Dataset Information

_NCProperties: version=1|netcdflibversion=|hdf5libversion=1.8.17
date_created: 2021-03-19T06:48:58Z
ProductionTime: 2021-03-19T06:48:58Z
title: VIIRS I-band Reflected Solar Band and Thermal Emissive Band Data
ShortName: VNP02IMG
LongName: VIIRS/NPP Imagery Resolution 6-Min L1B Swath 375m
instrument: VIIRS
processing_version: v3.0.0
Conventions: CF-1.6
institution: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, VIIRS L1 Processing Group
naming_authority: gov.nasa.gsfc.VIIRSland
keywords_vocabulary: NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
creator_name: VIIRS L1 Processing Group
project: VIIRS L1 Project
publisher_name: LAADS
processing_level: L1B
cdm_data_type: swath
platform: Suomi-NPP
orbit_number: 32139
history: LSIPS_calibrate_viirs.exe PGE502.1.AS5200.NPP_OPS.2018-009T16:30.NA.2021-078T10:48:17.253590387.pcf
time_coverage_start: 2018-01-09T16:30:00.000Z
time_coverage_end: 2018-01-09T16:36:00.000Z
PGE_StartTime: 2018-01-09 16:30:00.000
PGE_EndTime: 2018-01-09 16:36:00.000
StartTime: 2018-01-09 16:30:00.000
EndTime: 2018-01-09 16:36:00.000
PGE_Name: PGE502
VersionId: 002
startDirection: Descending
endDirection: Descending
DayNightFlag: Night
format_version: 2
instrument_number: 2
number_of_filled_scans: 202
identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/VIIRS/VNP02IMG.002
GRingPointLatitude: 33.3728981, 38.53829956, 59.26959991, 51.88090134
GRingPointLongitude: 155.1289978, 121.4599991, 121.1480026, 169.6710052
GRingPointSequenceNo: 1, 2, 3, 4
SouthBoundingCoordinate: 33.37289429
NorthBoundingCoordinate: 59.45269775
EastBoundingCoordinate: 169.6705933
WestBoundingCoordinate: 121.1394119
AlgorithmType: SCI
RangeBeginningDate: 2018-01-09
RangeBeginningTime: 16:30:00.000000
ProcessingEnvironment: Linux minion7545 3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 26 15:27:06 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
ProcessingCenter: MODAPS-NASA
RangeEndingDate: 2018-01-09
RangeEndingTime: 16:36:00.000000
SatelliteInstrument: NPP_OPS
AlgorithmVersion: NPP_PR02 v3.0.0

Variables in this Dataset

/scan_line_attributes/scan_start_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [ = 0..201]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /scan_line_attributes/scan_start_time
long_name: Scan start time (TAI93)
units: seconds
_FillValue: -999.89999999999998
valid_min: 0.
valid_max: 2000000000.
/scan_line_attributes/scan_end_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [ = 0..201]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /scan_line_attributes/scan_end_time
long_name: Scan end time (TAI93)
units: seconds
_FillValue: -999.89999999999998
valid_min: 0.
valid_max: 2000000000.
/scan_line_attributes/scan_state_flags: Array of Bytes [ = 0..201]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /scan_line_attributes/scan_state_flags
long_name: Scan state flags
units: none
_FillValue: 255
flag_masks: 1, 2, 4
flag_meanings: HAM_Side Electronics_Side Night_Mode
/scan_line_attributes/ev_mid_time: Array of 64 bit Reals [ = 0..201]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /scan_line_attributes/ev_mid_time
long_name: Earth view mid time (TAI93)
units: seconds
_FillValue: -999.89999999999998
valid_min: 0.
valid_max: 2000000000.
/scan_line_attributes/scan_quality_flags: Array of Bytes [ = 0..201]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /scan_line_attributes/scan_quality_flags
long_name: Scan quality flags
units: none
_FillValue: 255
flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
flag_meanings: Moon_in_SV_KOB EV_Data Sensor_Mode Scan_Sync Tel_Start BB_Temp LWIR_Temp
/number_of_scans: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..201]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /number_of_scans
NAME: This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable. 202
/number_of_lines: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..6463]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /number_of_lines
NAME: This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable. 6464
/number_of_pixels: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..6399]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /number_of_pixels
NAME: This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable. 6400
/number_of_LUT_values: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..65535]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /number_of_LUT_values
NAME: This is a netCDF dimension but not a netCDF variable. 65536
/observation_data/I04_quality_flags: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [ = 0..6463][ = 0..6399]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /observation_data/I04_quality_flags
long_name: I-band 04 quality flags
units: none
flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
/observation_data/I04_brightness_temperature_lut: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..65535]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /observation_data/I04_brightness_temperature_lut
long_name: I-band 04 brightness temperature lookup table
units: Kelvin
_FillValue: -999.9000244
valid_min: 208.0000153
valid_max: 361.7758789
/observation_data/I04_uncert_index: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..6463][ = 0..6399]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /observation_data/I04_uncert_index
long_name: I-band 04 uncertainty index
units: percent
_FillValue: -1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 127
scale_factor: 0.006138000172
conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2
/observation_data/I05: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [ = 0..6463][ = 0..6399]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /observation_data/I05
long_name: I-band 05 observations at pixel locations
units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
_FillValue: 65535
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 65527
scale_factor: 0.0003815221135
add_offset: 0.1411210001
flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
/observation_data/I04: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [ = 0..6463][ = 0..6399]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /observation_data/I04
long_name: I-band 04 observations at pixel locations
units: Watts/meter^2/steradian/micrometer
_FillValue: 65535
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 65527
scale_factor: 6.104353815e-05
add_offset: 0.001670300029
flag_values: 65532, 65533, 65534
flag_meanings: Missing_EV Bowtie_Deleted Cal_Fail
/observation_data/I05_quality_flags: Array of 16 bit Unsigned integers [ = 0..6463][ = 0..6399]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /observation_data/I05_quality_flags
long_name: I-band 05 quality flags
units: none
flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
flag_meanings: Substitute_Cal Out_of_Range Saturation Temp_not_Nominal Bowtie_Deleted Missing_EV Cal_Fail Dead_Detector Noisy_Detector
detector_quality_flag_values: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
detector_quality_flag_masks: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
detector_quality_flag_meanings: Noisy Dead
/observation_data/I05_brightness_temperature_lut: Array of 32 bit Reals [ = 0..65535]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /observation_data/I05_brightness_temperature_lut
long_name: I-band 05 brightness temperature lookup table
units: Kelvin
_FillValue: -999.9000244
valid_min: 150.
valid_max: 423.3373413
/observation_data/I05_uncert_index: Array of 16 bit Integers [ = 0..6463][ = 0..6399]
HDF5_OBJ_FULLPATH: /observation_data/I05_uncert_index
long_name: I-band 05 uncertainty index
units: percent
_FillValue: -1
valid_min: 0
valid_max: 127
scale_factor: 0.006138000172
conversion: 1.0 + scale*index^2