======================================================================= VNP13C2 V2.0.4 L3 -------------------- Suomi NPP HDF5 File Specification Version: V1.0.9 Revision: 0 Date: 16 January 2018 ESDT: VNP13C2 Name: VIIRS/NPP Vegetation Indices Monthly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG Level: 3 Process ID: MCD_PR13C2 ESDT: VNP13C2 Point of Contact: Armando Barreto VIP Lab University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Office 520 621 4554 abarreto@email.arizona.edu https://vip.arizona.edu Principal Investigator: Kamel Didan VIP Lab University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Office 520 621 8514; Fax 520 621 1791 didan@email.arizona.edu https://vip.arizona.edu ======================================================================= Product Identifier: VNP13C2 Description: VIIRS/NPP Vegetation Indices Monthly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG Contents: SDS names: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2 CMG 0.05 Deg monthly VI Quality CMG 0.05 Deg monthly red reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NIR reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg monthly blue reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg monthly green reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR1 reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR2 reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR3 reflectance CMG 0.05 Deg monthly Avg sun zen angle CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI std dev CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI std dev CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2 std dev CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix used CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix +-30deg VZ CMG 0.05 Deg monthly pixel reliability Global Metadata: CoreMetadata.0 ArchiveMetadata.0 StructMetadata.0 HDFEOS5Version *Start Global Attributes =================================================== Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: AlgorithmType STRING 1 STIG SCI AlgorithmVersion STRING 1 STIG Variable DataResolution STRING 1 PGE 0.05deg DayNightFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable EastBoundingCoord DOUBLE 1 STIG Variable WestBoundingCoord DOUBLE 1 STIG Variable NorthBoundingCoord DOUBLE 1 STIG Variable SouthBoundingCoord DOUBLE 1 STIG Variable RangeBeginningDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningTime TIME 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingTime TIME 1 PGE Variable InputPointer STRING 5 PGE Variable LocalGranuleID STRING 1 PGE Variable LongName STRING 1 PGE VIIRS/NPP Vegetation Indices Monthly L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG NumberofInputGranules INTEGER 1 PGE Variable PGENumber INTEGER 1 PGE 528 PGEVersion INTEGER 1 PGE Variable PGE_StartTime DATETIME 1 PGE Variable PGE_EndTime DATETIME 1 PGE Variable PGE_Name = PGE528 PlatformShortName STRING 1 PGE NPP ProcessVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable ProcessingCenter STRING 1 PGE LandSIPS ProcessingEnvironment STRING 1 PGE Variable ProductionTime DATETIME 1 PGE Variable ProductionType STRING 1 PGE Variable SatelliteInstrument STRING 1 PGE NPP_OPS SensorShortname STRING 1 PGE VIIRS ShortName STRING 1 PGE VNP13C1 VersionID STRING 1 PGE Variable identifier_product_doi STRING 1 PGE Variable identifier_product_doi_authority STRING 1 PGE http://dx.doi.org *End Global Attributes =================================================== StructMetadata.0 DFNT_CHAR8 32000 GROUP=SwathStructure END_GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=GRID_1 GridName="NPP_Grid_monthly_VI_CMG" XDim=7200 YDim=3600 UpperLeftPointMtrs=(-180000000.000000,90000000.000000) LowerRightMtrs=(180000000.000000,-90000000.000000) Projection=HE5_GCTP_GEO GROUP=Dimension END_GROUP=Dimension GROUP=DataField OBJECT=DataField_1 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_1 OBJECT=DataField_2 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_2 OBJECT=DataField_3 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_3 OBJECT=DataField_4 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly VI Quality" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_USHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_4 OBJECT=DataField_5 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly red reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_5 OBJECT=DataField_6 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NIR reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_6 OBJECT=DataField_7 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly blue reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_7 OBJECT=DataField_8 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly green reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_8 OBJECT=DataField_9 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR1 reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_9 OBJECT=DataField_10 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR2 reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_10 OBJECT=DataField_11 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR3 reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_11 OBJECT=DataField_12 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly Avg sun zen angle" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_12 OBJECT=DataField_13 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI std dev" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_13 OBJECT=DataField_14 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI std dev" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_14 OBJECT=DataField_15 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2 std dev" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_15 OBJECT=DataField_16 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix used" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_16 OBJECT=DataField_17 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix +-30deg VZ" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_UCHAR DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_17 OBJECT=DataField_18 DataFieldName="CMG 0.05 Deg monthly pixel reliability" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_18 END_GROUP=DataField GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=GRID_1 END_GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=PointStructure END_GROUP=PointStructure GROUP=ZaStructure END_GROUP=ZaStructure END *End StructMetadata.0 =================================================== *Begin SDS Definitions =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 25 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI units STRING length PGE "NDVI" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE -10000,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI Description: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 day EVI from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 24 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI units STRING length PGE "EVI" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE -10000,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2 Description: CMG 0.05 Deg 16 day EVI2 from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 25 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2 units STRING length PGE "EVI2" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE -10000,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly VI Quality Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly VI Quality from VIIRS Number Type: UINT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 31 