HDF-EOS V2 MODIS Coarse L3 Surface Reflectance Product Revision 6.0.0, 09-FEB-09 Product ID: MOD_PR09A1C Description: MODIS Coarse Level-3 (L3) Land Surface Reflectance (LSR) - A coarse resolution of MOD_PR09A. Intended strictly for use at the SCF for the QA of MOD_PR09A. Point of Contact: Jim Ray Science Systems and Applications, Inc. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 614.5 Greenbelt, MD 20771 Principal Investigator: Eric Vermote NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 619 Greenbelt, MD 20771 =========================================================================== ECS metadata GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA GROUPTYPE = MASTERGROUP GROUP = ECSDataGranule OBJECT = LocalGranuleID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = LocalGranuleID OBJECT = ProductionDateTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "TK" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATETIME" END_OBJECT = ProductionDateTime OBJECT = DayNightFlag Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = DayNightFlag OBJECT = ReprocessingActual Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ReprocessingActual OBJECT = LocalVersionID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = LocalVersionID OBJECT = ReprocessingPlanned Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ReprocessingPlanned END_GROUP = ECSDataGranule GROUP = MeasuredParameter OBJECT = MeasuredParameterContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" GROUP = QAFlags CLASS = "M" OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "DP" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "Not Investigated" END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation END_GROUP = QAFlags GROUP = QAStats CLASS = "M" OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData END_GROUP = QAStats OBJECT = ParameterName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ParameterName END_OBJECT = MeasuredParameterContainer END_GROUP = MeasuredParameter GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain OBJECT = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomainContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime OBJECT = OrbitNumber Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = OrbitNumber OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude END_OBJECT = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass OBJECT = VersionID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" Value = 6 END_OBJECT = VersionID OBJECT = ShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MOD09A1C" END_OBJECT = ShortName END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass GROUP = InputGranule OBJECT = InputPointer Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 100 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = InputPointer END_GROUP = InputGranule GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer GROUP = GPolygon OBJECT = GPolygonContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" GROUP = GRingPoint CLASS = "M" OBJECT = GRingPointLongitude Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 4 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = GRingPointLongitude OBJECT = GRingPointLatitude Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 4 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = GRingPointLatitude OBJECT = GRingPointSequenceNo Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 4 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = GRingPointSequenceNo END_GROUP = GRingPoint GROUP = GRing CLASS = "M" OBJECT = ExclusionGRingFlag Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ExclusionGRingFlag END_GROUP = GRing END_OBJECT = GPolygonContainer END_GROUP = GPolygon END_GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = RangeDateTime OBJECT = RangeEndingDate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = RangeEndingDate OBJECT = RangeEndingTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = RangeEndingTime OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime END_GROUP = RangeDateTime GROUP = PGEVersionClass OBJECT = PGEVersion Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = PGEVersion END_GROUP = PGEVersionClass GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MODIS" END_OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "Terra" END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MODIS" END_OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer END_GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor GROUP = AdditionalAttributes OBJECT = AdditionalAttributesContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "FALSE" CLASS = "M" OBJECT = AdditionalAttributeName Mandatory = "FALSE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AdditionalAttributeName GROUP = InformationContent CLASS = "M" OBJECT = ParameterValue Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ParameterValue END_GROUP = InformationContent END_OBJECT = AdditionalAttributesContainer END_GROUP = AdditionalAttributes ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.1 = QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.2 = QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.3 = QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDCLOUD ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.4 = QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.5 = HORIZONTALTILENUMBER ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.6 = VERTICALTILENUMBER ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.7 = TILEID ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.8 = PROCESSVERSION ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.9 = RESOLUTIONBANDS1AND2 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.10 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND1 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.11 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND2 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.12 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND3 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.13 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND4 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.14 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND5 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.15 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND6 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.16 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT500MBAND7 END_GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA GROUP = ARCHIVEDMETADATA GROUPTYPE = MASTERGROUP OBJECT = SPSOParameters Data_Location = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" Value = "2015" END_OBJECT = SPSOParameters GROUP = BoundingRectangle OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle OBJECT = GeoAnyAbnormal Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GeoAnyAbnormal OBJECT = GeoEstMaxRMSError Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GeoEstMaxRMSError