIR_NSTEP           uint16
SET_PVSM_NSTEP            uint16
SET_PVLW_NSTEP            uint16
SET_FR_EA_DELAY           uint16
SET_PVSMIR_CSUB           uint16
SET_PVLW_CSUB             uint16
SET_DR_SVD_UL             uint16
SET_DR_NAD_UL             uint16
SET_DR_SDD_UL             uint16
SET_DR_SDD_FS             uint16
SET_FR_PV_DCRCMP          uint16
SET_FR_PC_DCRCMP          uint16
FR_SPARE_1                uint16
FR_SPARE_2                uint16
SET_SR_SIPD_HTR           uint16
SET_SR_SIS_FB             uint16
SET_SR_LOV_SHDN           uint16
SET_SR_LAMPLEVEL          uint16
SET_SR_LAMPS              uint16
SET_CP_LOG_STATE          uint16
SET_FR_LOG_STATE          uint16
SET_SR_IR_SRC             uint16
FR_SPARE_3                uint16
SET_SR_L1WX1              uint16
SET_PVVIS_ECAL            uint16
SET_PVNIR_ECAL            uint16
SET_FR_SCIABNORM          uint16
FILL_BITS                 uint16

Engineering BB data
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
IR_BB_HTRA_CURR           uint16
IR_BB_HTRB_CURR           uint16
TP_BB_TEMP01              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP02              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP03              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP04              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP05              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP06              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP07              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP08              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP09              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP10              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP11              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP12              uint16
TP_BB_TEMP_AVG            uint16

Engineering CP valid format
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SS_CP_VALENG_FMT          uint16

Engineering FAM AF01 mux
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B31C10_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C09_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C08_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C07_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C06_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C05_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C04_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C03_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C02_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B31C01_DCR          uint16

Engineering FAM AF02 mux
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B32C10_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C09_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C08_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C07_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C06_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C05_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C04_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C03_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C02_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B32C01_DCR          uint16

Engineering FAM AF03 mux
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B33C10_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C09_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C08_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C07_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C06_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C05_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C04_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C03_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C02_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B33C01_DCR          uint16

Engineering FAM AF04 mux
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B34C10_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C09_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C08_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C07_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C06_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C05_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C04_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C03_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C02_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B34C01_DCR          uint16

Engineering FAM AF05 mux
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B35C10_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C09_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C08_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C07_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C06_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C05_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C04_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C03_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C02_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B35C01_DCR          uint16

Engineering FAM AF06 mux
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PC_B36C10_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C09_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C08_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C07_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C06_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C05_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C04_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C03_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C02_DCR          uint16
VR_PC_B36C01_DCR          uint16

Engineering Reg Sample Delay
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
CR_PVLW_S_DELAY           uint16
CR_PVNIR_S_DELAY          uint16
CR_PVSM_S_DELAY           uint16
CR_PVVIS_S_DELAY          uint16

Engineering LWIR data
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVLW_ITWKA             uint16
VR_PVLW_VCAL              uint16
VR_PVLW_VDDA              uint16
VR_PVLW_VDDD              uint16
VR_PVLW_VDDOUT            uint16
VR_PVLW_VDET              uint16
VR_PVLW_VPWELL            uint16

Engineering NIR data
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVNIR_ITWKA            uint16
VR_PVNIR_VCAL             uint16
VR_PVNIR_VD1              uint16
VR_PVNIR_VDDA             uint16
VR_PVNIR_VDDD             uint16
VR_PVNIR_VDDOUT           uint16
VR_PVNIR_VDET             uint16
VR_PVNIR_VGUARD           uint16
VR_PVNIR_VPWELL           uint16

Engineering SMIR data
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVSM_ITWKA             uint16
VR_PVSM_VCAL              uint16
VR_PVSM_VDDA              uint16
VR_PVSM_VDDD              uint16
VR_PVSM_VDDOUT            uint16
VR_PVSM_VDET              uint16
VR_PVSM_VPWELL            uint16

