HDF-EOS V2 MODIS CMG Surface Reflectance HDF File Specification Revision 6.0.3, 29-MAR-10 Product ID(s): MYD09CMG (Aqua Surface Reflectance Daily Climate Modeling Grid) Point of Contact: Jim Ray Sigma Space Corp. MODIS Land Science Team 4321 Hartwick Rd., Suite 209 College Park, MD 20740MYD09 Principal Investigator: Eric Vermote NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 619 Greenbelt, MD 20771 SDST: Gang Ye MODIS SDST SSAI Incorporated Seabrook, MD 20706 ECS Metadata CoreMetadata.0: The following is the MCF section that will be used to create the core metadata string. Items labeled as "NOTE" will not be part of the MCF, but have been added for clarity. GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA GROUPTYPE = MASTERGROUP GROUP = ECSDataGranule OBJECT = LocalGranuleID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = LocalGranuleID OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "DSS" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = SizeMBECSDataGranule OBJECT = ProductionDateTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "TK" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATETIME" END_OBJECT = ProductionDateTime OBJECT = DayNightFlag Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = DayNightFlag OBJECT = ReprocessingActual Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ReprocessingActual OBJECT = LocalVersionID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = LocalVersionID OBJECT = ReprocessingPlanned Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ReprocessingPlanned END_GROUP = ECSDataGranule GROUP = MeasuredParameter OBJECT = MeasuredParameterContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" GROUP = QAFlags CLASS = "M" OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "DP" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "Not Investigated" END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlagExplanation Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlag Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = OperationalQualityFlag OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation END_GROUP = QAFlags GROUP = QAStats CLASS = "M" OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData END_GROUP = QAStats OBJECT = ParameterName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ParameterName END_OBJECT = MeasuredParameterContainer END_GROUP = MeasuredParameter NOTE: There will be 1 OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain field per orbit in this file GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain OBJECT = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomainContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime OBJECT = OrbitNumber Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = OrbitNumber OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude END_OBJECT = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass OBJECT = VersionID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" Value = 6 END_OBJECT = VersionID OBJECT = ShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MYD09CMG" END_OBJECT = ShortName END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass GROUP = InputGranule OBJECT = InputPointer Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 75 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = InputPointer END_GROUP = InputGranule GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer GROUP = BoundingRectangle OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle END_GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer GROUP = GranuleLocality OBJECT = LocalityValue Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "Global" END_OBJECT = LocalityValue END_GROUP = GranuleLocality END_GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = RangeDateTime OBJECT = RangeEndingDate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = RangeEndingDate OBJECT = RangeEndingTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = RangeEndingTime OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime END_GROUP = RangeDateTime GROUP = PGEVersionClass OBJECT = PGEVersion Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = PGEVersion END_GROUP = PGEVersionClass GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MODIS" END_OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "Aqua" END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MODIS" END_OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer END_GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor NOTE: There are no AdditionalAttributes in this file GROUP = AdditionalAttributes OBJECT = AdditionalAttributesContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "FALSE" CLASS = "M" OBJECT = AdditionalAttributeName Mandatory = "FALSE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AdditionalAttributeName GROUP = InformationContent CLASS = "M" OBJECT = ParameterValue Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ParameterValue END_GROUP = InformationContent END_OBJECT = AdditionalAttributesContainer END_GROUP = AdditionalAttributes END_GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA ArchiveMetadata.0: The following is the MCF section that will be used to create the archive metadata string. GROUP = ARCHIVEDMETADATA GROUPTYPE = MASTERGROUP OBJECT = AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = AlgorithmPackageAcceptanceDate OBJECT = AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = AlgorithmPackageMaturityCode OBJECT = AlgorithmPackageName Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = AlgorithmPackageName OBJECT = AlgorithmPackageVersion Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = AlgorithmPackageVersion OBJECT = LongName DATA_LOCATION = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 MANDATORY = "TRUE" Value = "MODIS/Aqua Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG" END_OBJECT = LongName OBJECT = SPSOPARAMETERS DATA_LOCATION = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 MANDATORY = "TRUE" Value = "None" END_OBJECT = SPSOPARAMETERS OBJECT = PROCESSINGCENTER DATA_LOCATION = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 MANDATORY = "TRUE" Value = "MODAPS" END_OBJECT = PROCESSINGCENTER OBJECT = ProcessingEnvironment Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = ProcessingEnvironment OBJECT = DESCRrevision Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" VALUE = "6.0" END_OBJECT = DESCRrevision OBJECT = ProductionHistory Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ProductionHistory OBJECT = SystemFileName Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" NUM_VAL = 75 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = SystemFileName END_GROUP = ARCHIVEDMETADATA END Dimensions: Dimension Name Value Dimension_1 Data Lines 3600 Dimension_2 Data Samples Per Line 7200 DataFields: The exact contents of this file depends upon the contents of the IDS inputs that are read by MOD_PR09C.exe. For collection 6 this file is anticipated to contain: "Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 1" "Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 2" "Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 