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly VI Quality units STRING length PGE "bit field" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE 65535 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,65534 Legend STRING 1369 PGE = Bit Fields Description (Right to Left): [0-1] MODLAND_QA [2 bit range] 00: VI produced, good quality 01: VI produced, but check QA 10: Pixel produced, but most probably cloudy 11: Pixel not produced due to other reasons than clouds [2-5] VI usefulness [4 bit range] 0000: Highest quality 0001: Lower quality 0010..1010: Deacreasing quality 1100: Lowest quality 1101: Quality so low that it is not useful 1110: L1B data faulty 1111: Not useful for any other reason/not processed [6-7] Aerosol quantity [2 bit range] 00: Climatology 01: Low 10: Average 11: High [8] Adjacent cloud detected; [1 bit range] 1: Yes 0: No [9] Atmosphere BRDF correction performed [1 bit range] 1: Yes 0: No [10] Mixed clouds [1 bit range] 1: Yes 0: No [11-13] Land/Water Flag [3 bit range] 000: land & desert 001: land no desert 010: inland water 011: sea water 101: coastal 110: mixed [14-15] Geospatial quality [2 bit range] 00: <= 25% of the finer 1km resolution contributed to this CMG pixel 01: >25% and <= 50% of the finer 1km resolution contributed to this CMG pixel 10: >50% and <= 75% of the finer 1km resolution contributed to this CMG pixel 11: >75% and <=100% of the finer 1km resolution contributed to this CMG pixel =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly red reflectance Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly red reflectance from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 36 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly red reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 109 PGE The red band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS I1 (375m) Bandwidth : 600-680 nm Band center: 640 nm =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NIR reflectance Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NIR reflectance from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 36 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NIR reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 109 PGE The NIR band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS I2 (375m) Bandwidth : 846-885 nm Band center: 865 nm =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly blue reflectance Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly blue reflectance from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 37 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly blue reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 110 PGE The blue band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M3 (750m) Bandwidth : 478-498 nm Band center: 488 nm =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly green reflectance Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly green reflectance from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 38 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly green reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 111 PGE The green band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M4 (750m) Bandwidth : 545-565 nm Band center: 555 nm =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR1 reflectance Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR1 reflectance from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 38 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR1 reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 114 PGE The SWIR1 band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M8 (750m) Bandwidth : 1230-1250 nm Band center: 1240 nm =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR2 reflectance Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR2 reflectance from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 38 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR2 reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 115 PGE The SWIR2 band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M10 (750m) Bandwidth : 1580-1640 nm Band center: 1610 nm =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR3 reflectance Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR3 reflectance from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 38 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly SWIR3 reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 115 PGE The SWIR3 band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M11 (750m) Bandwidth : 2225-2275 nm Band center: 2250 nm =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly Avg sun zen angle Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly Avg sun zen angle from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 30 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly Avg sun zen angle units STRING length PGE "degrees" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -20000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 100.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,18000 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI std dev Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI std dev from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 33 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly NDVI std dev units STRING length PGE "NDVI" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI std dev Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI std dev from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 32 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI std dev units STRING length PGE "EVI" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2 std dev Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2 std dev from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 33 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly EVI2 std dev units STRING length PGE "EVI2" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix used Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix used from VIIRS Number Type: UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 34 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix used units STRING length PGE "Pixels" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE 255 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 1.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,36 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix +-30deg VZ Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix +-30deg VZ from VIIRS Number Type: UINT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 40 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly #1km pix +-30deg VZ units STRING length PGE "Pixels" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE 255 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 1.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,36 =================================================== SDS Name: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly pixel reliability Description: CMG 0.05 Deg monthly pixel reliability Number Type: INT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 3200, 7200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 38 PGE CMG 0.05 Deg monthly pixel reliability units STRING length PGE "rank" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -4 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,11 Legend STRING 302 PGE = Rank Keys: [0]: Excellent [1]: Good [2]: Acceptable [3]: Marginal [4]: Pass [5]: Questionable [6]: Poor [7]: Cloud Shadow [8]: Snow/Ice [9]: Cloud [10]: Estimated [11]: LTAVG [-1]: NODATA [-2]: NODATA High Latitude [-3]: Antarctica [-4]: Water *End SDS Definitions ===================================================