DAP4 Data Request Form VNP02MOD.A2017008.1630.002.2021064232609.nc
OPeNDAP DAP4 Data Request Form

dataset: VNP02MOD.A2017008.1630.002.2021064232609.nc

  • View/Hide
    • date_created: 2021-03-05T18:27:12Z
    • ProductionTime: 2021-03-05T18:27:12Z
    • title: VIIRS M-band Reflected Solar Band and Thermal Emissive Band Data
    • ShortName: VNP02MOD
    • LongName: VIIRS/NPP Moderate Resolution 6-Min L1B Swath 750m
    • instrument: VIIRS
    • processing_version: v3.0.0
    • Conventions: CF-1.6
    • institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, VIIRS L1 Processing Group
    • license: http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/
    • naming_authority: gov.nasa.gsfc.VIIRSland
    • keywords_vocabulary: NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
    • standard_name_vocabulary:
    • creator_name: VIIRS L1 Processing Group
    • creator_email: modis-ops@lists.nasa.gov
    • creator_url: http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov
    • project: VIIRS L1 Project
    • publisher_name: LAADS
    • publisher_url: http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov
    • publisher_email: modis-ops@lists.nasa.gov
    • processing_level: L1B
    • cdm_data_type: swath
    • platform: Suomi-NPP
    • orbit_number: 26946
    • history: LSIPS_calibrate_viirs.exe PGE502.1.AS5200.NPP_OPS.2017-008T16:30.NA.2021-064T23:26:08.251340771.pcf
    • source: VNP01.A2017008.1630.002.2021063180609.nc,VNP01.A2017008.1624.002.2021063181636.nc,VNP01.A2017008.1636.002.2021063180628.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CAL_STATIC_LUT_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CAL_RSB_DYNAMIC_LUT_20111122_20200725_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CAL_DNB_DYNAMIC_LUT_20120121_20200725_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CAL_STRAYLIGHT_DYNAMIC_LUT_20120123_20200720_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CMN_LUT_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,off_USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC_Ser7_USNO_000f_20200731_202007310000Z_20200731000101Z_ee20200807120000Z_np.ascii
    • time_coverage_start: 2017-01-08T16:30:00.000Z
    • time_coverage_end: 2017-01-08T16:36:00.000Z
    • PGE_StartTime: 2017-01-08 16:30:00.000
    • PGE_EndTime: 2017-01-08 16:36:00.000
    • StartTime: 2017-01-08 16:30:00.000
    • EndTime: 2017-01-08 16:36:00.000
    • PGE_Name: PGE502
    • VersionId: 002
    • startDirection: Descending
    • endDirection: Ascending
    • DayNightFlag: Day
    • format_version: 2
    • instrument_number: 2
    • number_of_filled_scans: 203
    • product_name: VNP02MOD.A2017008.1630.002.2021064232609.nc
    • LocalGranuleID: VNP02MOD.A2017008.1630.002.2021064232609.nc
    • identifier_product_doi_authority: https://doi.org
    • identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/VIIRS/VNP02MOD.002
    • GRingPointLatitude: -81.72589874, -66.2039032, -62.6067009, -74.28829956
    • GRingPointLongitude: -90.21970367, 27.12890053, 77.00930023, 155.621994
    • GRingPointSequenceNo: 1, 2, 3, 4
    • SouthBoundingCoordinate: -90.
    • NorthBoundingCoordinate: -62.60669708
    • EastBoundingCoordinate: 180.
    • WestBoundingCoordinate: -180.
    • ProcessingEnvironment: Linux minion7412 3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 26 15:27:06 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    • RangeEndingDate: 2017-01-08
    • AlgorithmType: SCI
    • AlgorithmVersion: NPP_PR02 v3.0.0
    • RangeBeginningDate: 2017-01-08
    • RangeBeginningTime: 16:30:00.000000
    • InputPointer: VNP01.A2017008.1630.002.2021063180609.nc,VNP01.A2017008.1624.002.2021063181636.nc,VNP01.A2017008.1636.002.2021063180628.nc,off_USNO-PolarWander-UT1-ANC_Ser7_USNO_000f_20200731_202007310000Z_20200731000101Z_ee20200807120000Z_np.ascii,VIIRS_NPP_CAL_STATIC_LUT_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CMN_LUT_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CAL_RSB_DYNAMIC_LUT_20111122_20200725_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CAL_DNB_DYNAMIC_LUT_20120121_20200725_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc,VIIRS_NPP_CAL_STRAYLIGHT_DYNAMIC_LUT_20120123_20200720_v3.0.1.1_20200513_vcst.nc
    • RangeEndingTime: 16:36:00.000000
    • SatelliteInstrument: NPP_OPS
    • ProcessingCenter: MODAPS-NASA