OBJECT = LongName Data_Location = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" Value = "MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 5km SIN Grid" END_OBJECT = LongName OBJECT = ProcessingCenter Data_Location = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" Value = "MODAPS" END_OBJECT = ProcessingCenter OBJECT = SystemFileName Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 100 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = SystemFileName OBJECT = NumberOfGranules Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = NumberOfGranules OBJECT = GranuleDayNightFlag Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 32 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GranuleDayNightFlag OBJECT = GranuleDayOfYear Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 32 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = GranuleDayOfYear OBJECT = GranuleBeginningDateTime Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 32 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GranuleBeginningDateTime OBJECT = GranuleEndingDateTime Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 32 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GranuleEndingDateTime OBJECT = NumberOfOrbits Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = NumberOfOrbits OBJECT = CharacteristicBinAngularSize250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = CharacteristicBinAngularSize250m OBJECT = CharacteristicBinSize250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = CharacteristicBinSize250m OBJECT = DataColumns250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = DataColumns250m OBJECT = DataRows250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = DataRows250m OBJECT = GlobalGridColumns250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GlobalGridColumns250m OBJECT = GlobalGridRows250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GlobalGridRows250m OBJECT = NadirDataResolution250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = NadirDataResolution250m OBJECT = CharacteristicBinAngularSize500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = CharacteristicBinAngularSize500m OBJECT = CharacteristicBinSize500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = CharacteristicBinSize500m OBJECT = DataColumns500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = DataColumns500m OBJECT = DataRows500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = DataRows500m OBJECT = GlobalGridColumns500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GlobalGridColumns500m OBJECT = GlobalGridRows500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GlobalGridRows500m OBJECT = NadirDataResolution500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = NadirDataResolution500m OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand1 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand1 OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand2 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand2 OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand3 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand3 OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand4 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand4 OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand5 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand5 OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand6 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand6 OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand7 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage500MBand7 OBJECT = PercentDifferentOrbit250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentDifferentOrbit250m OBJECT = PercentProcessed Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentProcessed OBJECT = PercentLand Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentLand OBJECT = PercentCloudy Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentCloudy OBJECT = PercentShadow Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentShadow OBJECT = PercentLowSun Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentLowSun OBJECT = PercentLandSeaMaskClass Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 8 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentLandSeaMaskClass OBJECT = ProcessingEnvironment Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = ProcessingEnvironment OBJECT = DESCRrevision Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" VALUE = "5.0" END_OBJECT = DESCRrevision OBJECT = ProductionHistory Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ProductionHistory END_GROUP = ARCHIVEDMETADATA END Grid Structure: Note that as this file in intended only for use at the SCF. This file is not in HDF_EOS Grid format. Data conversions: parameter = scale_factor * (file data - add_offset) file data = (parameter / scale_factor) + add_offset The dimensions for all SDSs are Coarse_Resolution_5KM_Data_Lines, 240 Coarse_Resolution_5KM_Data_Samples, 240 =========================================================================== Name: Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 1 Data Type: INT16 Dimensions: (see above) HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 1 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name: Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 2 Data Type: INT16 Dimensions: (see above) HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 2 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name: Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 3 Data Type: INT16 Dimensions: (see above) HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 3 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name: Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 4 Data Type: INT16 Dimensions: (see above) HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 4 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name: Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 5 Data Type: INT16 Dimensions: (see above) HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 5 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name: Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 6 Data Type: INT16 Dimensions: (see above) HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 6 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name: Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 7 Data Type: INT16 Dimensions: (see above) HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 7 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name: Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance QA Data Type: UINT8 Dimensions: (see above) Description: Bit Definition 2-7 unused 0-1 cloud state key: 00 (0): clear 01 (1): cloudy 10 (2): mixed 11 (3): not set, assumed clear HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance units STRING 11 bit field valid_range INT16 2 0, 3 _FillValue INT16 1 3 QA bitmap index STRING 300 an index of how each value is mapped (see the description, above)