8-day 1km L3 LST product specifications ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 61, Revision 2, modified on 09/18/2019. Product Identifier: MYD11A2 Description: 8-day Land-surface Temperature at 1km grids Contents: SDS: LST_Day_1km QC_Day Day_view_time Day_view_angl LST_Night_1km QC_Night Night_view_time Night_view_angl Emis_31 Emis_32 Clear_sky_days Clear_sky_nights Global Metadata: StructuralMetadata.0 GROUP=GridStructure GROUP=GRID_1 GridName="MODIS_Grid_8Day_1km_LST" XDim=1200 YDim=1200 UpperLeftPointMtrs=(-7783653.637740,4447802.078700) LowerRightMtrs=(-6671703.118080,3335851.559040) Projection=GCTP_ISINUS ProjParams=(6371007.181000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,21600,0,1,0,0) SphereCode=1 GridOrigin=HDFE_GD_UL GROUP=Dimension OBJECT=Dimension_1 DimensionName="XDim" Size=1200 END_OBJECT=Dimension_1 OBJECT=Dimension_2 DimensionName="YDim" Size=1200 END_OBJECT=Dimension_2 END_GROUP=Dimension GROUP=DataField OBJECT=DataField_1 DataFieldName="LST_Day_1km" DataType=DFNT_UINT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_1 OBJECT=DataField_2 DataFieldName="QC_Day" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_2 OBJECT=DataField_3 DataFieldName="Day_view_time" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_3 OBJECT=DataField_4 DataFieldName="Day_view_angl" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_4 OBJECT=DataField_5 DataFieldName="LST_Night_1km" DataType=DFNT_UINT16 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_5 OBJECT=DataField_6 DataFieldName="QC_Night" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_6 OBJECT=DataField_7 DataFieldName="Night_view_time" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_7 OBJECT=DataField_8 DataFieldName="Night_view_angl" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_8 OBJECT=DataField_9 DataFieldName="Emis_31" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_9 OBJECT=DataField_10 DataFieldName="Emis_32" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_10 OBJECT=DataField_11 DataFieldName="Clear_sky_days" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_11 OBJECT=DataField_12 DataFieldName="Clear_sky_nights" DataType=DFNT_UINT8 DimList=("YDim","XDim") END_OBJECT=DataField_12 END_GROUP=DataField GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=MergedFields END_GROUP=GRID_1 END_GROUP=GridStructure Name: Type: Num_Val: Source: Value: CoreMetadata.0 This string will contain the following PVL fields: SIZEMBECSDATAGRANULE ECS-DOUBLE 1 TK Variable REPROCESSINGPLANNED ECS-STRING 1 PGE "further update is anticipated" REPROCESSINGACTUAL ECS-STRING 1 PGE "processed once" LOCALGRANULEID ECS-STRING 1 PGE Variable DAYNIGHTFLAG ECS-STRING 1 PGE "Both" PRODUCTIONDATETIME ECS-STRING 1 TK Variable LOCALVERSIONID ECS-STRING 1 PGE Variable PARAMETERNAME ECS-STRING 1 PGE "MYD 8-DAY 1KM L3 LST" AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAG ECS-STRING 1 PGE "Passed", "Suspect" or "Failed" AUTOMATICQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION ECS-STRING 1 PGE summarizing PGE test OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAG ECS-STRING 1 DAAC Variable OPERATIONALQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION ECS-STRING 1 DAAC Variable SCIENCEQUALITYFLAG ECS-STRING 1 DP Variable SCIENCEQUALITYFLAGEXPLANATION ECS-STRING 1 DP Variable QAPERCENTINTERPOLATEDDATA ECS-INTEGER 1 PGE Variable QAPERCENTMISSINGDATA ECS-INTEGER 1 PGE Variable QAPERCENTOUTOFBOUNDSDATA ECS-INTEGER 1 PGE Variable QAPERCENTCLOUDCOVER ECS-INTEGER 1 PGE Variable SHORTNAME ECS-STRING 1 MCF "MYD11A2" VERSIONID ECS-INTEGER 1 MCF Variable INPUTPOINTER ECS-STRING FREE_RANGE PGE Variable EXCLUSIONGRINGFLAG ECS-STRING 1 PGE "N" GRINGPOINTLATITUDE ECS-DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRINGPOINTLONGITUDE ECS-DOUBLE 4 PGE Variable GRINGPOINTSEQUENCENO ECS-STRING 4 PGE Variable RANGEBEGINNINGDATE ECS-DATE 1 PGE Variable RANGEBEGINNINGTIME ECS_TIMR 1 PGE Variable RANGEENDINGDATE ECS-DATE 1 PGE Variable RANGEENDINGTIME ECS-TIME 1 PGE Variable PGEVERSION ECS-STRING 1 PGE "6.4.3" ADDITIONALATTRIBUTES ECS-STRING FREE_RANGE PGE Variable includes the following seven attributes: QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY ECS-INTEGER 1 PGE percent of good quality pixels QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY ECS-INTEGER 1 PGE % of other quality pixels QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDCLOUD ECS-INTEGER 1 PGE % of pixels not processed because of cloud effects QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER ECS-INTEGER 1 PGE % of pixels not processed because of effects other than cloud HORIZONTALTILENUMBER ECS-STRING PGE Variable VERTICALTILENUMBER ECS-STRING PGE Variable ASSOCIATEDPLATFORMSHORTNAME ECS-STRING 1 PGE "AM-1" ASSOCIATEDINSTRUMENTSHORTNAME ECS-STRING 1 PGE "MODIS" ASSOCIATEDSENSORSHORTNAME ECS-STRING 1 PGE "CCD" ArchiveMetadata.0 HDF-STRING 1 SDPtk Variable This string will contain the following PVL fields: GRIDTYPE ECS-STRING 1 PGE "INTEGERIZED SINUSOIDAL" HORIZONTALTILENUMBER ECS-STRING 1 PGE Variable VERTICALTILENUMBER ECS-STRING 1 PGE Variable ALGORITHMPACKAGENAME ECS-STRING 1 PGE "MOD_PR11A_V2" ALGORITHMPACKAGEVERSION ECS-STRING 1 MCF "6" LONGNAME ECS-STRING 1 MCF "MODIS Level-3 8-day 1km Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity" INSTRUMENTNAME ECS-STRING 1 PGE "Moderate-Resolution Imaging SpectroRadiometer" LOCALINPUTGRANULEID ECS-STRING 1 PGE Variable PROCESSINGCENTER ECS-STRING 1 PGE "EDC" PROCESSINGDATETIME ECS-DATETIME 1 PGE Variable SPSOPARAMETERS ECS-STRING 1 PGE "2484 and 3323" EASTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE ECS-DOUBLE 1 Input Variable WESTBOUNDINGCOORDINATE ECS-DOUBLE 1 Input Variable NORTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE ECS-DOUBLE 1 Input Variable SOUTHBOUNDINGCOORDINATE ECS-DOUBLE 1 Input Variable =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: LST_Day_1km Description: 8-day daytime 1km grid Land-surface temperature Data conversions: LST_Day_1km = file data * scale_factor Number Type: uint16 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "8-day daytime 1km grid Land-surface Temperature" units HDF-STRING 1 code "K" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint16" valid_range HDF-uint16 2 code 7500,65535 _FillValue HDF-uint16 1 code NA LST HDF_STRING 1 code "LST data * scale_factor" scale_factor HDF-float64 1 code 0.02 add_offset HDF-float64 1 code 0. scale_factor_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. add_offset_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. calibrated_nt HDF-int32 1 code 5 =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: QC_Day Description: Daytime LST Quality Indicators Bit field legend; uint8 bit Long name Key 0-1 Mandatory QA flags 00=LST produced, good quality, not necessary to examine more detailed QA 01=LST produced, other quality, recommend examination of more detailed QA 10=LST not produced due to cloud effects 11=LST not produced primarily due to reasons other than cloud 2-3 Data Quality flag 00=good data quality 01=other quality data 10=TBD 11=TBD 4-5 Emis Error flag 00=average emissivity error <= 0.01 01=average emissivity error <= 0.02 10=average emissivity error <= 0.04 11=average emissivity error > 0.04 6-7 LST Error flag 00=average LST error <= 1K 01=average LST error <= 2K 10=average LST error <= 3K 11=average LST error > 3K Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "Quality control for daytime LST and emissivity" Number Type HDF_STRING 1 code "uint8" valid_range HDF-uint8 2 code 0,255 Note: there is no _FillValue for this SDS and bit fields in the SDS. This SDS should be used with SDS LST_Day_1km together. If LST_Day_1km has _FillValue 0, 0-1 bits in QC_Day have value 10 or 11, other bit fields with 0 as undefined. =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Day_view_time Description: MODIS average daytime viewing (local sun) time Data conversions: Day_view_time = View_time data * scale_factor Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "Average time of daytime Land-surface Temperature observation" units HDF-STRING 1 code "hrs" Number Type HDF_STRING 1 code "uint8" valid_range HDF-uint8 2 code 0, 240 _FillValue HDF-uint8 1 code 255 scale_factor