VNP14 V1.4.3 Six Minute 750m L2 Swath Active Fire

Suomi NPP HDF5 File Specification
Version:        V1.0.2
Revision:       0
Date:           25 January 2019
Name:		VIIRS Six Minute 750m Active Fire (AF)
Level:		2
Process ID:	NPP_PR14

Points of Contact:

	Louis Giglio (Principal Investigator)
	University of Maryland, Department of Geographical Sciences
	(301) 405-0064

	Charlene Dimiceli
	University of Maryland, Department of Geographical Sciences
	(301) 405-9410

	Wilfrid Schroeder (Collaborator)
	University of Maryland, NOAA/NESDIS


Product Identifier: VNP14

Description: VIIRS Six Minute 750m Active Fire L2 Swath


SDS names:
	fire mask
	algorithm QA

Global Metadata:

*Start Global Attributes ===================================================
Name:			Type:		Num_Val:	Source:		Value:
AlgorithmType		STRING		length		STIG		OPS
ClearingRejectedPix	INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
CloudAdjacentFirePix	INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
CoastRejectedLandPix	INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
CoastRejectedWaterPix	INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
Conventions		STRING		length		STIG?		"CF-1.6"
DayNightFlag		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
DayPix			INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
EastBoundingCoordinate	FLOAT		1		STIG		Variable
EndTime			DATETIME	length		PGE		Variable
FirePix			INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
GRingPointLatitude	DOUBLE		1		PGE		Variable
GRingPointLongitude	DOUBLE		1		PGE		Variable
GlintPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
GlintRejectedPix	INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
HotSurfRejectedPix	INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
InputPointer		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
LSIPS_AlgorithmVersion	STRING		length		PGE		"NPP_PR14 1.4.3"
LandCloudPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
LandFirePix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
LandPix			INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
LocalGranuleID		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
LongName		STRING		length		PGE		"VIIRS/NPP Thermal Anomalies/Fire 6-Min L2 Swath 750m"
MissingGeoPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
MissingPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
MissingRadPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
NightPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
NorthBoundingCoordinate	FLOAT		1		PGE		Variable
PGEVersion		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
PGE_EndTime		DATETIME	length		PGE		Variable
PGE_Name		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
PGE_StartTime		DATETIME	length		PGE		Variable
ProcessVersionNumber	STRING		length		PGE		Variable
ProcessingCenter	STRING		length		PGE		"MODAPS-NASA"
ProcessingEnvironment	STRING		length		PGE		Variable
ProductionTime		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
QSLWMIP_input_file	STRING		length		PGE		Variable
RangeBeginningDate	DATETIME	length		PGE		Variable
RangeBeginningTime	DATETIME	length		PGE		Variable
RangeEndingDate		DATETIME	length		PGE		Variable
RangeEndingTime		DATETIME	length		PGE		Variable
Satellite		STRING		length		PGE		"NPP"
SatelliteInstrument	STRING		length		PGE		"NPP_OPS"
ShortName		STRING		length		PGE		"VNP14IMG"
SouthBoundingCoordinate	FLOAT		length		PGE		Variable
StartTime		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
SystemID		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
TrimmedPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
Unagg_GRingLatitude	STRING		length		PGE		Variable
Unagg_GRingLongitude	STRING		length		PGE		Variable
UnknownLandPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
UnknownWaterPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
VMAE_input_file		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
VersionID		STRING		length		PGE		Variable
WaterAdjacentFirePix	INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
WaterCloudPix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
WaterFirePix		INTEGER		1		PGE		Variable
WaterPix		INTEGER		length		PGE		Variable
WestBoundingCoordinate	FLOAT		length		PGE		Variable
cdm_data_type		STRING		length		PGE		"swath"
creator_email		STRING		length		PGE		"modis-ops@lists.nasa.gov"
creator_name		STRING		length		PGE		"VIIRS Land SIPS Processing Group"
creator_url		STRING		length		PGE		"http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov"
identifer_product_doi	STRING		length		PGE		Variable
identifer_product_doi_authority	STRING		length		PGE		"http://dx.doi.org"
institution		STRING		length		PGE		"NASA Goddard Space Flight Center"
keywords_vocabulary	STRING		length		PGE		"NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords"
license			STRING		length		PGE		"http://science.nasa.gov/earth-science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/"
naming_authority	STRING		length		PGE		"gov.nasa.gsfc.VIIRSland"
processing_level	STRING		length		PGE		"Level 2"
project			STRING		length		PGE		"VIIRS Land SIPS Active Fire Project"
publisher_email		STRING		length		PGE		"modis-ops@lists.nasa.gov"
publisher_name		STRING		length		PGE		"LAADS"
publisher_url		STRING		length		PGE		"http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov"
stdname_vocabulary	STRING		length		PGE		"NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention"
title			STRING		length		PGE		"VIIRS Active Fires"