[ /number_of_scans = 0..202 ] [ /number_of_lines = 0..3247 ] [ /number_of_pixels = 0..3199 ] [ /number_of_LUT_values = 0..65535 ] [ /number_of_M13_LUT_values = 0..327680 ]

scan_line_attributes(Type is Group)
no attributes
  • scan_start_time[ /number_of_scans= 0..202] (Type is Float64)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Scan start time (TAI93)
      • units: seconds
      • _FillValue: -999.89999999999998
      • valid_min: 0.
      • valid_max: 2000000000.
  • scan_end_time[ /number_of_scans= 0..202] (Type is Float64)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Scan end time (TAI93)
      • units: seconds
      • _FillValue: -999.89999999999998
      • valid_min: 0.
      • valid_max: 2000000000.
  • scan_state_flags[ /number_of_scans= 0..202] (Type is Byte)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Scan state flags
      • units: none
      • _FillValue: 255
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4
      • flag_meanings: HAM_Side Electronics_Side Night_Mode
  • ev_mid_time[ /number_of_scans= 0..202] (Type is Float64)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Earth view mid time (TAI93)
      • units: seconds
      • _FillValue: -999.89999999999998
      • valid_min: 0.
      • valid_max: 2000000000.
  • scan_quality_flags[ /number_of_scans= 0..202] (Type is Byte)
    • attributes
      • long_name: Scan quality flags
      • units: none
      • _FillValue: 255
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
      • flag_meanings: Moon_in_SV_KOB EV_Data Sensor_Mode Scan_Sync Tel_Start BB_Temp LWIR_Temp
observation_data(Type is Group)
no attributes
  • M02[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 02 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.01226922404
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M01_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 01 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M09_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 09 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M03_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 03 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M15_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 15 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M11[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 11 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.0004940825165
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M08_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 08 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M07_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 07 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M12_brightness_temperature_lut[ /number_of_LUT_values= 0..65535] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 12 brightness temperature lookup table
      • units: Kelvin
      • _FillValue: -999.9000244
      • valid_min: 203.
      • valid_max: 372.4202576
  • M16_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 16 quality flags
      • units: none
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M06_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 06 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M12[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 12 observations at pixel locations
      • units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 7.630442269e-05
      • add_offset: 0.0008344050148
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M02_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 02 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M07_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 07 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Low_Gain Mixed_Gain DG_Anomaly Some_Saturation Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M05_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 05 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M16[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 16 observations at pixel locations
      • units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 0.0003204785753
      • add_offset: 0.003905680031
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M05_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 05 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Low_Gain Mixed_Gain DG_Anomaly Some_Saturation Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M13_brightness_temperature_lut[ /number_of_M13_LUT_values= 0..327680] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 13 brightness temperature lookup table
      • units: Kelvin
      • _FillValue: -999.9000244
      • valid_min: 192.0000305
      • valid_max: 665.9160767
  • M03_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 03 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Low_Gain Mixed_Gain DG_Anomaly Some_Saturation Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M16_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 16 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M10_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 10 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M04_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 04 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Low_Gain Mixed_Gain DG_Anomaly Some_Saturation Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M05[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 05 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.01008028723
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M13_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 13 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M10_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 10 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M04_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 04 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M04[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 04 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.01231641788
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M06_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 06 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M12_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 12 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M01_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 01 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Low_Gain Mixed_Gain DG_Anomaly Some_Saturation Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M08[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 08 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.003003963036
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M12_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 12 quality flags
      • units: none
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M14_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 14 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M10[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 10 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.001614361769
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M01[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 01 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.01127888542
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M13_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 13 quality flags
      • units: none
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Low_Gain Mixed_Gain DG_Anomaly Some_Saturation Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M13[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 13 observations at pixel locations
      • units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • _FillValue: 327680
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 327670
      • scale_factor: 0.001617481001
      • add_offset: 0.001080560032
      • flag_values: 327677, 327678, 327679
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M08_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 08 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M14_brightness_temperature_lut[ /number_of_LUT_values= 0..65535] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 14 brightness temperature lookup table
      • units: Kelvin
      • _FillValue: -999.9000244
      • valid_min: 120.
      • valid_max: 355.1757202
  • M15[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 15 observations at pixel locations
      • units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 0.0003662612289
      • add_offset: 0.004836199805
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M11_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 11 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M16_brightness_temperature_lut[ /number_of_LUT_values= 0..65535] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 16 brightness temperature lookup table
      • units: Kelvin
      • _FillValue: -999.9000244
      • valid_min: 102.9999924
      • valid_max: 375.877533
  • M15_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 15 quality flags
      • units: none
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M09[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 09 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.002368767746
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M02_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 02 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Low_Gain Mixed_Gain DG_Anomaly Some_Saturation Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M09_uncert_index[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is Int8)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 09 uncertainty index
      • units: percent
      • _FillValue: -1
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 127
      • scale_factor: 0.006138000172
      • conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
  • M07[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 07 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.00634093117
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M03[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 03 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.01317855716
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M11_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 11 quality flags
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M15_brightness_temperature_lut[ /number_of_LUT_values= 0..65535] (Type is Float32)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 15 brightness temperature lookup table
      • units: Kelvin
      • _FillValue: -999.9000244
      • valid_min: 110.9999924
      • valid_max: 374.5994263
  • M14_quality_flags[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 14 quality flags
      • units: none
      • flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
      • flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
      • detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
      • detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
      • detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
  • M14[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 14 observations at pixel locations
      • units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 0.0003510003444
      • add_offset: 0.00219747005
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
  • M06[ /number_of_lines= 0..3247] [ /number_of_pixels= 0..3199] (Type is UInt16)
    • attributes
      • long_name: M-band 06 observations at pixel locations
      • _FillValue: 65535
      • valid_min: 0
      • valid_max: 65527
      • scale_factor: 1.999175765e-05
      • add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_scale_factor: 0.008434779011
      • radiance_add_offset: 0.
      • radiance_units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
      • flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
      • flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail

Hyrax development sponsored by NSF, NASA, and NOAA

OPeNDAP Hyrax (1.16.5-294)
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