HDF-float64 1 code 0.1 add_offset HDF-float64 1 code 0. scale_factor_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. add_offset_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. calibrated_nt HDF-int32 1 code 5 View_time HDF_STRING 1 code "View_time data * scale_factor" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Day_view_angl Description: Average view zenith angle of daytime Land-surface temperature Data conversions: Day_view_angl = View_angl data * scale_factor + offset Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "Average view zenith angle of daytime Land-surface Temperature" units HDF-STRING 1 code "deg" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint8" View_angle HDF-STRING 1 code "View_angle data * scale_factor + offset" valid_range HDF-uint8 2 code 0,130 _FillValue HDF-uint8 1 code 255 scale_factor HDF-float64 1 code 1.0 add_offset HDF-float64 1 code -65.0 scale_factor_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. add_offset_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. calibrated_nt HDF-int32 1 code 5 =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: LST_Night_1km Description: 8-day nighttime 1km grid Land-surface temperature Data conversions: LST_Night_1km = LST data * scale_factor Number Type: uint16 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "8-day nighttime 1km grid Land-surface Temperature" units HDF-STRING 1 code "K" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint16" valid_range HDF-uint16 2 code 7500,65535 _FillValue HDF-uint16 1 code 0 LST HDF-STRING 1 code "LST data * scale_factor" scale_factor HDF-float64 1 code 0.02 add_offset HDF-float64 1 code 0. scale_factor_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. add_offset_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. calibrated_nt HDF-int32 1 code 5 =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: QC_Night Description: Nighttime LST Quality Indicators Bit field legend; uint8 bit Long name Key 0-1 Mandatory QA flags 00=LST produced, good quality, not necessary to examine more detailed QA 01=LST produced, other quality, recommend examination of more detailed QA 10=LST not produced due to cloud effects 11=LST not produced primarily due to reasons other than cloud 2-3 Data Quality flag 00=good data quality 01=other quality data 10=TBD 11=TBD 4-5 Emis Error flag 00=average emissivity error <= 0.01 01=average emissivity error <= 0.02 10=average emissivity error <= 0.04 11=average emissivity error > 0.04 6-7 LST Error flag 00=average LST error <= 1K 01=average LST error <= 2K 10=average LST error <= 3K 11=average LST error > 3K Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "Quality control for nighttime LST and emissivity" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint8" valid_range HDF-uint8 2 code 0,255 Note: there is no _FillValue for this SDS and bit fields in the SDS. This SDS should be used with SDS LST_Night_1km together. If LST_Night_1km has _FillValue 0, 0-1 bits in QC_Night have value 10 or 11, other bit fields with 0 as undefined. =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Night_view_time Description: MODIS average night viewing (local sun) time Data conversions: Night_view_time = View_time data * scale_factor Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "Average time of nighttime Land-surface Temperature observation" units HDF-STRING 1 code "hrs" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint8" valid_range HDF-uint8 2 code 0,240 _FillValue HDF-uint8 1 code 255 scale_factor HDF-float64 1 code 0.1 add_offset HDF-float64 1 code 0. scale_factor_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. add_offset_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. calibrated_nt HDF-int32 1 code 5 View_time HDF_STRING 1 code "View_time data * scale_factor" =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Night_view_angl Description: MODIS average night viewing angle Data conversions: Night_view_angl = View_angl data * scale_factor + offset Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "Average view zenith angle of nighttime Land-surface Temperature" units