======================================================================= VNP13A2 V2.0.3 L3 -------------------- Suomi NPP HDF5 File Specification Version: V1.0.9 Revision: 0 Date: 11 January 2018 ESDT: VNP13A2 Name: VIIRS 16 days 1km Vegetation Index (VI) Level: 3 Process ID: MCD_PR13A2 ESDT: VNP13A2 Point of Contact: Armando Barreto VIP Lab University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Office 520 621 4554 abarreto@email.arizona.edu https://vip.arizona.edu Principal Investigator: Kamel Didan VIP Lab University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA Office 520 621 8514; Fax 520 621 1791 didan@email.arizona.edu https://vip.arizona.edu ======================================================================= Product Identifier: VNP13A2 Description: VIIRS 16 days 1 km Vegetation Index (VI) Contents: SDS names: 1 km 16 days NDVI 1 km 16 days EVI 1 km 16 days EVI2 1 km 16 days VI Quality 1 km 16 days red reflectance 1 km 16 days NIR reflectance 1 km 16 days blue reflectance 1 km 16 days green reflectance 1 km 16 days SWIR1 reflectance 1 km 16 days SWIR2 reflectance 1 km 16 days SWIR3 reflectance 1 km 16 days view zenith angle 1 km 16 days sun zenith angle 1 km 16 days relative azimuth angle 1 km 16 days composite day of the year 1 km 16 days pixel reliability Global Metadata: CoreMetadata.0 ArchiveMetadata.0 StructMetadata.0 HDFEOS5Version *Start Global Attributes =================================================== Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: AlgorithmType STRING 1 STIG SCI AlgorithmVersion STRING 1 STIG Variable DataResolution STRING 1 PGE 1km DayNightFlag STRING 1 PGE Variable EastBoundingCoord DOUBLE 1 STIG Variable WestBoundingCoord DOUBLE 1 STIG Variable NorthBoundingCoord DOUBLE 1 STIG Variable SouthBoundingCoord DOUBLE 1 STIG Variable RangeBeginningDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeBeginningTime TIME 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingDate DATE 1 PGE Variable RangeEndingTime TIME 1 PGE Variable GRingLatitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRingLongitude DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable HorizontalTileNumber INTEGER 1 PGE Variable VerticalTileNumber INTEGER 1 PGE Variable TileID INTEGER 1 PGE Variable InputPointer STRING 5 PGE Variable LocalGranuleID STRING 1 PGE Variable LongName STRING 1 PGE VIIRS/NPP Level 3 16-Day Vegetation Indices - 1km NumberofInputGranules INTEGER 1 PGE Variable PGENumber INTEGER 1 PGE 535 PGEVersion INTEGER 1 PGE Variable PGE_StartTime DATETIME 1 PGE Variable PGE_EndTime DATETIME 1 PGE Variable PGE_Name = PGE535 PlatformShortName STRING 1 PGE NPP ProcessVersion STRING 1 PGE Variable ProcessingCenter STRING 1 PGE LandSIPS ProcessingEnvironment STRING 1 PGE Variable ProductionTime DATETIME 1 PGE Variable ProductionType STRING 1 PGE Variable SatelliteInstrument STRING 1 PGE NPP_OPS SensorShortname STRING 1 PGE VIIRS ShortName STRING 1 PGE VNP13A2 VersionID STRING 1 PGE Variable identifier_product_doi STRING 1 PGE Variable identifier_product_doi_authority STRING 1 PGE http://dx.doi.org *End Global Attributes =================================================== StructMetadata.0 DFNT_CHAR8 32000 GROUP=SwathStructure END_GROUP=SwathStructure GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=GRID_1 GridName="NPP_Grid_16Day_VI_1km" XDim=1200 YDim=1200 UpperLeftPointMtrs=(-11119505.196667,4447802.078667) LowerRightMtrs=(-10007554.677000,3335851.559000) Projection=HE5_GCTP_SNSOID ProjParams=(6371007.181000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) SphereCode=-1 GROUP=Dimension END_GROUP=Dimension GROUP=DataField OBJECT=DataField_1 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days NDVI" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_1 OBJECT=DataField_2 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days EVI" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_2 OBJECT=DataField_3 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days EVI2" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_3 OBJECT=DataField_4 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days VI Quality" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_USHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_4 OBJECT=DataField_5 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days red reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_5 OBJECT=DataField_6 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days NIR reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_6 OBJECT=DataField_7 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days blue reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_7 OBJECT=DataField_8 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days green reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_8 OBJECT=DataField_9 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days SWIR1 reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_9 OBJECT=DataField_10 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days SWIR2 reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_10 OBJECT=DataField_11 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days SWIR3 reflectance" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_11 OBJECT=DataField_12 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days view zenith angle" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_12 OBJECT=DataField_13 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days sun zenith angle" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_13 OBJECT=DataField_14 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days relative azimuth angle" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_14 OBJECT=DataField_15 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days composite day of the year" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SHORT DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_15 OBJECT=DataField_16 DataFieldName="1 km 16 days pixel reliability" DataType=H5T_NATIVE_SCHAR DimList=("YDim","XDim") MaxdimList=("YDim","XDim") CompressionType=HE5_HDFE_COMP_DEFLATE DeflateLevel=5 END_OBJECT=DataField_16 END_GROUP=DataField GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=GRID_1 END_GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=PointStructure END_GROUP=PointStructure GROUP=ZaStructure END_GROUP=ZaStructure END *End StructMetadata.0 =================================================== *Begin SDS Definitions =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days NDVI Description: 1 km 16 day NDVI from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 17 PGE 1 km 16 days NDVI units STRING length PGE "NDVI" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE -10000,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days EVI Description: 1 km 16 day EVI from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 16 PGE 1 km 16 days EVI units STRING length PGE "EVI" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE -10000,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days EVI2 Description: 1 km 16 day EVI2 from VIIRS Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 17 PGE 1 km 16 days EVI2 units STRING length PGE "EVI2" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -15000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE -10000,10000 =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days VI Quality Description: 1 km 16 days VI Quality Number Type: UINT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 23 PGE 1 km 16 days VI Quality units STRING length PGE "bit field" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE 65535 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,65534 Legend STRING 1122 PGE = Bit Fields Description (Right to Left): [0-1] : MODLAND_QA [2 bit range] 00: VI produced, good quality 01: VI produced, but check other QA 10: Pixel produced, but most probably cloudy 11: Pixel not produced due to other reasons than clouds [2-5] : VI usefulness [4 bit range] 0000: Highest quality 0001: Lower quality 0010..1010: Decreasing quality 1100: Lowest quality 1101: Quality so low that it is not useful 1110: L1B data faulty 1111: Not useful for any other reason/not processed [6-7] : Aerosol quantity [2 bit range] 00: Climatology 01: Low 10: Average 11: High (11) [8] : Adjacent cloud detected; [1 bit range] 1: Yes 0: No [9] : Atmosphere BRDF correction performed [1 bit range] 1: Yes 0: No [10] : Mixed clouds [1 bit range] 1: Yes 0: No [11-13] : Land/Water Flag [3 bit range] 000: land & desert 001: land no desert 010: inland water 011: sea water 101: coastal [14] : Possible snow/ice [1 bit range] 1: Yes 0: No [15] : Possible shadow [1 bit range] 1: Yes 0: No =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days red reflectance Description: 1 km 16 days red reflectance Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 28 PGE 1 km 16 days red reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 114 PGE The red band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS I1 (375m) Bandwidth : 600-680 nm Band center: 640 nm =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days NIR reflectance Description: 1 km 16 days NIR reflectance Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 28 PGE 1 km 16 days NIR reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 109 PGE The NIR band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS I2 (375m) Bandwidth : 846-885 nm Band center: 865 nm =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days blue reflectance Description: 1 km 16 days blue reflectance Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 29 PGE 1 km 16 days blue reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 110 PGE The blue band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M3 (750m) Bandwidth : 478-498 nm Band center: 488 nm =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days green reflectance Description: 1 km 16 days green reflectance Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 30 PGE 1 km 16 days green reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 111 PGE The green band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M4 (750m) Bandwidth : 545-565 nm Band center: 555 nm =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days SWIR1 reflectance Description: 1 km 16 days SWIR1 reflectance Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 30 PGE 1 km 16 days SWIR1 reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 114 PGE The SWIR1 band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M8 (750m) Bandwidth : 1230-1250 nm Band center: 1240 nm =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days SWIR2 reflectance Description: 1 km 16 days SWIR2 reflectance Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 30 PGE 1 km 16 days SWIR2 reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 115 PGE The SWIR2 band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M10 (750m) Bandwidth : 1580-1640 nm Band center: 1610 nm =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days SWIR3 reflectance Description: 1 km 16 days SWIR3 reflectance Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 30 PGE 1 km 16 days SWIR3 reflectance units STRING length PGE "reflectance" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 10000.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,10000 Legend STRING 115 PGE The SWIR3 band saved in the VI product is NPP VIIRS M11 (750m) Bandwidth : 2225-2275 nm Band center: 2250 nm =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days view zenith angle Description: 1 km 16 days view zenith angle Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 30 PGE 1 km 16 days view zenith angle units STRING length PGE "degrees" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -20000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 100.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,18000 =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days sun zenith angle Description: 1 km 16 days sun zenith angle Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 29 PGE 1 km 16 days sun zenith angle units STRING length PGE "degrees" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -20000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 100.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,18000 =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days relative azimuth angle Description: 1 km 16 days relative azimuth angle Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 35 PGE 1 km 16 days relative azimuth angle units STRING length PGE "degrees" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -20000 calibrated_nt INTEGER 15 PGE 5 add_offset FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 PGE 100.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 PGE 0.0 valid_range INT16 2 PGE -18000,18000 =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days composite day of the year Description: 1 km 16 days composite day of the year Number Type: INT16 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 38 PGE 1 km 16 days composite day of the year units STRING length PGE "Julian day of the year" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -1 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 1,366 =================================================== SDS Name: 1 km 16 days pixel reliability Description: 1 km 16 days pixel reliability Number Type: INT8 Rank: 2 Dimension Sizes: Variable, 1200, 1200 Dimension Names: Dimension0: "Ydim" Dimension1: "Xdim" SDS Attributes: long_name STRING 30 PGE 1 km 16 days pixel reliability units STRING length PGE "rank" _FillValue INT16 1 PGE -4 valid_range INT16 2 PGE 0,11 Legend STRING 1122 PGE = Rank Keys: [0]: Excellent [1]: Good [2]: Acceptable [3]: Marginal [4]: Pass [5]: Questionable [6]: Poor [7]: Cloud Shadow [8]: Snow/Ice [9]: Cloud [10]: Estimated [11]: LTAVG [-1]: NODATA [-4]: Water *End SDS Definitions ===================================================