VIIRS/NPP Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid Day Product Identifier: VNP21A1D Description: The VIIRS/NPP Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3 Global 1km SIN Grid Day product (VNP21A1D) is a global HDFEOS Grid Structure file that contains one cell of a sinusoidal projection of accumulated daytime Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity data. This projection is also known as the MODLAND Sinusoidal Grid (see The source of this product is daytime data from the VIIRS/NPP Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity 6-Min L2 Swath 750m (VNP21) products over a period of one day. Point of Contact: Glynn C. Hulley (PI) Principal Investigator(s): Glynn C. Hulley (PI) MS 183-509 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109 Email: Office: (818) 354-2979 ============================================================================ General Construct dimensions: XDim=1200 YDim=1200 variables: uint8 Emis_14(YDim, XDim) ; Emis_14:_Fillvalue = 0 ; Emis_14:add_offset = 0.49 ; Emis_14:long_name = Daily Band 14 emissivity ; Emis_14:scale_factor = 0.002 ; Emis_14:units = n/a ; Emis_14:valid_range = 1,255 ; uint8 Emis_15(YDim, XDim) ; Emis_15:_Fillvalue = 0 ; Emis_15:add_offset = 0.49 ; Emis_15:long_name = Daily Band 15 emissivity ; Emis_15:scale_factor = 0.002 ; Emis_15:units = n/a ; Emis_15:valid_range = 1,255 ; uint8 Emis_16(YDim, XDim) ; Emis_16:_Fillvalue = 0 ; Emis_16:add_offset = 0.49 ; Emis_16:long_name = Daily Band 16 emissivity ; Emis_16:scale_factor = 0.002 ; Emis_16:units = n/a ; Emis_16:valid_range = 1,255 ; uint16 LST_1KM(YDim, XDim) ; LST_1KM:_Fillvalue = 0 ; LST_1KM:add_offset = 0.0 ; LST_1KM:long_name = Daily 1km Land Surface Temperature (LST) ; LST_1KM:scale_factor = 0.02 ; LST_1KM:units = K ; LST_1KM:valid_range = 7500,65535 ; uint16 QC(YDim, XDim) ; QC:QA Legend = "Bit Fields Description (Right to Left):\n", "[0-1]: MODLAND_QA:\n", " 00: Pixel produced, good quality\n", " 01: Pixel produced, but check other QA\n", " 10: Pixel not produced due to cloud\n", " 11: Pixel not produced due to other reasons than clouds\n", "\n", "[2-3]: Data Quality Flag:\n", " 00: Good data quality of L1B bands 14,15,16\n", " 01: Missing Pixel\n", " 10: Fairly calibrated\n", " 11: Poorly calibrated, TES processing skipped\n", "\n", "[4-5]: Cloud Flag:\n", " 00: Cloud free\n", " 01: Thin Cirrus\n", " 10: Pixel within 2 pixels of nearest cloud (~2km)\n", " 11: Cloudy pixel\n", "\n", "[6-7]: Iterations:\n", " 00: >=7 (Slow convergence)\n", " 01: = 6 (Nominal)\n", " 10: = 5 (Nominal)\n", " 11: = <5 (Fast)\n", "\n", "[8-9]: Atmospheric Opacity:\n", " 00: >=3 (Warm, humid air; or cold land)\n", " 01: 0.2 - 0.3 (Nominal value)\n", " 10: 0.1 - 0.2 (Nominal value)\n", " 11: <0.1 (Dry, or high altitude pixel)\n", "\n", "[10-11]: MMD:\n", " 00: > 0.15 (Most silicate rocks)\n", " 01: 0.1 - 0.15 (Rocks, sand, some soils)\n", " 10: 0.03 - 0.1 (Mostly soils, mixed pixel)\n", " 11: <0.03 (Vegetation, snow, water, ice, some soils)\n", "\n", "[12-13]: Emissivity accuracy:\n", " 00: >0.02 (Poor performance)\n", " 01: 0.015 - 0.02 (Marginal performance)\n", " 10: 0.01 - 0.015 (Good performance)\n", " 11: <0.01 (Excellent performance)\n", "\n", "[14-15]: LST accuracy:\n", " 00: >2K (Poor performance)\n", " 01: 1.5 - 2K (Marginal performance)\n", " 10: 1 - 1.5K (Good performance)\n", " 11: < 1K (Excellent performance)\n" ; QC:_Fillvalue = n/a ; QC:add_offset = 0.0 ; QC:long_name = Daily QC for LST and emissivity ; QC:scale_factor = 1.0 ; QC:units = n/a ; QC:valid_range = 0,65535 ; uint16 View_Angle(YDim, XDim) ; View_Angle:_Fillvalue = 255 ; View_Angle:add_offset = -65.0 ; View_Angle:long_name = View zenith angle of LST ; View_Angle:scale_factor = 1.0 ; View_Angle:units = deg ; View_Angle:valid_range = 0,130 ; uint16 View_Time(YDim, XDim) ; View_Time:_Fillvalue = 255 ; View_Time:add_offset = 0.0 ; View_Time:long_name = Time of LST observation ; View_Time:scale_factor = 0.1 ; View_Time:units = hrs ; View_Time:valid_range = 0,240 ;