*End Global Attributes ===================================================

*Begin SDS Definitions ===================================================

SDS Name:      	fire mask

Description:   	VIIRS Six Minute 375m Fire Mask

Number Type:   UINT8
Rank:          2
Dimension Sizes:    Variable, 3200 
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""
	Dimension1: "" 

SDS Attributes:
legend		 	STRING		length	 	PGE		"Classes:
	0 missing input data
	1 bowtie
	2 unused
	3 non-fire water
	4 cloud
	5 non-fire land
	6 unknown
	7 fire (low confidence)
	8 fire (nominal confidence)
	9 fire (high confidence)"
valid_range		INTEGER      	2    		PGE    		0, 9


SDS Name:      	algorithm QA

Description:   	VIIRS Six Minute 750m Algorithm QA

Number Type:   UINT32
Rank:          2
Dimension Sizes:    Variable, 3200  
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""
	Dimension1: "" 

SDS Attributes:
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"bit field"


SDS Name:      	FP_AdjCloud

Description:   	Number of Cloud Pixels Adjacent to Fire Pixel

Number Type:   UINT8
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"number of adjacent cloud pixels"


SDS Name:      	FP_AdjWater

Description:   	Number of Water Pixels Adjacent to Fire Pixel

Number Type:   UINT8
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"number of adjacent water pixels"


SDS Name:      	FP_CMG_col

Description:   	CMG column

Number Type:   INT16
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"CMG column"


SDS Name:      	FP_CMG_row

Description:   	CMG row

Number Type:   INT16
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"CMG row"

SDS Name:      	FP_MAD_DT

Description:   	Background Brightness Temperature Difference Mean Absolute Deviation of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"background brightness temperature difference mean absolute deviation"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_MAD_R7

Description:   	Background M7 Reflectance Mean Absolute Deviation of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"background M7 reflectance mean absolute deviation"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_MAD_T13

Description:   	Background M13 Brightness Temperature Mean Absolute Deviation of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"background M13 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_MAD_T15

Description:   	Background M15 Brightness Temperature Mean Absolute Deviation of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"background M15 brightness temperature mean absolute deviation"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_MeanDT

Description:   	Mean Background Brightness Temperature Difference of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"mean background brightness temperature difference"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_MeanR7

Description:    Background M7 Reflectance of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"background M7 reflectance"


SDS Name:      	FP_MeanT13

Description:   	M13 Brightness Temperature of Background of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"M13 brightness temperature of background"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_MeanT15

Description:   	M15 Brightness Temperature of Background of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"M15 brightness temperature of background"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_NumValid

Description:   	Number of Valid Background Pixels of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   INT16
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"number of valid background pixels"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_R7

Description:   	M7 Reflectance of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"M7 reflectance of fire pixel"


SDS Name:      	FP_RelAzAng

Description:   	Relative Azimuth Angle of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"relative azimuth angle"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"degrees"


SDS Name:      	FP_SolZenAng

Description:   	Solar Zenith Angle of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"solar zenith angle"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"degrees"


SDS Name:      	FP_T13

Description:   	M13 Brightness Temperature of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"M13 brightness temperature of fire pixel"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_T15

Description:   	M15 Brightness Temperature of fire pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"M15 brightness temperature of fire pixel"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"kelvins"


SDS Name:      	FP_ViewZenAng

Description:   	Solar Zenith Angle of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"view zenith angle"
units			STRING      length    	PGE    		"degrees"


SDS Name:      	FP_WinSize

Description:   	Background Window Size

Number Type:   UINT16
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"background window size"


SDS Name:      	FP_confidence

Description:   	Detection Confidence of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   UINT8
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"detection confidence"
units			STRING	    1		PGE		"%"

SDS Name:      	FP_land

Description:   Land Pixel Flag of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   UINT8
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"land pixel flag"


SDS Name:      	FP_latitude

Description:   	Latitude of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"latitude of fire pixel"
units			STRING	    length	PGE		"degrees"

SDS Name:      	FP_line

Description:   	Granule Line of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   INT16
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"granule line of fire pixel"


SDS Name:      	FP_longitude

Description:   	Longitude of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"longitude of fire pixel"
units			STRING	    length	PGE		"degrees"


SDS Name:      	FP_power

Description:   	Fire Radiative Power of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"fire radiative power"
units			STRING	    length	PGE		"MW"


SDS Name:      	FP_sample

Description:   	Granule Sample of Fire Pixel

Number Type:   INT16
Rank:          1
Dimension Sizes:    Variable
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
long_name		STRING      length  	PGE    		"granule sample of fire pixel"


SDS Name:      	CMG_day

Description:   	CMG Day

Number Type:   FLOAT
Rank:          2
Dimension Sizes:    Variable, 8 
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:


SDS Name:      	CMG_night

Description:   	CMG Night

Number Type:   UINT16
Rank:          2
Dimension Sizes:    Variable, 8 
Dimension Names:
	Dimension0: ""

SDS Attributes:
