
STREAM is an expedited image processing service that ingests and processes satellite observations to water quality maps, including chlorophyll-a (Chla), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Secchi Disk Depth (Zsd), at 20 – 30 meters spatial resolution. STREAM enables visualization and analysis of water-quality maps generated using a processing engine that relies on a class of neural network termed mixture density networks. With a latency of < 6 hours, STREAM allows for the detection, identification, and quantification of anomalous water-quality conditions to support robust and timely decision-making. The current version of the system utilizes Copernicus Sentinel-2 and USGS Landsat 8 and 9 images and covers the continental U.S., Peru, Uruguay, Senegal, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania.


In partnership with the United Nations Environment Program, STREAM has been designed to play a pivotal role in consistent monitoring and reporting of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (indicator 6.3.2) under the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Backed by NASA’s Applied Sciences and various Research and Analysis programs, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and Science Systems and Applications Inc. (SSAI) have been working in close collaboration since 2018 to establish this system, a testament to our commitment to global environmental sustainability.


The main features of this site are an interactive map that displays product images, an archive of products to download, and an API for querying and downloading data remotely. For more in-depth details on these features, read our user guide here or watch the video below!


This is a tool that is early in development. If you'd like to leave us feedback or testimony here, we'd greatly appreciate it!

Known Issues

This is an in-development/Beta website. Please read the following before reporting any observed issues:
  • Daily processing may stall over weekends but this is rectified as soon as possible
  • Some maps may appear in the archive for download but not be available for display on the map viewer yet. The tile search page returns scenes available for both download and map viewing
  • There may be imperfect or ugly UI elements across the various webpages as the main emphasis for us right now is on functionality

Upcoming Features

  • Map overlays for satellite grids and swaths
  • Time series analysis and other auxiliary tools
  • RGB/full color maps
  • Improved cloud masking
  • Uncertainty estimation
  • Back-catalogue of data starting with early 2024 and 2023
  • More interactive and responsive user interface