Engineering VIS data
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_PVVIS_ITWKA            uint16
VR_PVVIS_VCAL             uint16
VR_PVVIS_VD1              uint16
VR_PVVIS_VDDA             uint16
VR_PVVIS_VDDD             uint16
VR_PVVIS_VDDOUT           uint16
VR_PVVIS_VDET             uint16
VR_PVVIS_VGUARD           uint16
VR_PVVIS_VPWELL           uint16

Engineering View Sample
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SS_SM_VIEW_SMPL1          uint16
SS_SM_VIEW_SMPL2          uint16
SS_SM_VIEW_SMPL3          uint16

Engineering SDSM data
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
VR_SM01_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM01_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM01_SMPL3             uint16
VR_SM02_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM02_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM02_SMPL3             uint16
VR_SM03_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM03_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM03_SMPL3             uint16
VR_SM04_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM04_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM04_SMPL3             uint16
VR_SM05_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM05_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM05_SMPL3             uint16
VR_SM06_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM06_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM06_SMPL3             uint16
VR_SM07_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM07_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM07_SMPL3             uint16
VR_SM08_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM08_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM08_SMPL3             uint16
VR_SM09_SMPL1             uint16
VR_SM09_SMPL2             uint16
VR_SM09_SMPL3             uint16

Engineering SRCA data
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
SR_SPARE                  uint16
IR_SR_10WLA_CURR          uint16
IR_SR_10WLB_CURR          uint16
IR_SR_1WLA_CURR           uint16
IR_SR_1WLB_CURR           uint16
VR_SR_LAMPS               uint16
VR_SR_SELF_CAL1           uint16
VR_SR_SELF_CAL2           uint16
VR_SR_SELF_CAL3           uint16
VR_SR_SPCT_NORM1          uint16
VR_SR_SPCT_NORM2          uint16
VR_SR_SPCT_NORM3          uint16
VR_SR_SRC_A_RAD           uint16
VR_SR_SRC_B_RAD           uint16
CR_SR_A_ONE               uint16
CR_SR_B_ONE               uint16
CR_SR_GRAT_CH_AE          uint16
CR_SR_GRAT_CH_BE          uint16
CR_SR_GRAT_FH_AE          uint16
CR_SR_GRAT_FH_BE          uint16
CR_SR_IR_SRCOFFE          uint16
CR_SR_LAMPS_LOWE          uint16
CR_SR_LSHDN_ENAE          uint16
CR_SR_SISFB_RADE          uint16
CR_SR_SISHTROFFE          uint16
CR_SR_SLIT_HOMAE          uint16
CR_SR_SLIT_HOMBE          uint16
CR_SR_WHL_HOMEAE          uint16
CR_SR_WHL_HOMEBE          uint16
CS_SR_GRAT_STEPE          uint16
CS_SR_LAMPSE              uint16
CS_SR_SLIT_STEPE          uint16
CS_SR_SRCWH_STPE          uint16
CS_SR_USEL10WX1E          uint16
CS_SR_USEL10WX2E          uint16
CS_SR_USEL10WX3E          uint16
CS_SR_USEL1WX1E           uint16

Engineering Temperature data
LAST_VALID_SCAN           uint16
TA_SR_IR_SRC_AE           uint16
TA_SR_IR_SRC_BE           uint16
TA_SR_SRC_A_SPDE          uint16
TA_SR_SRC_B_SPDE          uint16
TP_SR_GRAT_ELEXE          uint16
TP_SR_GRAT_MTRE           uint16
TP_SR_LAMP_RINGE          uint16
TP_SR_MIR2_DETE           uint16
TP_SR_MONO_CHS1E          uint16
TP_SR_MONO_CHS2E          uint16
TP_SR_SNOUTE              uint16
TA_AO_NIR_FPAE            uint16
TA_AO_VIS_FPAE            uint16
TA_RC_LWIR_CFPAE          uint16
TA_RC_SMIR_CFPAE          uint16
TP_MF_CALBHD_SRE          uint16
TP_SA_A_MTRE              uint16
TP_SA_RCT1_MIRE           uint16
TP_SA_RCT2_MIRE           uint16
VR_TM_REF_BB_1E           uint16
VR_TM_REF_BB_2E           uint16
VR_TM_REF_BB_3E           uint16