3" "Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 4" "Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 5" "Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 6" "Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 7" "Coarse Resolution Solar Zenith Angle" "Coarse Resolution View Zenith Angle" "Coarse Resolution Relative Azimuth Angle" "Coarse Resolution Ozone" "Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 20" "Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 21" "Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 31" "Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 32" "Coarse Resolution Granule Time" "Coarse Resolution Band 3 Path Radiance" "Coarse Resolution QA" "Coarse Resolution Internal CM" "Coarse Resolution State QA" "Coarse Resolution Number Mapping" "number of 500m pixels averaged b3-7" "number of 500m rej. detector" "number of 250m pixels averaged b1-2" "n pixels averaged" All data stored within DataFields that contain the HDF attributes "scale_factor" and "add_offset" are scaled according to the following data conversion: parameter = scale_factor * (file data - add_offset) file data = (parameter / scale_factor) + add_offset DataField DataField_1 Name Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 1 Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_1 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 1 units STRING 1 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_2 Name Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 2 Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_2 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 2 units STRING 1 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_3 Name Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 3 Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_3 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 3 units STRING 1 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_4 Name Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 4 Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_4 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 4 units STRING 1 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_5 Name Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 5 Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_5 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 5 units STRING 1 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_6 Name Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 6 Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_6 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 6 units STRING 1 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_7 Name Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 7 Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_7 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 7 units STRING 1 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_8 Name Coarse Resolution Solar Zenith Angle Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_8 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Solar Zenith Angle units STRING 1 degrees valid_range INT16 2 0, 18000 _FillValue INT16 1 -1 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_9 Name Coarse Resolution View Zenith Angle Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_9 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution View Zenith Angle units STRING 1 degrees valid_range INT16 2 0, 18000 _FillValue INT16 1 -1 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_10 Name Coarse Resolution Relative Azimuth Angle Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_10 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Relative Azimuth Angle units STRING 1 degrees valid_range INT16 2 0, 18000 _FillValue INT16 1 -1 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_11 Name Coarse Resolution Ozone Data Type UINT8 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_11 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Ozone units STRING 1 cm atm valid_range INT16 2 1, 255 _FillValue INT16 1 0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0025 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_12 Name Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 20 Data Type UINT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_12 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 20 units STRING 1 degrees K valid_range INT16 2 1, 40000 _FillValue INT16 1 0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_13 Name Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 21 Data Type UINT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_13 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 21 units STRING 1 degrees K valid_range INT16 2 1, 40000 _FillValue INT16 1 0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_14 Name Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 31 Data Type UINT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_14 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 31 units STRING 1 degrees K valid_range INT16 2 1, 40000 _FillValue INT16 1 0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_15 Name Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 32 Data Type UINT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_15 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Brightness Temperature Band 32 units STRING 1 degrees K valid_range INT16 2 1, 40000 _FillValue INT16 1 0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.01 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_16 Name Coarse Resolution Granule Time Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_16 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Granule Time units STRING 1 HHMM valid_range INT16 2 1, 2355 _FillValue INT16 1 0 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 1 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_17 Name Coarse Resolution Band 3 Path Radiance Data Type INT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_17 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Band 3 Path Radiance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 units STRING 1 reflectance _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 DataField DataField_18 Name Coarse Resolution QA Data Type UINT32 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 Bit Description 0-1 MODLAND QA bits; corrected product produced at ideal quality -- all bands (00), corrected product produced, less than ideal quality -- some or all bands (01), corrected product not produced due to cloud effects -- all bands (10), corrected product not produced for other reasons -- some or all bands, may be fill value (11) [Note that a value of (11) overrides a value of (01)]. 