HDF-STRING 1 code "deg" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint8" View_angle HDF-STRING 1 code "View_angle data * scale_factor + add_offset" valid_range HDF-uint8 2 code 0,130 _FillValue HDF-uint8 1 code 255 scale_factor HDF-float64 1 code 1.0 add_offset HDF-float64 1 code -65.0 scale_factor_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. add_offset_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. calibrated_nt HDF-int32 1 code 5 =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Emis_31 Description: Band 31 emissivity Data conversions: Emis_31 = Emis_31 data * scale_factor + add_offset Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "Band 31 emissivity" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint8" valid_range HDF-uint8 2 code 1,255 _FillValue HDF-uint8 1 code 0 Emis_31 HDF-STRING 1 code "Emis_31 data * scale_factor + add_offset" scale_factor HDF-float64 1 code 0.002 add_offset HDF-float64 1 code 0.49 scale_factor_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. add_offset_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. calibrated_nt HDF-int32 1 code 5 =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Emis_32 Description: Band 32 emissivity Data conversions: Emis_32 = Emis_32 data * scale_factor + add_offset Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "Band 32 emissivity" valid_range HDF-uint8 2 code 1,255 _FillValue HDF-uint8 1 code 0 Emis_32 HDF-STRING 1 code "Emis_32 data * scale_factor + add_offset" scale_factor HDF-float64 1 code 0.002 add_offset HDF-float64 1 code 0.49 scale_factor_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. add_offset_err HDF-float64 1 code 0. calibrated_nt HDF-int32 1 code 5 =============================================================================== SDS Definition SDS Name: Clear_sky_days Description: the days in clear-sky conditions and with validate LSTs Bit field legend; uint8 bit Long name Key 0 day 1 clear-sky flag 00=day 1 is not clear-sky 01=day 1 is clear-sky 1 day 2 clear-sky flag 00=day 2 is not clear-sky 01=day 2 is clear-sky 2 day 3 clear-sky flag 00=day 3 is not clear-sky 01=day 3 is clear-sky 3 day 4 clear-sky flag 00=day 4 is not clear-sky 01=day 4 is clear-sky 4 day 5 clear-sky flag 00=day 5 is not clear-sky 01=day 5 is clear-sky 5 day 6 clear-sky flag 00=day 6 is not clear-sky 01=day 6 is clear-sky 6 day 7 clear-sky flag 00=day 7 is not clear-sky 01=day 7 is clear-sky 7 day 8 clear-sky flag 00=day 8 is not clear-sky 01=day 8 is clear-sky Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "the days in clear-sky conditions and with validate LSTs" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint8" valid_range HDF-uint16 2 code 1,255 _FillValue HDF-uint16 1 code 0 ============================================================================ SDS Definition SDS Name: Clear_sky_nights Description: the nights in clear-sky conditions and with validate LSTs Bit field legend; uint8 bit Long name Key 0 night 1 clear-sky flag 00=night 1 is not clear-sky 01=night 1 is clear-sky 1 night 2 clear-sky flag 00=night 2 is not clear-sky 01=night 2 is clear-sky 2 night 3 clear-sky flag 00=night 3 is not clear-sky 01=night 3 is clear-sky 3 night 4 clear-sky flag 00=night 4 is not clear-sky 01=night 4 is clear-sky 4 night 5 clear-sky flag 00=night 5 is not clear-sky 01=night 5 is clear-sky 5 night 6 clear-sky flag 00=night 6 is not clear-sky 01=night 6 is clear-sky 6 night 7 clear-sky flag 00=night 7 is not clear-sky 01=night 7 is clear-sky 7 night 8 clear-sky flag 00=night 8 is not clear-sky 01=night 8 is clear-sky Number Type: uint8 Rank: 2 Dimension sizes: (Data Rows, Maximum Number Data Bins per Row) Dimension Names: (YDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST, XDim:MODIS_Grid_8DAY_1km_LST) Dimension_1: YDim Dimension_2: XDim SDS Metadata: Name: Data Type: Num_val: Source: Value: long_name HDF-STRING 1 code "the nights in clear-sky conditions and with validate LSTs" Number Type HDF-STRING 1 code "uint8" valid_range HDF-uint16 2 code 1,255 _FillValue HDF-uint16 1 code 0 ============================================================================