HDF-EOS V2 MODIS L3 Surface Reflectance Product Revision 6.0.0, 09-FEB-09 Product ID: MYD_PR09Q1 Description: MODIS Level 3 (L3) Land Surface Reflectance (LSR) - The L3 LSR product is a composite over a eight day period of the LSR data. For each grid location one value is selected which is the best possible value of the surface reflectance. The criteria for the choice are the cloudiness; cloud shadows; low solar zenith angle; and when several values pass these minimum quality criteria, the minimum channel 3 (blue) value. Point of Contact: Jim Ray Science Systems and Applications, Inc. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 614.5 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 405-8120 jim@ltdri.org Principal Investigator: Eric Vermote University of Maryland, College Park NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 614.5 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 405-8052 eric@ltdri.org =========================================================================== ECS metadata GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA GROUPTYPE = MASTERGROUP GROUP = ECSDataGranule OBJECT = LocalGranuleID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = LocalGranuleID OBJECT = ProductionDateTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "TK" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATETIME" END_OBJECT = ProductionDateTime OBJECT = DayNightFlag Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = DayNightFlag OBJECT = ReprocessingActual Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ReprocessingActual OBJECT = LocalVersionID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = LocalVersionID OBJECT = ReprocessingPlanned Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ReprocessingPlanned END_GROUP = ECSDataGranule GROUP = MeasuredParameter OBJECT = MeasuredParameterContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" GROUP = QAFlags CLASS = "M" OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "DP" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "Not Investigated" END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlag OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlagExplanation OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AutomaticQualityFlag OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ScienceQualityFlagExplanation END_GROUP = QAFlags GROUP = QAStats CLASS = "M" OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = QAPercentMissingData OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = QAPercentOutofBoundsData OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = QAPercentInterpolatedData END_GROUP = QAStats OBJECT = ParameterName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ParameterName END_OBJECT = MeasuredParameterContainer END_GROUP = MeasuredParameter GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain OBJECT = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomainContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingDate OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingTime OBJECT = OrbitNumber Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = OrbitNumber OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = EquatorCrossingLongitude END_OBJECT = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = OrbitCalculatedSpatialDomain GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass OBJECT = VersionID Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "INTEGER" Value = 6 END_OBJECT = VersionID OBJECT = ShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MYD09Q1" END_OBJECT = ShortName END_GROUP = CollectionDescriptionClass GROUP = InputGranule OBJECT = InputPointer Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 100 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = InputPointer END_GROUP = InputGranule GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer GROUP = GPolygon OBJECT = GPolygonContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "M" GROUP = GRingPoint CLASS = "M" OBJECT = GRingPointLongitude Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 4 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = GRingPointLongitude OBJECT = GRingPointLatitude Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 4 TYPE = "DOUBLE" END_OBJECT = GRingPointLatitude OBJECT = GRingPointSequenceNo Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 4 TYPE = "INTEGER" END_OBJECT = GRingPointSequenceNo END_GROUP = GRingPoint GROUP = GRing CLASS = "M" OBJECT = ExclusionGRingFlag Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ExclusionGRingFlag END_GROUP = GRing END_OBJECT = GPolygonContainer END_GROUP = GPolygon END_GROUP = HorizontalSpatialDomainContainer END_GROUP = SpatialDomainContainer GROUP = RangeDateTime OBJECT = RangeEndingDate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = RangeEndingDate OBJECT = RangeEndingTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = RangeEndingTime OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "DATE" END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningDate OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "TIME" END_OBJECT = RangeBeginningTime END_GROUP = RangeDateTime GROUP = PGEVersionClass OBJECT = PGEVersion Mandatory = "TRUE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = PGEVersion END_GROUP = PGEVersionClass GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MODIS" END_OBJECT = AssociatedSensorShortName OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "Aqua" END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformShortName OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName Mandatory = "TRUE" CLASS = "1" Data_Location = "MCF" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" Value = "MODIS" END_OBJECT = AssociatedInstrumentShortName END_OBJECT = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensorContainer END_GROUP = AssociatedPlatformInstrumentSensor GROUP = AdditionalAttributes OBJECT = AdditionalAttributesContainer Data_Location = "NONE" Mandatory = "FALSE" CLASS = "M" OBJECT = AdditionalAttributeName Mandatory = "FALSE" CLASS = "M" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = AdditionalAttributeName GROUP = InformationContent CLASS = "M" OBJECT = ParameterValue Mandatory = "FALSE" Data_Location = "PGE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ParameterValue END_GROUP = InformationContent END_OBJECT = AdditionalAttributesContainer END_GROUP = AdditionalAttributes ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.1 = QAPERCENTGOODQUALITY ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.2 = QAPERCENTOTHERQUALITY ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.3 = QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDCLOUD ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.4 = QAPERCENTNOTPRODUCEDOTHER ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.5 = HORIZONTALTILENUMBER ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.6 = VERTICALTILENUMBER ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.7 = TILEID ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.8 = PROCESSVERSION ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.9 = RESOLUTIONBANDS1AND2 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.10 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT250MBAND1 ADDITIONALATTRIBUTENAME.11 = QAPERCENTPOOROUTPUT250MBAND2 END_GROUP = INVENTORYMETADATA GROUP = ARCHIVEDMETADATA GROUPTYPE = MASTERGROUP OBJECT = SPSOParameters Data_Location = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" Value = "2015" END_OBJECT = SPSOParameters GROUP = BoundingRectangle OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = NorthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = SouthBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = EastBoundingCoordinate OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = WestBoundingCoordinate END_GROUP = BoundingRectangle OBJECT = GeoAnyAbnormal Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GeoAnyAbnormal OBJECT = GeoEstMaxRMSError Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GeoEstMaxRMSError OBJECT = LongName Data_Location = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" Value = "MODIS/Aqua Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid" END_OBJECT = LongName OBJECT = ProcessingCenter Data_Location = "MCF" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" Value = "MODAPS" END_OBJECT = ProcessingCenter OBJECT = SystemFileName Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 100 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = SystemFileName OBJECT = NumberOfGranules Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = NumberOfGranules OBJECT = GranuleDayNightFlag Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 32 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GranuleDayNightFlag OBJECT = GranuleDayOfYear Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 32 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = GranuleDayOfYear OBJECT = GranuleBeginningDateTime Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 32 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GranuleBeginningDateTime OBJECT = GranuleEndingDateTime Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 32 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GranuleEndingDateTime OBJECT = NumberOfOrbits Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = NumberOfOrbits OBJECT = CharacteristicBinAngularSize250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = CharacteristicBinAngularSize250m OBJECT = CharacteristicBinSize250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = CharacteristicBinSize250m OBJECT = DataColumns250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = DataColumns250m OBJECT = DataRows250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = DataRows250m OBJECT = GlobalGridColumns250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GlobalGridColumns250m OBJECT = GlobalGridRows250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GlobalGridRows250m OBJECT = NadirDataResolution250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = NadirDataResolution250m OBJECT = CharacteristicBinAngularSize500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = CharacteristicBinAngularSize500m OBJECT = CharacteristicBinSize500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "DOUBLE" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = CharacteristicBinSize500m OBJECT = DataColumns500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = DataColumns500m OBJECT = DataRows500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = DataRows500m OBJECT = GlobalGridColumns500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GlobalGridColumns500m OBJECT = GlobalGridRows500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = GlobalGridRows500m OBJECT = NadirDataResolution500m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = NadirDataResolution500m OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage250MBand1 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage250MBand1 OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage250MBand2 Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 16 Mandatory = "TRUE" END_OBJECT = QualityClassPercentage250MBand2 OBJECT = PercentDifferentOrbit250m Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentDifferentOrbit250m OBJECT = PercentProcessed Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentProcessed OBJECT = PercentLand Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentLand OBJECT = PercentCloudy Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentCloudy OBJECT = PercentShadow Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentShadow OBJECT = PercentLowSun Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 1 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentLowSun OBJECT = PercentLandSeaMaskClass Data_Location = "PGE" TYPE = "INTEGER" NUM_VAL = 8 Mandatory = "FALSE" END_OBJECT = PercentLandSeaMaskClass OBJECT = ProcessingEnvironment Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" TYPE = "STRING" NUM_VAL = 1 END_OBJECT = ProcessingEnvironment OBJECT = DESCRrevision Data_Location = "MCF" Mandatory = "TRUE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" VALUE = "5.0" END_OBJECT = DESCRrevision OBJECT = ProductionHistory Data_Location = "PGE" Mandatory = "FALSE" NUM_VAL = 1 TYPE = "STRING" END_OBJECT = ProductionHistory END_GROUP = ARCHIVEDMETADATA END StructuralMetadata.0 This string will be populated automatically by HDF-EOS. Grid Structure: MOD_Grid_250m_Surface_Reflectance Data Fields: sur_refl_b01, sur_refl_b02 and sur_refl_qc_250m Dimensions: Dimension Name Metadata Value YDim_MOD_Grid_250m_Surface_Reflectance "DataRows250m" XDim_MOD_Grid_250m_Surface_Reflectance "DataColumns250m" Corner Locations: Corner Values UpperLeftPointMtrs (Variable, Variable) LowerRightPointMtrs (Variable, Variable) Geographic Grid Projection Parameters: Integrized Sinusoidal Projection Projection GCTP_SNSOID ProjParam[0] 6371007.181 ProjParam[1 to 7] 0.0 ProjParam[8] 21600 ProjParam[9] 0.0 ProjParam[10] 1.0 ProjParam[11 to 12] 0.0 Spherecode -1 GridOrigin HDFE_GD_UL Interrupted Goodes Homolosine Projection Projection GCTP_GOOD ProjParam[0 to 12] 0.0 Spherecode 19 GridOrigin HDFE_GD_UL Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection Projection GCTP_LAMAZ ProjParam[0] 6371228.0 ProjParam[1 to 5] 0.0 ProjParam[6] Variable ProjParam[7 to 12] 0.0 Spherecode 19 GridOrigin HDFE_GD_UL =========================================================================== Data Fields: Each data field has at least the following 4 attributes: long_name (STRING) units (STRING) valid_range (agrees with data type of SDS) _FillValue (agrees with data type of SDS) Some data fields also contain some of the following attributes: add_offset (float64) add_offset_err (float64) calibrated_nt (int32) scale_factor (float64) scale_factor_err (float64) QA bitmap index (STRING) Data conversions: parameter = scale_factor * (file data - add_offset) file data = (parameter / scale_factor) + add_offset The dimensions for all SDSs are YDim_MOD_Grid_250m_Surface_Reflectance XDim_MOD_Grid_250m_Surface_Reflectance A value of "Variable" indicates that this value will vary according to the granule being processed. =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b01 INT16 (see grid structure) Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 1. HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Surface_reflectance_for_band_1 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_b02 INT16 (see grid structure) Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance for Band 2. HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Surface_reflectance_for_band_2 units STRING 11 reflectance valid_range INT16 2 -100, 16000 _FillValue INT16 1 -28672 scale_factor FLOAT64 1 0.0001 add_offset FLOAT64 1 0.0 scale_factor_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 add_offset_err FLOAT64 1 0.0 calibrated_nt INT32 1 5 =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_state_250m UINT16 (see grid structure) Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance 250m State flags. Bit Description 15 PGE11 internal snow mask; key: snow (1) or no snow (0) 14 BRDF correction performed; key: yes (1) or no (0) 13 Pixel is adjacent to cloud; key: yes (1) or no (0) 12 Snow/ice flag; key: yes (1) or no (0) 11 PGE11 internal fire mask; key: fire (1) or no fire (0) 10 PGE11 internal cloud mask; key: cloudy (1) or clear (0) 8-9 Cirrus detected; key: 00 (0): none 01 (1): small 10 (2): average 11 (3): high 6-7 Aerosol quantity; key: 00 (0): climatology 01 (1): low 10 (2): average 11 (3): high 3-5 Land/water flag; key: 000 (0): shallow ocean 001 (1): land 010 (2): ocean coastlines and land shorelines 011 (3): shallow inland water 100 (4): ephemeral water 101 (5): deep inland water 110 (6): ocean 111 (7): surface unknown (treated as land) 2 Cloud shadow; key: yes (1) or no (0) 0-1 Cloud state; key: 00 (0): clear 01 (1): cloudy 10 (2): mixed 11 (3): not set, assumed clear HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Surface_reflectance_250m_state_flags units STRING 9 bit field valid_range UINT16 2 0, 57343 _FillValue UINT16 1 65535 QA bitmap index STRING 2400 an index of how each value is mapped (see the description, above) =========================================================================== Name Data Dimensions Type sur_refl_qc_250m UINT16 (see grid structure) Description: MODIS Land Surface Reflectance 250m Band Quality Control flags. Bit Description 15 Spare (TBD) 14 Different orbit from 500m; key: yes (1) or no (0) 13 Adjacency correction performed; key: yes (1) or no (0) 12 Atmospheric correction performed; key: yes (1) or no (0) 8-11 Band 2 data quality, four bit range; test key: 0000 (0): highest quality 0111 (7): noisy detector 1000 (8): dead detector; data copied from adjacent detector 1001 (9): solar zenith >= 86 degrees 1010 (10): solar zenith >= 85 and < 86 degrees 1011 (11): missing input 1100 (12): internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant 1101 (13): quality so low that it is not useful 1110 (14): L1B data faulty 1111 (15): not useful for any other reason/not processed (e.g. clouds, ocean) 4-7 Band 1 data quality, four bit range; key: (same as "Band 2 data quality") 2-3 Spare (TBD) 0-1 MODLAND QA bits; key: 00 (0): corrected product produced at ideal quality -- all bands 01 (1): corrected product produced, less than ideal quality -- some or all bands 10 (2): corrected product not produced due to cloud effects -- all bands 11 (3): corrected product not produced for other reasons -- some or all bands, may be fill value [Note that a value of (11) overrides a value of (01)] HDF Attributes: Number of Values or Max. Attribute Data String Value Type Length long_name STRING 60 Surface_reflectance_250m_quality_control_flags units STRING 9 bit field valid_range UINT16 2 0, 32767 _FillValue UINT16 1 65535 QA bitmap index STRING 2200 an index of how each value is mapped (see the description, above)