2-5 band 1 data quality, four bit range; 0 = highest quality 7 = noisy detector 8 = dead detector; data interpolated in L1B 9 = solar zenith >= 86 degrees 10 = solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 11 = missing input 12 = internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 13 = correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value 14 = L1B data faulty 15 = not processed due to deep ocean or clouds 6-9 band 2 data quality, four bit range; 0 = highest quality 7 = noisy detector 8 = dead detector; data interpolated in L1B 9 = solar zenith >= 86 degrees 10 = solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 11 = missing input 12 = internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 13 = correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value 14 = L1B data faulty 15 = not processed due to deep ocean or clouds 10-13 band 3 data quality, four bit range; 0 = highest quality 7 = noisy detector 8 = dead detector; data interpolated in L1B 9 = solar zenith >= 86 degrees 10 = solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 11 = missing input 12 = internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 13 = correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value 14 = L1B data faulty 15 = not processed due to deep ocean or clouds 14-17 band 4 data quality, four bit range; 0 = highest quality 7 = noisy detector 8 = dead detector; data interpolated in L1B 9 = solar zenith >= 86 degrees 10 = solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 11 = missing input 12 = internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 13 = correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value 14 = L1B data faulty 15 = not processed due to deep ocean or clouds 18-21 band 5 data quality, four bit range; 0 = highest quality 7 = noisy detector 8 = dead detector; data interpolated in L1B 9 = solar zenith >= 86 degrees 10 = solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 11 = missing input 12 = internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 13 = correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value 14 = L1B data faulty 15 = not processed due to deep ocean or clouds 22-25 band 6 data quality, four bit range; 0 = highest quality 7 = noisy detector 8 = dead detector; data interpolated in L1B 9 = solar zenith >= 86 degrees 10 = solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 11 = missing input 12 = internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 13 = correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value 14 = L1B data faulty 15 = not processed due to deep ocean or clouds 26-29 band 7 data quality, four bit range; 0 = highest quality 7 = noisy detector 8 = dead detector; data interpolated in L1B 9 = solar zenith >= 86 degrees 10 = solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 11 = missing input 12 = internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 13 = correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value 14 = L1B data faulty 15 = not processed due to deep ocean or clouds 30 atmospheric correction performed; yes (1) or no (0) 31 adjacency correction performed; yes(1) or no (0) DataField_18 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution QA units STRING 1 bit field valid_range UINT32 2 0, 1073741824 _FillValue UINT32 1 0 QA index STRING * (an index of the Coarse Resolution QA bit field, like the bit description above.) DataField DataField_19 Name Coarse Resolution Internal CM Data Type UINT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 Bit Description 0 cloud (high or low or subpixel) 1=cloudy, 0=not flagged as cloudy 1 clear 1=clear, 0=not flagged as clear 2 high cloud 1=cloudy, 0=not flagged as cloudy 3 low cloud 1=cloudy, 0=not flagged as cloudy 4 snow 1=snow, 0=not flagged as snow 5 fire 1=fire, 0=not flagged as fire 6 glint 1=glint, 0=not flagged as glint 7 dust 1=dust, 0=not flagged as dust 8 cloud shadow 1=cldshd, 0=not flagged as cldshd 9 adjacent to cloud 1=adjacent, 0=not flagged as adjacent 10-11 cirrus detected 00=none, 01=small, 10=average, 11=high 12 pan flag 1=salt pan, 0=no salt pan 13 criteria used for aerosol retrieval 1=criterion 2, 0=criterion 1 14 AOT has climatological values 1=yes, 0=no 15 unused DataField_19 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Internal CM units STRING 1 bit field valid_range UINT16 2 1, 8191 _FillValue UINT16 1 0 QA index STRING * (an index of the Coarse Resolution Internal CM bit field, like the bit description above.) DataField DataField_20 Name Coarse Resolution State QA Data Type UINT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 Bit Description 0-1 cloud state; clear (00), cloudy (01), mixed (10), not set, assumed clear (11) 2 cloud shadow; yes (1) or no (0) 3-5 land/water flag; class definitions: 000 -- shallow ocean 001 -- land 010 -- ocean coastlines and land shorelines 011 -- shallow inland water 100 -- ephemeral water 101 -- deep inland water 110 -- continental/moderate ocean 111 -- deep ocean 6-7 aerosol quantity; climatology (00), low (01) average (10), high (11) 8-9 cirrus detected; none (00), small (01), average (10), high (11) 10 internal cloud algorithm flag; cloudy (1) or clear (0) 11 internal fire algorithm flag; fire (1) or no fire (0) 12 MOD35 snow/ice flag; yes(1) or no(0) 13 Pixel is adjacent to cloud; yes (1) or no(0) 14 BRDF correction performed; yes (1) or no(0) 15 internal snow algorithm flag; snow (1) or no snow (0) DataField_20 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution State QA units STRING 1 bit field valid_range UINT16 2 1, 65535 _FillValue UINT16 1 0 QA index STRING * (an index of the Coarse Resolution State QA bit field, like the bit description above.) DataField DataField_21 Name Coarse Resolution Number Mapping Data Type UINT32 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 Bit Description 0-7 number of pixels mapping to here flagged as cloudy 8-15 number of pixels mapping to here flagged as cloud shadow 16-23 number of pixels mapping to here flagged as adjacent to cloud 24-31 number of pixels mapping to here flagged for snow DataField_21 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 Coarse Resolution Number Mapping units STRING 1 bit field valid_range UINT32 2 1, 4294967295 _FillValue UINT32 1 0 QA index STRING * (an index of the Coarse Resolution Number Mapping bit field, like the bit description above.) DataField DataField_22 Name number of 500m pixels averaged b3-7 Data Type UINT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_22 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 number of 500m pixels averaged b3-7 units STRING 1 (unitless) valid_range UINT16 2 1, 500 _FillValue UINT16 1 0 DataField DataField_23 Name number of 500m rej. detector Data Type UINT8 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_23 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 number of 500m rej. detector units STRING 1 (unitless) valid_range UINT8 2 1, 100 _FillValue UINT8 1 0 DataField DataField_24 Name number of 250m pixels averaged b1-2 Data Type UINT16 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField 24 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long name STRING 1 number of 250m pixels averaged b1-2 units STRING 1 (unitless) valid_range UINT16 2 1, 2000 _FillValue UINT16 1 0 DataField DataField_25 Name n pixels averaged Data Type UINT8 Dimensions Dimension_1, Dimension_2 DataField_25 HDF Attributes: Attribute Data Type Quantity Value long_name STRING 1 n pixels averaged units STRING 1 (unitless) valid_range INT16 2 1, 100 _FillValue INT16 1 0