JPSS-1 VIIRS Level-1 NRT Release Note

Platform JPSS1
Instrument VIIRS
Issue news
Last Updated 2019-06-06 11:00:00
Start 2019-06-05 00:00:00
End 2020-01-06 12:00:00
Description VIIRS Level-1 (L1) data products derived from processing the JPSS-1 (J1) instrument data on the LANCE Near-Real-Time (NRT) processing system are now available to NRT users. These L1 products use the NASA L1 calibration and geolocation processes, and the calibration and geolocation Look-up Tables (LUTs) provided by the NASA VIIRS Characterization Support Team (VCST) and Geolocation science teams. The J1 L1 NRT products' science quality has been verified as consistent with the quality of the operational products that are slated for public release by the end of June, 2019 from LAADS. Given that the SNPP and J1 versions of the L1 products are produced in the same data format and structure, users may consult the current version of the NASA VIIRS L1B Product User Guide as it is being updated to address the J1-specific details.

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